Monday, January 14, 2013

Sunday Snippet: Forever Young

Woo! Two weeks in a row, only fifty more to achieve my goal for this year. LOL

For my Sunday Snippet post this week—I decided I can't really call them Six Sentence Sunday posts because I can't seem to follow the rules and limit things—I thought I'd post one of my favorite sibling conversations from Forever Young.

Gabe and Zak McTavish fight fires and save lives and try to stay out of each other's way when it comes to dating. This one isn't very far along, but the entire story is locked up in my brain, I swear. Seriously…when is someone going to invent the thing that jacks directly into our heads and downloads all the lovely stories we authors have to tell? LOL

Let's start with a tag line:

Gabe McTavish meets the woman of his dreams. Too bad she's his brother's date.
(Remember, I did say try to stay out of each other's way. LOL)

And here's the snippety peek:

"Bro, I'm in love."
Gabe McTavish rolled his eyes and settled back on the sofa, wishing he'd jumped in the shower right when he got home. His brother, Zak, made that announcement at least twice a month. Gabe wondered who the lucky woman would turn out to be this time.
"And does the mother of my future niece or nephew have a name?" He didn't have to ask what the new woman looked like. Zak's type never changed. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and big tits. Always.
"Her name is Tara Lowes and she's the newest paramedic at five house." His brother paused and Gabe braced himself. "You gotta come out with me tonight and meet her."
Gabe sighed. He'd rather spork his eyeballs out than watch Zak try to woo his latest and greatest.
His brother knew him too well. "Come on, Gabe. It's been months since we've gone out together."
Gabe clarified. "It's been three weeks and I had to pour you into a cab the last time." Love of Zak's life number 97 had dumped him the previous night. "Call Laz and ask him to babysit."
Muffled sounds of Zak's hand over the phone met Gabe's ears. "Sorry, bro. Laz is booked up tonight. He's got that sweet new ER nurse primed and ready. Gonna slip her the Laz Special before the night is over."

Yes…I'm really going to leave it there. Suffice it to say, Laz is an interesting character. :D

This kind of story is near and dear to me. Half my family is in the fire and emergency medical services. :D They're all pretty awesome people.

Happy Reading!


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