Sunday, October 7, 2018

Sunday Snippet: Lonely Heart Mountain

October 7, 2018

Well, hello, October! This is one of my favorite months. The weather usually gets cooler.
The leaves start changing. And Halloween is just around the corner! It also means the holiday season is looming fast and furiously. Ugh. I'm not ready this year. LOL

Rough week with work and unexpected scheduling conflicts. I did get to watch some good television though. Caught the third episode of Strike Back's fifth season and had a surprise visit in the form of pictures from Stonebridge and Scott. I'm definitely intrigued! I also think I finally made the connection I needed to make. I'm slow sometimes.

The Last Ship seriously keeps me on the edge of my seat. I'm so sad and angry over a certain loss, but I totally called plot point even if it's a little disappointing. Caught the finale of Chicago Fire just in time for the new season to begin. I'll be behind per usual, but I'm glad I got to watch it.

Luke Cage is pulling some interesting things out of the woodwork. I'll admit I'm a little confused with where they're planning to take this season. That said, I love this show. And there's no Trish to really muck things up. Just saying.

Passionflix's Driven is so good. I watched the fourth episode and thoroughly enjoyed it. Can't wait for the new holiday movie they have planned.

Murdoch Mysteries started their twelfth season with a fun episode. I always look forward to this series and the new twists and turns Murdoch and Julia and the rest of the cast face.

Caught a few more episodes of Peter Gunn's first season. The noir feel of this show never fails to make me happy. Penny Dreadful is seriously creepy sometimes and I'm kind of on the fence about whether I like it or not. LOL

Caught another episode of The Dresden Files and it was one I remembered liking a lot when it originally aired.

Rounding things out for the week, I caught an episode of Killjoys and love where things are going. I'll be so sad to see this show end next season.

I started the final episode of Canal Road and didn't have the chance to finish it yet. It's on the agenda for tomorrow.

That's it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Lonely Heart Mountain, a novella that got a start a long time ago but only recently started coming together.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Author Hettie Blackwell returns home to care for her ailing mother, because her two brothers aren't up to the task. But when Hettie bumps into Winslow Whittaker—the hot new sheriff—she's got more trouble, especially when her younger brother lands in county jail on Valentine's Day.

And a snippety peek…

Hettie grabbed hold of her stumbling brother. "Look, guys. The moron's drunk. He didn't mean to wreck the cooler." If she made it out, Hank had a lot to answer for.
The big, mean-looking ringleader folded his beefy arms across his chest. "Whose gonna pay for the trashed beers?" His eyebrow rose in an angry query.
Hettie sighed, fished inside her pocket, and grabbed a twenty. "This should cover it. Tell Manny I sent you. He'll give you a case for regular retail." He'd better or she'd nail him to a wall.
What the hell had he been thinking? Serving Hank when she'd told Manny Hank had a jealous ex on his tail. Stupid males.
The big guy stepped in front of her again. "The moron needs to learn some respect for someone else's property." The other six bikers started to close ranks.
The day her brother learned to respect boundaries she'd look for the end of the world right after. Hettie almost snorted. From your lips to whatever rules the universe's ears.
Instead, she wrapped an arm around Hank's waist and shouldered through the group. "You boys should just go back to enjoying the music. Tim's got a great line-up and that's what you came for." Once she got clear, she angled her hear around. "My idiot brother is leaving now and won't be a bother for the rest of the night." So help her, he wouldn't, because she planned to drop some reality on his ass.
The ringleader, Bands, according to his name patch, grabbed her free arm. "How do we know that?" His grip tightened on her wrist.
Hettie squarely met his gaze. "Because I just said so." Jerking her hand free, she stood her ground. "But if you want to start something ugly, go ahead. When the sheriff's department gets here, you can tell all seven thousand people why they all have to pack up and go home. I'm sure that'll go over real well with everyone else who can play nice." She started to tug her brother forward when he promptly passed out and went down hard, dragging her down with him.
Oh, Hank. Your timing sucks ass, per usual. She got up and dusted off her jeans.
She glanced toward Bands and smirked. "See, told you he wouldn't be a problem."
The whole group gave her eye rolls and went back to watching the show. She reached down and grabbed Hank's belt loops and started dragging him toward her SUV. If he ended up with bumps, bruises, and scrapes on his handsome face, so be it. She sighed. With her luck, Hank would only be more appealing to the female population of the county if his face got wrecked.
She'd made it about twenty feet when a man emerged from the shadows of the tree line.
He nodded toward her brother. "Can I help you with that?" He gave her a full-of-sin smile.
Sex on a stick. She shoved the thought aside, but gave him a brief onceover. Primo physique, casual grace for a guy, and his wardrobe matched the setting—well-worn jeans, a waffle-knit Henley, and sturdy boots for the forest terrain. The man had everything she attributed the heroes she wrote.
Too bad real life never matched the words she put on a page.
But she'd never seen him before, so he must be one of the out-of-town musicians. Which meant he didn't have a clue how things worked in Coshocton County or know about the Blackwell boys' notorious antics. Lucky him.
She gave him a direct look. "Only if you know a good place to hide a body because I'm seriously considering killing my brother." Okay, not seriously, but she did entertain thoughts of torture.
Mr. Sex on a Stick blinked, opened his mouth, and shut it again.
She almost laughed at his reaction. "Any good places? No?" She grabbed Hank's belt loops again. "Then no, you can't help." She moved in the direction of her vehicle again.
The guy walked along beside her. "Look, I really think you should let me help." He reached down and made a grab for Hank.
Fed up, frustrated, and a little flustered over his offer—everyone else gave the Blackwell boys a wide berth when they hit alcohol—Hettie shut him down. "Look, you don't need to get involved. Around here, we take care of our own and I've been dragging my brother's drunk ass home since high school." Although, she'd thankfully had a nice, long break from doing so. "So thanks, but no thanks. I've got this." She grabbed Hank again and started forward.
The handsome guy held up his hands. "Right, whatever you think is best." He stopped and let her continue on. "Maybe I'll see you around on one of the other nights."
A little contrite, she remembered her manners. "I doubt it, but thanks for the offer to help." She turned away, her SUV in sight.
Soon. Soon, she could stick a fork in this messed up, terrible day and maybe focus on finishing her next chapter.

I'm pretty excited the sages finally got their act together and started feeding me some great ideas for this one. Hettie's brothers are a hoot to write.

That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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