Sunday, April 12, 2020

Sunday Snippet: Auld Lang Syne

I think we're starting to get used to our state of affairs. For me, it's not a huge change. The household still has three workers deemed essential and one who can work depending on the weather. Financially, we're feeling a pinch but not a hard bite. We're still trying to show support for the restaurants and local businesses to help ease their concerns.

Kind of a slow week for television, mainly because I've been feeling kind of blah. When the weather goes from warm to cold then back again twice in one week, I react poorly. My sleep schedule is way out of whack right now. Bleh.

I finished up Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears. I loved it!! The conclusion ended up being perfect with a callback to the series and Phryne's biggest fear. And the movie let Phryne stay in character so to speak. I won't spoil anything but the romance ended up being exactly right for Phryne and Jack.

I also got to check out the behind the scenes footage and a Q and A with Essie Davis. Fun stuff. If you get a chance, check this movie out on Acorn.

Watched the penultimate episode of season one Peak Practice. I'll finish up the series this week coming up. I can quite decide if I like Will or if I think he's a complete prat. Or … if I actually like him because he's a prat. LOL

Caught the Death to the Daleks arc of Classic Who. I'm not sure how many episodes are left in season eleven, but I'm looking forward to revisiting the fourth doctor in the next series.

I decided to see if I can catch some musicals and concerts that are streaming right now. I watched an amalgamation of Cirque du Soliel, featuring Amaluna and two other shows. I'll be watching another one later this week and then searching for a musical or orchestra concert to watch.

I'm doing a trial with CBS All Access and watched the first episode of Picard. I'm intrigued. The reviews were mixed but I can safely say I kind of want to know what the hell is going on with the Romulans and the Borg and the federation and AIs. I'll be tuning in for another episode for certain.

Caught episode four of Strike Back. I'm very pleased one of the characters got to live to see another day. I love how much Chetri does on the down low. I also love how Coltrane does what he thinks he should do but changes on the fly when loyalty comes into play. This show … I'm going to miss it so much when it's over.

This week's Strike Back Declassified ended up being really good. Seeing into the thought process is always fun and hearing how they shoot things in long takes amazes me.

Watched two more episodes of Gargoyles. I'd forgotten how much Demona annoyed the crap out of me. I'm getting a crash course during the rewatch. LOL

Caught episode two of The Witcher. Again, this show intrigues me. I'm following along fairly well and I like having the three storylines playing out on the screen. Looking forward to the next episode.

That's pretty much it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Auld Lang Syne, a novella that got a start from wanting to see how Delaney, Scotty, and Westin fared after Mistletoe Madness.

Here's the mini-blurb:

When a New Year's Eve party turns into a surprise memorial for Delaney Nixon's mom, Scotty London and Westin Ames help Delaney face the auld lang syne with grace and gratitude while it stirs up old memories. The trio then returns home for some much needed TLC.

And a snippety peek…

December 27

Delaney Nixon woke up in her new favorite position, surrounded by Scotty London and Westin Ames.
How did my life get this good?
The how would be the two men from her past who’d put her future back on track.
Scotty’s hand cupped her breast. “Morning, Del.” His lips nuzzled her shoulder.
Westin trailed his fingers along her thigh. “Sleep well?” He caught her mouth in a quick kiss.
Delaney stretched, her body sated from the previous night. “Mmm. Yes. Amazingly well.” She turned over and meshed her lips with Scotty’s.
Westin’s alarm went off and he snagged his phone to silence it. “Well, that’s my cue.” He propped up on one elbow and lowered his head to flick his tongue over her nipple. “I’ll get the coffee started and grab a shower downstairs.” Sliding from the bed, he dug his boxers out from under his jeans and put them on.
Delaney sighed. What a crime to cover such a spectacular ass.
Scotty chuckled. “You love looking at his butt, don’t you?” He shifted onto his back and tucked an arm behind his head.
Delaney laughed. “I do. But I also love perving on yours.” She rolled over and snuggled into his side. “You guys were blessed with fantastic backsides.” Her palm skimmed over his chest. "Hmm. Front's not so bad either." Tilting her chin upward, she met his gaze. "I think I need to pinch myself. This can't be real."
Scotty's lips curved. "Oh, but it is." His arms wrapped around her. "And it's probably time to decide if we're going to the annual New Year's ball or not."
Delaney dropped her gaze. "I'm not sure it's a good idea." Their arrangement wouldn't be considered normal by a long shot.
"What's not a good idea?" Westin strolled into the bedroom with a towel around his hips to retrieve his clothes from last night. "By the way, coffee's ready." His hair stood out in crazy directions from the shower.
Scotty shifted and sat up. "Del's still not sure about going to the ball. Maybe you can talk her into it." He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and grabbed his boxers, pulling them on before heading to the bathroom.
Westin settled on the edge of the mattress. "What's going on? Is this about your mom?" His brow quirked.
Delaney shrugged. "It's part of it. The rest is all about going public. You both have businesses to worry about."
Westin laughed. "Delaney, babe, I know you're not worried about mine. My clientele doesn't get done in over this type of thing." He glanced toward the bathroom. "London, on the other hand, could face some backlash." His hand clasped hers. "That's what this is about, yeah?"
She flushed hotly but nodded. "It's not fair to him. But it's not fair to any of us if we have to act like we're not together." Frankly, she didn't want to pretend otherwise.
Westin tugged her forward. "Talk to him. Tell him you're concerned and let him decide if there's a reason to be." He caught her mouth in a quick kiss then stood up to head for his room.
Delaney shook her head. "Where did all his wisdom come from?" Kind of a stupid question.
He'd always been smart and the time he served in the military honed his intelligence further, giving him the ability to cut through the drama and focus on the important angles.
Slipping out from under the sheet, Delaney pulled on a robe and headed downstairs to get coffee for her, Scotty, and Westin, if he needed a refill.

I hope this turns out the way I want it to. I'm very fond of this trio and want to do them justice.

That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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