Monday, January 21, 2013

Sunday Snippet

Wow. Week three. Is it safe to say I've got a trend going? Or do I need to have a few more consistent weeks posted before I can claim the title? LOL

Today's snippet is from one of my favorite WIPs, Belle of the Underground. And I say 'favorite WIPs' a lot, but this one truly is a lot of fun to write. I'm really hoping it's well-received and turns into the series I'd like to make it. *crosses fingers*

A little background...I love urban legends and crazy conspiracies. This manuscript features both and the main female character, Raven, is a mixture of the two. The story got started after I had a dream about the main female character and how she meets the main male character. I don't get the vivid recall I had with this one very often, so I wrote it down.

And a manuscript began...

All right, let's hit the tag line:

Raven Malone doesn't have an easy job, but she's the reluctant leader of a mix of freaks and geeks and both groups look to her for answers. She meets her match when regular guy, Gio Roberts, starts poking around in her cover up of an unexplained murder. Sparks fly, especially when she lets him in on the underground community she's established. They forge a bond and work side by side, trying to keep everything together. 

And a snippety peek:

Raven Malone never liked three a.m. phone calls.
Lately, she really, really loathed them. By nature, it made sense she'd get more calls between midnight and six in the morning. After all, the witching hours were considered play time for her kind. When it didn't matter if the strangest of the strange walked around the city in the wee hours.
But over the past few weeks that play had turned deadly and Raven didn't like it. Not one damn bit.
Her rag tag group looked to her for leadership and she had zero clue what to do with the bizarre series of events unfolding. Okay, she knew what to do, but she had to find out the who before she could exact punishment.
Crawling out of bed, Raven stumbled over to her wardrobe and yanked out several items of clothing. She heard the approach of footsteps and caught the scent of Vince Grillo, her self-appointed second in command and a shape shifter, before he rounded the door of her rooms. She could guess what he'd ask without using her pre-cog skills. She could count on Vince to be fairly predictable when they had trouble.
"You want company?"
Ding. Ding. Ding. She'd totally called that one.
Turning toward him, she didn't let the fact her only attire at the moment happened to be a pair of hipster undies and a tiny camisole faze her. Vince had seen her in less.
She shoved her legs into a pair of dark jeans and yanked them up. "No. I've got this." Throwing on a leather jacket, she grabbed a beat up ball cap and slapped it on her head.
Vince frowned. "If it's the same as last time, you might need some help."
Raven shook her head. "If it's the same as last time—and my gut says it is—I'll need you here." Understatement of the year.
He wanted to argue. "But—"
She didn't have time for it. "No, Vince. I can handle it out there. I'll lay money word is already out and you're the only one I can count on to keep the peace down here until I get back." She almost wanted to wish him luck.
Vince narrowed his eyes. "How the hell would anyone know about this yet?"
She gave him a bland stare. "Body was found by a lake. You know the aquatics pick up on vibes and can't ever keep it to themselves. They knew about this before I even got the call." She sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her boots on.
Vince snorted. "Damned gill gabbers." He said it without heat. He understood their genetic make-up and school mentality trumped everything. Even common sense sometimes. "What do you want me to do?"
Raven jerked her head toward the door. She'd heard the onslaught coming a few moments ago.
"Clear a path for starters."
Vince grinned. "At least I get to have fun before the headache stuff starts."
Raven pulled the cap off and grabbed her hair, wound it on top of her head and jammed the hat back on.
Tugging the bill down low, she nodded. "Have at it."

And there you have it. I hope you enjoyed. (See…I can NEVER keep it at six sentences. LOL)

Happy Reading!


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