Sunday, March 18, 2018

Sunday Snippet: Five Minutes

Ugh, what a week. The crazy weather has me completely out of sync and my sleep patterns are trashed. Here's hoping spring gets here and I find my footing again.

I missed Legends this week and need to catch up. Same goes for The Flash, Black Lightning, and Riverdale. Seriously, my head wasn't into it at all. Gotham is also still on my catch up list.

I did watch two more DVDs of Chicago Fire. I'm really loving season five, through every heartbreaking moment even. And, man, there's been a lot this season. LOL

Also up to episode six of Jessica Jones. Gotta say I'm pretty happy with how the season is progressing. It's good to get the backstory of Jessica became "super". I will say I'm not quite sure about Griffin, friend or foe? The whole engagement think might be a red herring, yeah?

Got to catch the latest Passionflix movie The Matchmaker's Playbook. Loved it! I'm excited for the next installment, especially with W. Tyler Johnson. While I enjoyed him in Afterburn / Aftershock, he truly rocked in Matchmaker. Now if they'd only cast a few of my other fave actors, I'll be thrilled to death.

That's it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Five Minutes, a novella built on the idea that one of the main characters has to give up something important to them because they lost a bet.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Remy Deeds never welshes on a bet, until she loses to Eli Rogers, who can't understand why she backs out. But a five-minute kiss, with tongue, isn't something she wants to risk because giving up her last pack of coffee is so much easier than possibly losing her heart.

And a snippety peek…

Eli Rogers accelerated around a slow driver. "Damn. Hate it when I oversleep." Not like he wanted to linger where he'd been.
On cue, his phone rang. Felicity. It figured. He might as well get placate her while he could.
"Hello." The Bluetooth picked up the call.
"Eli? Where are you?" Her sleepy voice purred over the line.
"Driving down the interstate, babe. Headed home."
She made a tsking sound. "You crawled out of bed and left… without even saying goodbye?"
Eli rolled his eyes. He actually did say goodbye. Not his fault Felicity slept like the dead.
He tried for a quick, strategic explanation. "Yeah, sorry. I had to go. I'm already running late and I still need to pack."
She pounced. "Pack? For what?"
Shit. He should've kept the last part to himself. Too late now.
He sighed. "For the training exercise. You know, thirty days out in the wilderness with my team." He braced for impact.
"Thirty days! I thought the training was only a weekend thing." Her voice screeched over his speakers. "What am I supposed to do for a whole month?"
Frustrated, Eli said the first thing that came to mind. "Look, Felicity, you're welcome to find someone else to fill in. I don't expect you to sit around and wait."
She snarled. "Don't think I will, Eli." The abrupt cutting of the call made static burst through his vehicle.
Eli shrugged and passed another slow-moving car. The breakup didn't bother him. He and Felicity had been winding down anyway. His gut-check didn't even register the loss. What did bother Eli? The lack of connection. Felicity became one of a long line of exes that didn't affect him on a deeper level.
What did that say about him?
Did it matter right now? He'd be expected to set the tone for the training excursion. Which meant looking the other way and participating in the standard round of convenience flings during the month.
He sighed. "Not sure I want to do the whole hookup bingo this time around." At twenty-eight, he'd grown a little tired of the whole deal.
Then again, if he missed the briefing, it wouldn't matter. Because he wouldn't have a job.
Jamming his foot on the accelerator, he shaved several more minutes off his commute.

I hope this ends up being as funny and heartfelt as I'm going for. I love Remy and Eli.

That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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