Sunday, February 16, 2020

Sunday Snippet: Zipline and Sinker (a South of the Border novella)

February 16, 2020

Ugh. What a rough week. I've been battling some wicked-bad insomnia lately and I hate walking around like a zombie and trying to catch some much needed rest whenever I can. Not a fun time.

I did have a wonderful revelation on Thursday, which was my youngest's eighteenth birthday. To date, the husband and I have successfully raised three offspring to adulthood. Now to get her through prom and graduation then off to college. LOL

Slow week for television, mainly due to the insomnia. I caught a full arc of Classic Who and had a thought… the Daleks have been around for a long, long time. Just saying.

Got back into Gargoyles and watched a couple of episodes. The second season is super long and it'll be a while before I get through all of the various stories.

Watched a few episodes of Danger Man. This is pretty much a rewatch of the series for me, but it's nice to have a thirty-minute show to sink into while I'm doing dishes or cooking dinner.

Caught an episode of Murdoch Mysteries and finally discovered what would happen with the neighbors. I'd forgotten about the hotel detective and his mad vendetta against Murdoch. All in all, a satisfying wrap-up to the storyline. Sadly, the widow might end up rearing her vengeful head at some point in the series. That should be interesting.

I watched another episode of Arrow and I can honestly say I'm impressed with Stephen's performance. He brings the emotional element to the screen every episode. That said, he mentioned in an interview that Emily's decision to not be involved in most of season eight made the show feel kind of wrong (absolutely paraphrasing here) because Felicity is the heart of the show and no Felicity means no heart. I totally get that. But… it's kind of cool to see the reunions Oliver is having with people from his past. Talia and Thea teaming up could be a show on its own, especially if Nyssa got involved at some point. Just saying. Also really interesting to see what's going on in the futurescape, especially with the twist at the end of the episode.

Getting ready to start an episode of Riverdale and watch the premiere episode of Strike Back's final season. I also plan to watch the Passionflix original, The Will sometime this week. Looking forward to some great screen time.

That's it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Zipline and Sinker, a South of the Border novella.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Vaughn Dyson is a relic hunter who goes out of her way to save old treasures and preserve their place in history. But when Faulkner Roush gets word she's trying to smuggle a priceless artifact out of South America, he has to track her down before a rival, out for profit, group gets to her.

And a snippety peek…

Faulkner Roush answered the phone after checking the screen. "Yo, Vail. How's the quiet life treating you?" His buddy had gone and found the woman of his dreams and finally settled down.
Something Faulk envied… even if he'd had his shot. Too bad the woman Faulk wanted didn't do the whole stay in one place thing.
Vail gave a short answer. "Good." Then he dropped a bomb. "Someone put a target on Vaughn's back and the payoff is in the six-digit range."
So, it finally happened. Vaughn Dyson, otherwise known as the woman who never stayed in one place, had pissed someone off enough for them to eliminate her. Faulk shouldn't give a damn. She'd pretty much told him to fuck off the last time he'd seen her.
But he did give a damn.
Putting Vail on speaker, Faulk headed for his bedroom. "Where is she?" He grabbed his go-bag and checked it over.
Vail sighed. "Intel's sketchy, but she's somewhere in…" He rattled off coordinates for an area. "I know. It's a lot of land mass to cover."
Faulk keyed in the digits and snorted. "Yeah, it is. Remote and hard to navigate." He knew the region well. "Who put the bounty on her?" He'd have to know who in order to know what to expect.
Vail didn't hesitate. "Bishop Cramer." He snarled the name, no doubt because he'd had a run in or two with the black market kingpin.
Faulk growled. "Fuck. It figures." Dammit, Vaughn.
Only Vaughn would get trapped in such a crappy place with a price on her head issued by the man who probably hated her more than most. If his goon squad got her, no one would ever find the body—
Vail broke into Faulk's musings. "Look, I can get free and meet you. I can also call Lars and Hayden, see if they can help—"
Faulk shook his head. "No need." While he'd welcome the assist—after all, Lars owed Faulk for saving his life after a nasty meet-up with a knife—he'd travel lighter and quieter alone.
Searching his memory, he scrolled a little further on the map, zooming in to get a better look and—bingo—he found what he needed.
Faulk tapped the screen. "I might need a place to regroup after I get her out. Is the offer to visit still open?"
Vail's confusion came through when he answered. "Uh, always. It sounds like you already know where you'll find her."
Faulk snorted. "Not the precise location… but I do know exactly where to look."
A little mission not far from an abandoned excavation site. Working with Vaughn gave him a slight advantage—he knew her thought processes—but Cramer's men wouldn't take long to track her down. Faulk had maybe twenty-four hours before she'd be in the red zone of their sites.
If she's not already.
Vail wished Faulk luck and ended the call.
Faulk hit the ground running, called in several favors, and planned to be parachuting back into Vaughn's life in just over six hours.

I love this little adventure romance series. Faulk will get to visit with at least one other couple from the other books and Vaughn will make some new friends.

That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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