Sunday, August 14, 2022

Sunday Snippet: The Deep End

Had a crazy week with new projects sliding into my inbox and each of them is interesting and a little different for me. I love diving into new areas. I'm also trying to get ready for a vacation and it's a little daunting because I haven't traveled much recently.

Ended up getting a lot of television viewing in this week. I had a good handle on my work stuff and kept the shows going in the background.

I finished up the first season of Moon Knight and ended up enjoying the series overall. I wouldn't mind seeing more at all.

Also finished The Hardy Boys and I'm a little torn over how I feel about where everything ended up. On one side, there are so many possibilities for a third season. On the other, I'm struggling to buy-in to the whole swap at the end and a miraculous wish being granted that one of the characters had. I'll let both sit with me for a while and see how I feel if and when a third season comes around.

Watched an episode of Peak Practice and I kind of feel for Joanna. Also kind of wondering when Andrew will be back and if he'll still be as self-destructive as he always seems to be.

Caught two MasterClass lessons with Roxane Gay. The first one discussed writing about trauma and the second offered feedback for an essay. I thoroughly enjoy the way Roxane presents information.

Enjoyed two episodes of The Babysitters Club. Again, I'm so disappointed there won't be more to the story after this season ends. This is such a great show!

Watched another episode of The Ready Room. Anson Mount had some great moments during his interview. It's always fun when the actors are huge fans of the Trek 'verse.

Caught two more episodes of Driven. I have one left and I'm excited to see how this series ends. I have a lot of love for this one.

Ended up viewing two episodes of Chicago Med. I'm starting to feel the same way about April as I do about Natalie, which is disappointing. I realize both are leaving the series, but the dings to their characterizations don't seem fair.

Watched a two-part Batman: The Animated Series and forgot how much I liked the origin story of Clayface in this one.

Started Ted Lasso after a lot of pestering from my brother. I have the first two episodes watched and, so far, it's quite good. Everyone raves about the show so I'm confident I'll enjoy the whole thing.

Caught another of The Agatha Christie Hour. Really enjoyed this one. It was actually kind of campy and fun with a lot of mistaken identity and misadventure.

Watched a two-part Silent Witness and loved the twisty turns in the show. Ended up being surprised a couple of times by things I didn't expect.

Enjoyed two episodes of Classic Who. Wrapped up the second arc and should start a new one this week.

Caught another episode of Strangest Things. This one focused on relics that were supposed to help see the future.

Finished up season three of Harrow. Gotta say I ended up being very happy with the conclusion. I truly hope we'll see a season four, even with annoying boss lady.

Enjoyed another episode of Blue Heelers. This one had some interesting reveals with Adam, which is probably long overdue.

Watched two episodes of Classic Rugrats and finished out season three. I'll be starting season four this week.

Also caught another episode of The Brokenwood Mysteries. This one had a great mystery with some fun twists. I'm kind of hoping Gina is done pining for Mike but I somehow doubt she is.

That pretty much sums up the life update this week. Tonight's post is from The Deep End, a novella that explores what happens when the main character meets the wrong brother first—one of my favorite tropes.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Raelin is six months into a relationship with Eames, but isn't feeling the spark … until she meets Eric, Eames's brother. The sibling rivalry takes an ugly turn and Raelin takes a big step back so the men can mend fences.

And a snippety peek…

Eric finished his morning hike through the park and headed for the parking lot. A familiar blue SUV pulled into a slot a few spaces away from his new vehicle. He paused a moment, trying to catch a glimpse of the driver.

Sure enough, his sixth sense kicked in. "Raelin." He didn't think too hard about his quickened step.

His curiosity won out over everything else. The need to interact with her outweighed his better sense.

Stopping by his car, he gave a wave when she shut her door. "Uh, hi. Didn't know you hiked here." Lame, but couldn't just hit her with the question he wanted to ask.

Raelin's eyes widened. "Um, yeah. Usually once a week." She tucked her water bottle into her pocket. "Are you visiting? Or did you accept the job offer?"

He lifted his chin. "Accepted the job. I sublet a condo from the company."

Her lips curved in a brief smile. "Nice. I'll bet Eames is glad to have you in town." She glanced away and rocked back on her heels.

Eric took the opportunity. "Can I ask what happened? Why you split with him?"

She tilted her head to one side. "Didn’t he tell you?"

Eric rolled a shoulder. "He told me his side. I’m interested in yours." Eames didn't trash her … in fact, he basically shrugged off the whole breakup.

Raelin held Eric's gaze for a moment then gave a brutally honest answer. "Felt a spark for another guy and didn’t see a future with Eames. Didn't seem right to stay together." Her version pretty much matched his brother's account.

Eric gave a nod. "Fair enough." He almost left things there, but he had to know. "You hooked up with the guy?" He hoped he hid his disappointment that she might be dating someone else.

Figures she met someone. Why did his timing always suck?

She studied him a long moment, hesitating with her answer. "No. Haven't seen him again…" She paused, glanced away then whipped her gaze back to his. "Until now."

His eyes went wide. "Me? You felt it, too?" He'd halfway convinced himself he'd imagined the vibe between them.

Raelin ran a hand through her hair. "Yeah, and I waited a full week to see if thoughts of you would fade." She waited a beat. "And they didn’t. I couldn't stay with Eames under the circumstances, even if I didn’t tell him you’re the one that piqued my interest."

He had no idea what to say and an awkward silence followed her declaration.

Eric considered how to respond, weighing options. He had a wicked attraction to Raelin, but how weird would it be to date his brother's ex? But … Eames didn't seem too broken up over the split.

He had to test the waters. "So … would you consider dinner? Or just coffee?" He lifted a hand. "No pressure or anything."

Raelin tilted her head again. "Are you asking me out?"

Eric nodded. "Um, yeah. Too weird for you?" Not that he would blame her.

Raelin thought for a moment. "Maybe. But coffee sounds great sometime."

Probably happier than he should be, Eric pushed his luck. "How about tomorrow?"

She huffed out a laugh. "I'm tied up all morning until after two, but I'm free the rest of the day." Her eyes sparkled with humor.

Eric grinned. "Tomorrow it is. The Jitter Bean?"

Raelin gave a nod. "Great choice. See you there." With a quick wave, she headed for the trail.

Eric leaned against his vehicle, a little amazed. "Huh. She felt it, too."

I'm excited about this story. I love sibling rivalries and meeting the wrong brother first is also a favorite thing to explore.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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