Sunday, June 7, 2015

Sunday Snippet: All Bets Off

How did half the year slip by already? Seriously, I think I'm still stuck back in January. LOL

Then again, I know it's summer when Strike Back returns! It's not on in the US yet, but I'll be happy to do a rewatch when it hits Cinemax. I'm totally bracing to not have a full team by the end of the ten episode run. Something tells me Stonebridge and Scott have been way too lucky to date. Just saying.

Orphan Black continues to bring it's A game. I love, love, love the dynamic of putting Helena with Allison. I will say I'm not at all surprised Rachel pulled a magic rabbit out of her ass. I'm actually a little thrilled I can still hate her. I totally want to see her and Rudy in a room together and honestly don't care if neither comes out. LOL

Bitten had its US finale on Friday and I knew what would happen but the losses still smacked me in the gut. Season three can't get here fast enough for me.

On the Teen Wolf front, I'm about halfway through season four and I'm slowing down a little so I don't have so long to wait for new episodes. Although, I guess I could totally do a complete rewatch from start to finish if I get through the last handful of episodes too quickly. :D

That's it for TV this week. Tonight's post is from All Bets Off, a sexy short where my main characters are close to realizing their attraction and acting on it.

Here's the tagline:

Kellen Bairds and Pierce Abbotson make friendly wagers on a regular basis until Kellen won't admit Pierce won their latest round. When he calls her on the lie, she gets angry because no amount of money on earth will make her reveal how kinky her dreams are. Or her feelings for him.

And a snippety peek…

Kellen always looked forward to the after closing wind-down with her coworkers on Sundays. From three AM to whenever they all got too tired or too drunk to continue the crew would do something fun to bust up the grind of working all week. Since the bar remained closed until the evening on Monday, no one would have to be available for the opening shift.
She wondered what mischief they'd get into this morning. Sometimes they played shots and darts, or flipped quarters, maybe truth or dare. None of those really interested her so she hoped for one shot, one question or high card picks. The last time they did the high card draw, she hit a streak and didn't drink a single glass, but she got each of her six coworkers completely drunk.
Winnie burst through the café doors, exiting the kitchen. "Kells, what's your fancy tonight?" She shuffled stools out of the way and dragged two tables together.
Kellen cocked her head to one side. "I don't know. Was thinking one shot, one question or maybe high card picks." She helped Winnie replace the chairs around the tables.
Pierce entered the bar area. "No way are we doing high card tonight. The last time we played Kellen had to walk us all home." He snagged several bottles of alcohol and carried them to the table.
Mark snorted. "Good thing we all live within five blocks of the place." He made two stacks of shot glasses and brought them over.
Roma and Kinley came in through the front door, Roma locking up and turning off the neon signs in the front window.
Kinley handed the inventory clipboard to Mark. "Storage is all locked up and the inventory listed. We're going to need paper products in the near future." She planted her butt on a stool. "What's the plan?"
Roma settled beside Kinley. "Yeah, who's choosing tonight?" She grabbed the shot glasses and slid one in front of each person.
Kellen laughed. "Apparently I'm not allowed to choose high card picks, so we'll go with one shot, one question." She poured tequila in each glass. "Who wants to go first?"

Kellen's lucky streak ends and she can't escape facing what she feels for Pierce, but she'll most definitely try. LOL

That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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