Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sunday Snippet: Winning Hand

Holy crap. The ending for Bitten's latest episode is going to make waiting for the new one very difficult. I'm dying to see the last three episodes.

The Flash and Arrow also have me on the hot seat, impatiently awaiting the next showing. The Flash kind of messed with my mind and I really hope there's not a huge misstep coming up that's going to disappoint me. Arrow, on the other hand, can usually do no wrong, so the whole deal with Palmer and his meddling has me a little less concerned. I am a little twisted up over Lance falling back into Camp Opposition, but I have a feeling that's not going to last long. *fingers crossed*. I'm also wary over the fate of one of my faves. It's a gut thing and I hope I'm wrong… we'll see.

The Walking Dead season is almost over and I gotta say, this has been one of my favorites. It's so different from what we've had and I love it. Very sad about the loss of one of the new characters, but loved to see Eugene step up in a big way. Very curious about Gabriel and what's going on with him.

Enough television. Tonight's post is from Winning Hand, a sexy short where the outcome of a card game leaves the two participants with the winning hand.

Here's the tagline:

A night of poker takes a sexy turn when Hahn Canedy ups the ante and wagers a night of hot sex as his tithe. Tawni Capps can't resist calling the bet—either way she'll have the winning hand.

And a snippety peek…

Tawni smirked. "Come on, Hahn. Dream big and up the ante." She shrugged. "Or call. I wanna see what you've got."
He quirked a brow. "I've already won the big pot, tonight. Can't dream much bigger than that, you know." He fanned the cards in his hand, marveling at his lucky draw.
She chuckled. "Duly noted. But we're playing not playing for money right now. It's down to you and me so get on with the game." Her feet landed in the vacate chair to her right. "I don't have all night."
Of course she didn't. Probably had at least one meet-up planned and would end up closing down one of her favorite dive bars. Just once, he'd like her to stick around after poker night instead of flitting off to meet 'the girls'. Or worse, some random guy who would scratch the itch he wanted to relieve. They teased and flirted, but never moved beyond banter filled exchanges. For whatever reason, neither wanted to make the first foray into something more.
History and past experience sucked balls.
Maybe if he put his cards on the table, metaphorically speaking, and tested the waters…
Yeah, he'd go all in.
Straightening the hand, he laid it face down on the table and leaned in. "Okay, I want a hot night of sex if I win." His voice lowered. "One night. That's it."
Tawni's eyes went wide and she blinked before tilting her head to one side. "I'm sorry. Did you just say you're wagering sex?" Her head jerked back and forth. "No way. Uh uh. Not gonna happen." She gave one more emphatic negative shake. "No."
He settled against the back of the chair. "Hey, you told me to dream big. That's my ante." He crossed his arms over his chest. "Call or fold 'em."

Gotta love a great tension filled challenge, right? LOL

That's it for this week. Happy reading.


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