Sunday, November 19, 2023

Sunday Snippet: The Not Quite Ready Weekend

Entering thankful week with so much to think about and be grateful for. There's a lot going on in life right now and some of it's not great. But … there's also so much that's good and I always try to focus on the good stuff. I spent way too many years as a glass half empty girl. The stress of that did not do me any favors.

I got to edit an amazing holiday story, which I didn't expect and I'm so happy I got the project. It's from one of my favorite authors too!

My husband started a new job that he can do during his off season from the golf course, which is an amazing opportunity.

I got to watch a play my daughter did the entire lighting setup for, and I'm so glad I got to go and see what she's accomplished with her theater major. I already get to hear her radio show for her media production major. She has a semester left and I can't wait to see the amazing things she does with her future.

Had a pretty decent week of television viewing. I managed a full round of my current slate of shows, minus the Battlestar Galactica rewatch. Hoping to pick it back up this week.

Started out with the first half of a two-part Silent Witness. Kind of an interesting case mixed in with the personal aspect for the characters.

Caught another Death in Paradise. This is an episode I got to see part of before and it's nice to have the full context of everything that happened.

Loved the episode of Only Murders in the Building. So awesome to see Theo again. I love his friendship with Mabel. I'm kind of hoping the trio is back together by the next episode, but it's fun to see Mabel interact with other people. Going to miss seeing her in her aunt's apartment though.

Watched another episode of The Batman. This one introduced the Riddler. I'd forgotten how much teamwork between Yin and Batman was in this one.

Enjoyed another episode of Classic Rugrats. I kind of remembered both and liked being able to sort of rewatch and still be a little surprised.

Caught an episode of VIP. This one ended up being a lot of fun and had some terrific character moments.

Watched an episode of My Life Is Murder. Nice to see Alexa kind of joining in and participating in a celebration. Here's hoping we get more of that in later episodes.

Also got another episode of Agatha Raisin in. This ended the second series and had so many great moments. I'm excited to see what season three brings.

And that's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from The Not Quite Ready Weekend, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the miniblurb:

Angie Strickland and Derrick Fields are thrown together when they're called upon to care for their best friends' little one for a three-day weekend. Their biggest challenge is getting a crash course in what it's like to be a parent while dancing around an unacknowledged attraction. By the end of the weekend, Angie and Derrick are exhausted and certain of one thing—they want to be together but they're not quite ready for parenthood.

And a snippety peek…

Angie Strickland answered the phone on the third ring. "Hi, Janie. What's going on?" Hopefully a girls' night … it had been ages since Angie had been out with her friend.

Of course, having a kid made getting out a lot more challenging. But the little sweetie is so damn cute. And her godchild to boot.

Janie heaved a weary sigh. "I have a huge, huge favor to ask." Her voice wobbled a little. "Mark has a business conference that I'm supposed to attend with him, and both sets of grandparents are traveling. Can you stay with Lydia?" A shuddery breath followed.

Angie frowned. "Are you okay? What's going on?" She realized she didn't answer the question. "Of course, I'll stay with Lyds." A fissure of nerves skittered along her spine.

Janie squealed a little. "Oh, thank you. I'm not sure I'm ready for being away from her, but this conference is important, especially if Mark wants a promotion soon."

Angie commiserated even though she had zero experience with maternal instincts. "Well, you can look at this as a trial run? And I can FaceTime you every day, so you won't have to miss Lydia too much." And so Janie could clue Angie in on how to care for a six-month-old.

Janie made a sound between a chuckle and a sob. "That's actually a great idea. Mark is having a tough time with the idea of leaving her, too, but I'm struggling so much right now. Mom said to do it now when Lyd is sleeping through the night but not mobile yet. And it's supposed to get easier after the first time." Her tone said she didn't quite believe that statement.

Angie didn't really have a point of reference, so she changed the subject. "When do you need me?" Luckily, her weekends were wide open since she'd ended her relationship with her douche canoe ex.

Janie hemmed a little. "Wellll, it's this weekend. We're leaving Friday after Mark gets off work and returning late Sunday. So sorry for the short notice."

Angie shook her head. "No, it's all right. You know I don't have any plans. I'll come by in the afternoon, and you can give me a crash course in all things baby." And, hopefully, she would remember everything.

Janie let out a happy sigh. "That's perfect. I can't thank you enough."

Angie laughed. "Yes, you can. If this goes off without a hitch, we can have a girls' night soon." And Angie would make sure everything went smoothly.

Or die trying…

This story is in the very, very beginning stages but the sages are flinging ideas at me in rapid succession. Can't wait to see where it goes.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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