Sunday, December 11, 2022

Sunday Snippet: Hang Ten

Had a rough week with an ear infection and a cracked tooth. The antibiotic is definitely helping but functioning with a fuzzy brain from discomfort is not fun.

I did get a lot of Batman: The Animated Series episodes in. I started with season one number forty-eight and ended with sixty-four. I'm not all the way through "Paging the Crime Doctor" yet but should finish it up today.

Again, there were a few forgotten but so good episodes. "The Mechanic" and "The Man Who Killed Batman" are two that were excellent. Interestingly, Sid the Squid is mentioned later but it's not the same character from "The Man Who Killed Batman."

Two of my favorite two-parters were in this bunch, "Robin's Reckoning" and "Shadow of the Bat." I loved both. The first because it dives into Dick's backstory and shows how much Bruce and Batman care for Dick / Robin. The second because it introduces Batgirl. Another two-part arc with Ra's and Talia, "The Demon's Quest," is also pretty solid.

I also forgot about the second concluding (I think) episode "Day of the Samurai" that wrapped up Bruce's history with his instructor and rival.

"Zatanna" is another one I always enjoy. I love seeing the journey Bruce took to become Batman. I also enjoyed "Read My Lips" that introduced the ventriloquist. One I forgot about is "Fire From Olympus," which feels a little out of place in the Batman realm but I kind of like it because of that.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Hang Ten, a novella with surf, sand, and a sexy couple.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Farren and Penn—professional surfers—have very different styles when competing. Farren goes for broke, taking chances with moves that others won't try. Penn is all about the physics of his craft, sometimes holding back because he can't predict everything. Two different methods, opposite ends of the spectrum, but an interesting mix when they're off their boards and out of the water.

And a snippety peek…

Farren made her way to the string of cabins local contestants used for the competition. "Might as well see the damage I did." She tucked her board against the rough-hewn wood then went around to the front of the three-room building.

Her lips twitched when she spotted Penn sleeping in the hammock next door. Her heart practically sighed at the sight. The man made relaxing look incredibly sexy.

She'd been with Joe when Penn rode his wave, but she did get to see him accept top honors as overall champion after placing first in his heat. She hadn't congratulated him yet because she'd been waylaid by a blogger covering the competition. They got an awesome shot of her wipeout and several of Penn's winning ride.

She smirked. "He'll be smug at the fire later tonight." Rightfully so, but… still.

She spared a brief thought about waking him, but decided not to. He had the right idea … a nap sounded good. After all, she'd been injured and her chin ached.

She quietly entered the cabin and rinsed off in the shower, keeping the water cool to keep her face from stinging under the spray. After getting settled on the bed with her shoulders propped up, she set her phone alarm for two hours. Closing her eyes, she let her thoughts wander to the gathering at the fire pit the surfers would attend later.

She shifted lower to get more comfortable. "I'll have to figure out a way to take Penn down a peg so his ego doesn't get too puffed up." Considering she'd wiped out, she had to find her fun somewhere.

Then again … maybe she wouldn't have to do anything. Penn would get one look at her board-burned face and keep the bragging to a minimum. And … he might make her epic fail up to her later … after the fire died down and they returned to the cabins.

Her mouth curved upward. "If I play my cards right…"

I love having fun with building anticipation. Farren and Penn are competitive and very friendly rivals, which makes them a joy to write.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!



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