Sunday, November 13, 2016

Sunday Snippet: Quixotic Cake Capers

November 13, 2016

I'm always amazed by how fast the last three months of the year fly by. I look at today's date and think, wow, Thanksgiving is in less than two weeks. Which means Christmas is only a month away, then the New Year. It's crazy.

Television didn't disappoint this week, even with election coverage on Tuesday. I did skip The Walking Dead and watched Chris Hardwick for the after show. Sometimes I need some distance from my favorite shows. LOL

Gotham had a good episode. I'm not quite sure if I like not having as much Bruce and Alfred this season. I really like their chemistry and I love the way Alfred interacts with everyone else. Looks like we'll get more of them this week.

Arrow delivered, as usual. I quite love the interaction between Thea and Quentin. With his daughters gone and her parents out of the picture, the surrogate family connection is terrific. I'm very interested in what Miss Ratings-Grabber will do with the information she has on Oliver. Didn't really expect them to address the fact Oliver didn't spend all five years on the island. Glad they've decided to work that angle in.

Legends of Tomorrow had a fun episode. I'm still kind of iffy on the whole Ray thing, but I'm hoping he finds his true footing.

MacGyver's introduction of Murdoc turned out okay. Glad Bozer's in on the whole deal and hopeful they'll start using his skills at some point. Not sure about the Nicki thing, but I'll reserve judgment.

Need to catch up on Murdoch Mysteries and I have a Killjoys season one disc to watch, but that's it for television this week.

Tonight's post is from Quixotic Cake Capers, a sexy short that started with the prompt of writing a romantic comedy that has cheesecake. Very fun!

Here's the mini-blub:

Tori Plum decides a making a cheesecake for Gray Calhoun isn't beyond her capabilities even though she's definitely not a domestic goddess. Seventeen tries later, she's ready to call in the troops or throw in the towel.

And a snippety peek…

Gray exited the plane and made his way outside to catch a taxi. He'd spent the two-hour flight trying to wrap his head around the awkward morning. When did Tori turn into a domesticated fifties housewife? Okay, not the best description, but the whole breakfast fiasco threw him. And caught him completely by surprise. Of course, the image of Tori in a shirtwaist dress and pearls gave him a thrill. She'd totally pull off the stereotype and make it look super sexy. Throw in the seamed stockings and he'd probably swallow his tongue.
A yellow cab pulled up to the curb and Gray blinked, clearing the imagery, then opening the door. "Parkview Industries." He slid into the backseat and settled his carryon onto the vacant space.
The cabbie nodded. "Front or back entrance?" He merged into traffic and started toward the freeway.
Gray flashed a smile. "Either. Whichever is easiest for you." He knew his way around the entire building.
The driver inclined his chin and picked up speed.
Gray pulled his phone out of his duffel and checked email. A reminder pinged when he'd finished scrolling through his inbox.

One Year Anniversary: Don't forget to pick up flowers and wine.

Gray winced. "Crap. Makes sense now." He'd truly wondered why she'd tried the whole breakfast thing.
I love you for thinking of me but stick to the microwave.
Aw, shit. He'd more or less stuffed her gesture in her face. Jesus.
Scrolling through his contacts, he hit send and waited for her to pick up.
Dammit. She'd be working right now and wouldn't answer. The call went to voice mail and he opened his mouth to leave a message, but the cabbie cleared his throat.
The guy smiled. "Sorry, man, we're here."
Gray hit end and gathered his gear. "What do I owe you?" He fished his wallet out of his pocket.
"Twenty-five, ten."
Gray pulled out two twenties and handed them up to the driver. "Keep the change. Appreciate the quick trip." Popping the door open, he slid out and got his bearings.
Back entrance, which suited Gray just fine. He made his way into the building and took the stairs to the second floor. After checking in with his boss's assistant, he stowed his carry-on in the small office he used when at the company headquarters. He still had an hour before his meeting with the new clients.
Time enough to send a quick text to Tori.
"Sorry for the missed call. Forgot you were on a tight deadline. Will try to call after meeting before we leave for the hockey game."
He fired off the message then quickly placed an order for a large bouquet of wildflowers. He'd pick them up on his way home tomorrow, along with a bottle of wine.
And maybe something else to make up for being a huge ass this morning.

This one is fun but the sages are a little stingy with the words. We'll see how it goes.

That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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