Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Veritas

A weird week of chilly weather and lots of cleaning projects. I'm at that place where the clutter is driving me bonkers, but I don't have enough hours in the day to really focus on a good cleanout. So … I'm tackling small areas to at least make a little progress.

Lots of work projects landing in my inbox. A few have been quick turnarounds, which I enjoy. I love having a project that I can finish up in a few hours. That type of work helps when I also have three difficult manuscripts that challenge my brain and one that requires a lot of focus.

Had a solid week of viewing. I'm still trying to finish up an episode of Peak Practice, but I made it through a full round of shows.

Started with Mr. and Mrs. Murder, an Australian mystery series. I've seen several episodes but not in order and I'm looking forward to watching this one from beginning to end. Thoroughly enjoyed the first episode, which I had not seen.

Also started a new-to-me British crime drama called London Kills. Loved the first episode and look forward to watching this series.

Caught another episode of Death in Paradise introducing the new DI. Enjoyed the interaction between the commissioner and his new lead detective. Interesting to have someone Patterson doesn't particularly like as part of the team.

Started a new two-part Silent Witness. I'm intrigued by the premise of this one. I thought the episode felt a little disjointed and I'm hoping the initial murder somehow ties into the other two. Kind of happy to be guessing on this one.

Watched a fun episode of Elementary with the return of Lestrade. I love the actor, so I love the character. Plus, he's much less annoying than Mycroft.

Enjoyed an episode of The Batman. Finally got a return of Batgirl. I'd forgotten Firefly powered up in a big way and almost blew up Gotham. Great episode.

Caught another new-to-me episode of Classic Rugrats. I'm not a great fan of the three-vignette format but I do have a lot of love for this series.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Veritas, a novella that reunites a couple after a bad breakup.

Here's the miniblurb:

Tillie Cruz has a moment of veritas when she shoots Faxon Jarvis in a friendly fire incident. The realization she wants a life with him may be too late because Faxon has a new relationship, and Tillie doesn't want to mess it up. But she may not have to—her bullet may have done the trick.

And a snippety peek…

Maisie pulled into Faxon's drive and shut the engine off. "Stay there. Let me get the door for you." She hopped out and dashed around the front of the car.
Faxon shook his head. "I could've opened it myself." Maisie didn't hear the muttered words, and he mustered a smile when she insisted on getting the small bag the hospital gave him along with his after-discharge instructions.
He had a full week of follow-up appointments with his primary care physician and a physical therapist. Pain meds were being delivered by the pharmacy and a grocery delivery would be on its way as soon as he had five minutes to order from the app on his phone.
Maisie unlocked his door and opened it wide, so he didn't jostle his injured side. She placed his bag on the coffee table and darted from the kitchen to the bathroom then back with some water and over-the-counter tablets, which she placed on the end table beside him.
He settled on the sofa, wincing when he jarred his wound. Agitated, Maisie paced back and forth, a ball of pent-up energy. She'd pause to glance out the window then go back to walking the length of his living room.
Faxon straightened up on the couch. "I'm getting dizzy. Why don't you sit?" He looked for the television remote thinking she might calm down if they watched something.
She settled on the edge of the chair. "I can't do this." Her fingers twisted in her lap. "I know you think it's nothing, but you got shot." She huffed out a breath. "By one of your own, no less." Her knee bounced up and down.
Faxon got completely serious. "I did, yes. But it's rare. Even by someone who's not on the other side." He could give her the statistics, but decided she didn't need or want numbers.
She wanted reassurance, and he really couldn't give her any.
Maisie shrugged. "Maybe it is, but we've only been together for a few months." She met his gaze. "I can't imagine how I'd deal if we stayed together and it happened again."
Faxon lifted his chin. "So that's it? We end it now?" He didn't mince words or make things harder for her.
She nodded. "Before I fall deeper, yes." Her eyes watered a little, but she didn't cry.
Faxon reached out and clasped her hand. "I'm sorry." He really couldn't say anything else.
Maisie squeezed his fingers. "Don't be. There's no fault here." Her lips twisted in a sad smile. "Not like I didn't know you were a cop from the beginning. I just didn't realize how hard it would be."
Faxon's head bobbed up and down. "I understand." He did … especially since he couldn't offer any guarantees.
She leaned in and kissed him. "Goodbye, Faxon." She got to her feet and quietly left.
Faxon took stock. He should probably be more upset. Getting dumped on the heels of getting shot should sting a lot more than it did. Yet he didn't blame Maisie for bailing and he couldn't find the ache of loss he should have.
Because of Tillie. She'd taken up a lot of space in his mind since her impromptu visit at the hospital. He couldn't shake the idea she'd wanted to say more or that she'd chosen her words carefully when he called and asked to see her.
Leaning his head against the cushions, he stared at the ceiling. "We need to talk, Tillie. Soon." He had a lot he wanted to say.
And he'd find a way to make her listen.

I like writing reunions when a conflict has to be resolved. Faxon hopes he'll be back on track with Tillie in the near future … if she doesn't end up running scared.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!



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