Sunday, September 22, 2019

Sunday Snippet: Unacceptable Behavior

My second senior night is in the books. We got to participate in pre-game moments for the football game, meet with our daughter on the field, and basically bask in her glory for band. We are so, so lucky with her particular group of friends. They've been together for a long time, most of them since elementary school, and it's terrific to watch how they hold each other up and make themselves accountable.

I also got to finally attend one of her band competitions. She's got a duet with another senior and they sounded terrific. I'm hoping I can make more of her shows this year.

My week was jammed with work and running around but I did get to watch some of my usual standbys, starting with Peter Gunn. I finished up the second season and got a start on the third and final one. I should have that one finished up by the end of the month.

I also caught two more arcs of Classic Who and have started on the third doctor's series. This week's episodes were, Spearhead from Space and Doctor Who and the Silurians. I rather like the third doctor so far.

Watched three more Midsomer Murders episodes. I thoroughly enjoyed each one. I'm into series eighteen, so I only have two more to go.

I finished up another episode of Blue Heelers and started a new one. The new one features an almost washed-up footie player, which is fun for me because the US, at least in my part of it, doesn't really follow soccer, unless it's during the championships. Then everyone and their brother has a team. Seriously, it's bonkers.

That's pretty much it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Unacceptable Behavior, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Blain Donahue wants to buy into a fight club and decides to invest when he meets the main attraction Roxane Kewes. He's known her a long time—since high school where she constantly got in trouble—and thinks it's great she's found an outlet for her unacceptable behavior.

And a snippety peek…

Blain Donahue glanced up from his homework. The second week of school and his routine already bored him. But… getting out of homeroom and enrichment class to work as the dean's student aide didn't suck and gave him something to do during his free period.
The second bell, signaling the start of the school day hadn't rung yet when the new girl—Roxane Kewes, entered the office flanked by Mrs. Barstow and Wes Brently, holding a wad of tissues to his nose.
Blain bit back a grin at the sight of Brently's bloody face. "Couldn't happen to a more deserving asshole." Brently loved to throw his family connection around to get away with being a complete dick.
The chemistry teacher stopped at Blain's desk. "We need to see Mr. Cline, right now." She huffed out a sigh.
Blain started to get up, but Mr. Cline opened his door, got a look at Wes, and motioned him inside the office. Mrs. Barstow opened her mouth to speak, but Cline waved her off. She made a grumbling sound but turned and left the main office. Roxane's lips curved in a smirk when Wes whined, "Stupid new chick smashed my nose." The closing door stopped any additional complaints from coming through.
Blain wanted to laugh out loud over Brently getting his face bloodied up by the newest addition to the high school roster.
He couldn't help but ask questions.  "You're new, right? Roxane?" He had the joy—not—of entering all the student names into Cline's database.
She nodded, but didn't answer directly.
Blain plowed forward. "I'm Blain Donahue." He leaned back in his chair. "And not that I don't appreciate the poetic justice, but what made you think faceplanting the meanest asshole in school would be a good idea?" He honestly thought she might be a little insane.
Roxane shrugged. "Take out the biggest, baddest kid in school and no one messes with you." She paused a moment. "And I don't like guys who strut around thinking it's okay to stick their crotch in someone's face." Her fingers curled into her palms.
Blain straightened in his seat. "He did that?" Wow, a new low… even for Brently.
Roxane gave a terse nod. "Yeah. And I'm not sure Silvia Glenn knows it's perfectly okay to either dick punch dudes who do that or shove their face in a table then throw a right hook." She lifted a shoulder. "Either way, she won't have to worry about whiny Wes trying to intimidate her anymore."
Blain had a solid appreciation for her reasoning, but Roxane didn't know why Brently got away with the shit he did.
He snorted. "Don't be so sure." He leaned forward a little and pitched his voice low. "You might have bit off more than you expected here. Whiny Wes is Cline's nephew. The dude gets away with anything and everything." And thank fuck no one would have to deal with him after this year.
Roxane gave Blain a level look. "Took me less than a full day to catch on to that fact." Her tone indicated she had no worries about her future.
Which kind of put him in his place.
He settled back again. "Yeah, well, it sucks big hairy balls, but no one can do anything about it." More than a few people had tried, from teachers to bus drivers to students.
Roxan quirked an eyebrow. "Really? Maybe that's about to cha—" She broke off when Cline's door opened.
Wes strolled out a nasty sneer on his now cleaned up face. "Get ready for a year-long detention, bitch." He puffed his chest out, posturing like a rooster.
Roxane stared him down. "We'll see about that." She gave him a sweet smile.
Mr. Cline barked out an order. "Wes, get back to class." He pinned Roxane with his gaze. "Ms. Kewes, if you'll come in, please." He left the door halfway open per school regulations.
Blain strained to hear the conversation, but Mr. Cline and Roxane spoke in hushed tones and whispers. Not fifteen minutes later, Mr. Cline swung the door open again and Roxane exited, a serene expression on her face.
She stopped by Blain's desk and he swallowed his shock when Mr. Cline followed her out of the office, his face drained of color.
Cline motioned to Blain. "Give Ms. Kewes a pass to get back to class." He slid a quick glance toward Roxane. "I trust we won't have any more unacceptable behavior from you?"
Roxane gave him a bland stare. "As long as there isn't more from your nephew." Her lips curved in a confident smile.
Cline made a terse nod then stepped back inside his office and all but slammed the heavy steel slab shut.
Blain blinked and shook his head. "How—"
Roxane held up a hand. "Trade secret. Someday, if you're lucky, I might just tell you." A wide grin split her face.
Blain scribbled his signature on the little piece of paper and sat back. "I'll look forward to that." He handed the pass over. "You're amazing." She'd blown his mind.
Roxane tucked the pass in her pocket and flashed another smile. "Thanks. See ya around." She left the main hub and headed down the hall.
Blain hoped he got the chance to hear how she came out on top with Cline and Brently.

Roxane is a treat to write and Blain is fun because he takes a page from her book.

That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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