Saturday, April 11, 2015

Saturday Standard—Busted in Bubbles: Rayne McKinnon's digital daily recording

I've taken a long hiatus from posting the Saturday Standard. It's time to revisit this fun little blog idea.

What is the Saturday Standard?

A fun little sneak peek behind the scenes, featuring character interviews or another type of glimpse into their lives, or six or seven questions about the setting, plot or character traits, or a collage of inspirational pictures I used while writing the manuscript. Basically, anything that strikes my fancy.

This week, I'm sharing an excerpt from Rayne McKinnon's daily digital recording. Rayne is the hero of Busted in Bubbles and he's almost achieved everything he planned, with one more client to sign. He's got a reason to be a little excited…

Let's listen in…

Set up a meeting with Jorn Pestle and plan to sell strong to win his business. The man does his homework so he knows I'll back up anything I promise. The timing couldn't be better to gain his corporate accounts. Triple S will be on site at the conference, which means Emsley Bourne will be in attendance. If all goes according to plan—and let's face it, when doesn't it?—I'll be able to have a conversation with her about more than coffee and security products.

The only iffy part is Emsley herself. She's such a wild card. But… if my gut is right, she'll get on board, especially if she pulls her usual stunt of short sheeting my bed. She'll have a challenge this time because I'm in a cabin instead of a standard room. Something tells me her unique skillset will see her through. I can't wait to find out.

End daily recap, Rayne McKinnon

Check out Rayne and Emsley's interaction after she uses her stealthy talent in Busted in Bubbles.

Is there anything better than a bath time romp with a hot man? Emsley Bourne wants to find out.

Available on Amazon

Rayne McKinnon sells a lucrative security-consulting job and it's time to move on to his next objective: adding a partner. He wants Emsley Bourne, personally and professionally, and puts a plan in motion to achieve his goal. She only has to follow through with her usual tradition.

Emsley lives for the next thrill, in business and life. She's got a unique skill set and uses it to gain access to Rayne's cabin to follow through on her standard short-sheeting escapade. Imagine her surprise when she discovers Rayne soaking in a tub full of bubbles. Busted, she can either flee the scene—or join Rayne for some bath time fun.

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