Sunday, December 2, 2018

Sunday Snippet: Next Year Same Time

Hello, December. Per usual, the weather in Ohio is crazy back and forth. Super cold for several days then sixty degrees then back to super cold again. And rain. Lots and lots of rain. Bleh.

It's been another busy workweek with a rush job for a holiday release and finishing up another manuscript. Throw in car trouble on Friday with not one but two vehicles and, yeah, lost the whole day. LOL

Television was a mixed bag of viewing pleasure. I finished out last week with Pensacola Wings of Gold watching a pretty interesting episode where one of the marines got set up by another government worker. Lexx's second season is at the wobbly part where one episode is great and the next is not so much. Also caught a Hallmark movie, An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving, which has three of my favorite actresses. Should be following up with the Christmas movie this week if my schedule doesn't blow up again.

I have to take a moment and rave about The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency. This show always ends up making me smile, even when the storyline is somewhat sad. The fifth episode ended up making laugh out loud and I needed it this past week.

I followed up the funny with some serious emotional drama in Strike Back. Almost through season five, which should catch me up for season six. I gotta say this show does a great job at not letting the members of section twenty save the day in an easy fashion. Two steps forward and five steps back is things usually go for them.

Chicago Fire is kind of losing me with this whole deputy commissioner bullshit. Kind of like Chicago PD lost me with sticking someone in just to put a leash on Hank. I'll finish out this season but if there isn't a big change, I'll be skipping the next with the exception of crossover episodes. I love crossovers.

I'm almost finished with Luke Cage's second season. I'll be honest, I'm really disappointed there won't be more and supposedly it's because of the whole Disney + streaming service that's not even launched yet. I'm all for choice and options, but when services get overly proprietary, they sometimes shoot themselves in the foot. I hope that doesn't happen here.

Passionflix debuted another Quickie with Dry Spell and it was funny and sweet but not sugary. I enjoyed it.

I also caught Murdoch Mysteries and liked seeing Terence back again. Finished out the night with a Christmas Belle, a holiday spin on Beauty and the Beast.

Not a bad week of viewing. Tonight's post is from Next Year Same Time, a novella that started with a writing community prompt of writing a story with the characters marking a milestone in their lives. Another prompt suggested making the anniversary of a horrible or scary event.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Lita Vonn is a store owner who gets caught up in a bank robbery and makes a connection with the negotiator, Saber Reyes. Saber questions her desire to get together and offers an alternative suggestion—next year, same time, they'll meet at the coffee shop across the street.

And a snippety peek…

Lita Vonn poked her head into the main hub of her shop. "Norma, can you handle things here?" A huge online order needed to be filled and Lita had to make a trip to the bank across the street.
Norma Willis looked up from wrapping a pair of candlesticks. "Sure, boss. What's up?" She finished the set and moved on to a ceramic dish.
Lita held up the deposit bag. "I've got the auction proceeds here and we could use the green in our account." Once a quarter, she held a cash-only sale to the highest bidder to move product and make way for new items.
The success of the last one combined with the large online sale over the weekend had visions of a beach vacation dancing in Lita's head.
Norma flashed a smile and twisted her long mane up into a topknot on her head. "I'm down with getting this out the door, so I'll be out on the floor here." She motioned to the entrance. "Go on. Get that money deposited."
Lita squeezed Norma's shoulder. "The new color looks good on you." She referred to the almost electric shade of blue Norma now sported.
Norma laughed. "I like it better than the hot pink, which would probably look better on you, blondie."
Lita snorted. "Yeah, um, no. I'm not patient enough to sit through a long coloring session." She pushed the door open. "I'll be back ASAP to help get that order out."
Norma called out. "You're just too chicken shit to go for a bold new look." Her laughter followed Lita halfway across the street.
Hell, yes, I am. When it came to hair color, Lita played with highlights and lowlights sometimes, but always kept her original shade. But… maybe a pink streak or two could add some pizzazz to her look.
She entered the bank and stopped short, sucking in a startled breath. What the hell? Why are the employees crouched on the floor? Fuck! A robbery? Damn, damn, damn.
Before she could get turned around to go back the way she came, a tall, skinny man gave her a sneering smile. "Welcome to the shit show, blondie. You'll do." He motioned her forward with a semiautomatic rifle.
I'll do? For what? Damn, damn, damn.
Lita moved to the spot he indicated and stood there, the deposit bag tucked under her arm. She focused on staying calm and not giving in to the shaky fear trying to hold her in its grip. Her dad always said fear proved a tricky thing. It could get a person killed or keep them alive. Please let it keep me alive. Please, please, please.
Skinny man let his jacket fall open, revealing a vest rigged with explosives. "Name's Chuck Barnaby. You're gonna wanna remember that when the big, bad negotiator calls." He swung wildly toward the cowering employees. "Not usin' these fucking bank drones to do my talking, so looks like you're it." He moved past her to lock the doors then came back and thumped his fist on the receptionist's desk. "Park your ass right here and wait for the call."
Lita followed the instructions, making her way to the desk, placing the deposit bag on the floor beside the chair. She had no idea how her legs managed to move, but she sank down in the oversized seat and pushed out a shaky breath. Placing both palms on the wooden surface, she almost laughed at how sweaty they were. I'll probably ruin the polish. Seriously, her brain picked that to focus on?
Barnaby propped a hip on the edge of the desk and trained the rifle in the direction of the employees before leaning in closer to Lita. "Comfy, darlin'?"
Lita quirked a brow. "Does it matter?" Stupid to push her luck, but she wouldn't let her fright control her.
Chuck laughed. "Not one bit. All you need to do is get ready to answer the phone."
Lita nodded. What else could she do? Except say a prayer to the universe that Chuck Barnaby didn't open fire… or blow himself and everyone in the bank up.

I'm enjoying these characters. Lita is fun to write and her introduction to Saber over the phone will be the next scene. Can't wait to finish it.

That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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