Sunday, October 21, 2018

Sunday Snippet: Meet Me by the Mistletoe

We're past the halfway mark of October already? Geez, this month is flying by fast. Then again, it's been a somewhat difficult month for me workwise. Brain-draining would be an apt description.

So… television has been an important escape this week. Sunday night shows Doctor Who and The Last Ship ended up being terrific. I'm so happy to be excited for New Who again. The Last Ship kept things interesting. I'm a little confused why the guy got executed at the end, but I have a suspicion it'll be a turning point of some sort.

Arrow's premiere actually blew my mind a little. The fight scene juxtaposition of Oliver in the prison and Felicity in her apartment with Diaz is probably the best choreographed scene I've witnessed to date. Seriously, it's amazing. And, honestly, the rest of the show followed suit, leading right up to the surprise end. I'm excited to see what happens next.

The Flash remained good. Nice to see Cisco, Kaitlyn, and Ralph bonding and helping each other out. Looking forward to more of that. Riverdale… well… went full-on batshit with a whole new twist that I actually can't wait to watch unfold. The thing with Archie in detention isn't bad. I love the whole Veronica getting around her dickhead dad with Cheryl's help. Speaking of Hiram the 'Hole. Does anyone else want to smack the smarm out of him? Every time he's on screen I want to punch him in the face. That's some good acting by otherwise nice guy Marc Consuelos.

In other show news, I caught the first episode of Underbelly Files and enjoyed it. Caught Babylon 5, The Sarah Conner Chronicles, Birds of Prey, and Lexx in sci-fi fare. Pensacola Wings of Gold had a great episode where I wanted to bitchslap the billionaire dude who wanted his daughter saved at all costs. I also caught Strike Back, which had a great episode featuring Grace and her badass skills. And finally, I caught another episode of The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency. I have a lot of love for that show.

That's it for television this week. Here's hoping my work and sleep schedule get back on track and I can enjoy even more during the near future.

Tonight's post is from Meet Me by the Mistletoe, a novella that revisits Presley, Gunnar, and Frazier from Merry and Bright one year later.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Presley Griffith wants to create one more new holiday tradition with her men, Gunnar Stewart and Frazier Boyle, and celebrate their one-year anniversary with style. With hectic schedules revolving around the hospital, fire station and police department, she's not sure she can pull it off. A cryptic message to meet her by the mistletoe at a secluded bed and breakfast brings both men calling with bells on.

And a snippety peek…

Presley Griffith shook hands with the realtor. "Thank you so much, Gen." Part one of the holiday project completed.
Genevieve DesBarres placed the key in Presley's palm. "You're welcome, Presley. I'm thrilled for you." She wrapped a large pashmina over her shoulders.
Presley followed her to the front door. "You've been terrific throughout this whole process. Both with my parents' home and helping me find this place." Gen had a magic touch when it came to finding just the property or buyer.
Gen flashed a smile. "Your family's great. I'm glad the timing worked out with the sale of your parents' house so you could close on this one before the holiday." She twisted the knob and pulled the heavy oak door open. "And bonus for being able to keep the furnishings!" With a laugh, she exited the house and gave a small wave before crossing the expansive porch and heading down the steps.
Presley grinned, closed the door, and spun around in a wide circle, the keys jangling from her fingertips. "Merry Christmas to me!" She stopped, dizzy and giddy from her dance. "Now, to get the guys here." Fishing her phone from her pocket, she opened a group chat with Frazier Boyle and Gunnar Stewart, the two men she'd been lovers with for the past year.
She paused before typing a message to the guys. How should I word this? She'd taken a big step by buying the secluded bed and breakfast an hour outside of the city. Using the proceeds of her share of the sale of her mom and dad's house, she made the purchase after careful consideration for the future.
And she wanted to start a new tradition with Gunnar and Frazier.
Her lips kicked up when she remembered last year's Christmas tradition. And the beginning of her journey with Gunnar and Fraz. The two men pulled out all the stops for a twelve days of Christmas theme to make her first holiday after the death of her parents very merry and bright.
And they'd continued to make her happier than she'd ever been. A cop, a firefighter, and a nurse, practically living together and definitely sleeping together. If anyone would've told her she'd find the love of her life in two men, Presley would've laughed them out of the room.
But she had. "And they're terrific and it's my turn to pull out all the stops for Christmas." Especially after a barely there Thanksgiving. Gunnar got called out for a sexual assault, Frazier worked a twenty-four-hour shift, and she'd been on call for the hospital, getting pulled in for an evening shift after two nurses went home with gastric issues. She'd managed to meet Gunnar at his place after midnight and they welcomed Frazier into bed after seven thirty. All in all, their crazy schedules often meant they didn't get a lot of time together as a trio. But she hoped to change all that.
Presley quickly typed a message. "Hey, I've got something to show you guys. Can we meet at my place after you get off shift?" She'd already packed two overnight bags for them.
She'd brought hers when she came to meet Gen.
Frazier responded first. "I'll be there. Sounds intriguing." He'd probably be the last to arrive. The ladder class he taught at the fire academy wouldn't end until seven pm.
Presley chuckled and sent a quick reply. "Don't make plans for tomorrow." Gunnar would see the text but she didn't mind.
His reply came in seconds after her message. "I'll be there by six. You didn't get a tattoo did you?"
She laughed. She'd been hinting she might get inked but hadn't decided what she wanted yet. Or if she'd actually get one.
She keyed in a reply. "You'll have to wait and see."
Two messages blipped on her screen. Both men sent star-eyed emojis. With a snicker, she pocketed her phone, leaving that as the final contact. She had a few things to get ready before she headed back into the city.
She wanted everything to be perfect for when she dropped her second bombshell. Not only had she bought the bed and breakfast… she'd found a nice-sized brownstone close to the firehouse, the police precinct, and the hospital. The place needed some TLC, which the asking price reflected. And she crossed her fingers the guys would like it.
Because she wanted to buy the house with Gunnar and Frazier and live together as one happy unit.

I'm so excited to revisit this trio and spend another holiday with them.

That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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