Sunday, May 28, 2017

Sunday Snippet: Vicarious Living

Whew. What a busy week leading up to my son's graduation tonight. Looking forward to watching him accept his diploma and start on the next phase of his journey.

I missed Gotham and hope to catch up after the craziness calms down.

The Flash's finale ended up being pretty good but I'm actually kind of hoping there won't be as much time travel shenanigans in the next season. Honestly, I like the ripple effect from Flashpoint but I'm hoping it's pretty much wrapped up.

Arrow. What a season-ender. I pretty much sat and blinked at the screen for a few seconds in stunned silence. Even seeing how the end would play out, I still ended up being shocked. LOL I really want the hiatus to fly by so I can find out who made it and who didn't.

I got through the first season of Iron Fist. I'm something of a completest and wanted to watch before The Defenders started. I don't know… I kind of like the setup for the next season with Joy and Davos possibly teaming up but I wouldn't mind seeing Madame Gao go down in flames.

I'm really struggling with Doctor Who. I'm looking forward to a new doctor and a new showrunner. I kind of long for the format Davies started and hope the new person goes back to something similar. I'm disappointed in the way everything is either overly convoluted or completely discombobulated. I shouldn't need a set of show notes to get all the nuances, right? Eh… here's hoping the next season is awesome.

And that's it for television. Orphan Black starts in two weeks and I'm excited!

Tonight's post is from Vicarious Living, a novella that started with a random conversation that popped into my head. I'm always happy when the sages drop little gems for me to polish and make shine.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Sometimes adversity can be overcome and living vicariously through fantasy proves to be a good thing. Lola Humes and Wright Wesslop discover a mutual way to cope when they meet at their group counseling sessions. They're not supposed to interact outside the anonymous therapy gatherings, but neither is very good at following the rules.

And a snippety peek…

She had him at "My name is Lola and I'm an alcoholic".
Wright Wesslop listened to the sultry scrape of her voice when she stood at the podium and gave a brief rundown of her progress.
"It's been five years since my last drink."
Wright hoped he'd attain the five year mark. So far, he'd been nine months without alcohol. He pushed the thought away and focused on the woman. Short blonde hair. Mesmerizing golden eyes. She dressed with care—casual but classic. The package she presented made him want to unwrap the layers and see what she hid beneath the surface.
Who would've thought the first woman to spark his interest in over two years would be at an AA meeting?
Did that rate him as a pervert?
No, just a red-blooded male.
One that had a drinking problem. No… used to. Determination to beat his addiction raged strong in his heart.
He kept his gaze on Lola when she moved away from the podium and returned to her seat. He finally looked away and shifted, restless and edgy but buzzing with adrenaline and surging with excitement.
"Okay, everyone, since no one else needs to share, we'll dismiss for the night." The sweet coordinator, Belinda, gave the room a wide smile. "It's been a great night. Thank you for coming. Plenty of coffee and cookies left; help yourselves on the way out." Moving away from the podium, she waved an arm toward the table containing the caffeine and sugar, staples for the Sixth Street Chapel meetings.
Wright normally made hasty tracks for the door when the group therapy sessions were over. Tonight, he made a beeline for the table and grabbed two cups of the strong, black brew and approached Lola.
He held a cup out. "Coffee?" A small shudder when through him when her fingers brushed his.
Lola's lips curved upward. "Thank you." She took a sip and closed her eyes. "Not bad. Tastes as good as it smelled when I walked in." With a sheepish twist to her mouth, she shrugged. "I couldn't drink anything when I got here. Too nervous."
Wright took the opening. "First meeting? I haven't seen you here before." He grabbed a cookie and nodded toward a secluded alcove. "It's quieter over here."
Lola followed but kept some distance between them. "I've been meeting free for almost a year." Her voice lowered. "A few trigger events brought me out because I want to stay sober. Meetings help with that."
Surprise and admiration warred for prominence in his mind. Surprise because she'd shared something intimate and admiration for the honest answer. Intrigued, Wright met her gaze and got lost in the shifting golden hues.
Yep. I'm a goner.

I'm quite happy with where my brainstorming session went with this one. Here's hoping the final product is as good as I hope.

That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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