Sunday, January 13, 2019

Sunday Snippet: One Time Thing

Man, what a week. Sixty-one degrees one day and twenty-two the next. Ohio is crazypants sometimes. Yesterday, it snowed and, since it's the first significant accumulation we've had this winter, everyone forgot how to get around in the white stuff. It is rather nice it waited until the weekend. Monday's commute should go smoother. LOL

Had a light viewing week for television shows. Caught another episode of Underbelly: Razor. I thoroughly enjoy getting a feel for Australia in the twenties. It's a very different vibe from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries and I like that.

Also caught another episode of Babylon 5. I've also been tuning into Comet occasionally to catch up there also. Also got to finally catch The Flash's 100 th episode. Gotta say, the messing with the timeline gives me a headache. I'm invested in the characters though so I'll keep watching.

Watched the second part of Blade's pilot episode. I liked this series when it aired but never got to watch it all the way through in order. I'm looking forward to having the chance now.

Started season fourteen of Midsomer Murders. The changing of the guard from Barnaby one to Barnaby two is fun to watch. I didn't get to see that episode in its original run.

I'm almost finished with season one of Pensacola Wings of Gold. In all honesty, I'm not sure I'll stick it out for the other two or three seasons. It sometimes irritates me when they scrap an entire cast and almost start over.

Caught another episode of Lexx. I really forgot how cornball some of the series ended up being. Still… it's a great nostalgia thing. Back when Syfy was SciFi and I watched the channel almost exclusively. I miss those days.

Tried to watch Gotham's fifth season premiere and my app decided to crap out. Not sure what the problem was so I'll try again later this week.

And that's it for television. Tonight's post is from One Time Thing, a novella that started as a think piece for my writing group. The idea was to examine the messy aspects of meeting the one you're meant to be with but not being free and clear to pursue the relationship.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Sometimes a wicked powerful attraction isn't always a good thing. Vickie South and Grant Magnus have an instant spark, but Vickie is dating Grant's best friend. A stormy night and loss of power set the stage, and the duo can't resist the strong pull, which makes for an awkward situation all around.

And a snippety peek…

Grant Magnus paced in front of the door. "Where the hell are you, Brent?" He glanced out the window again.
Friends since junior high, Grant and Brent had followed the same path until three years ago. Both joined the military and excelled in their chosen programs. Each had mustered out within six months of each other and both entered into private security.
Grant chuckled. "I definitely have the cushier job." Consulting with clients on their systems from the ground up paid well.
And he didn't have to be in a dusty, gritty desert or a frigid tundra unless he chose to.
Brent opted for fieldwork. He pretty much went back to all the hotspots and put his life on the line protecting dignitaries and bigwigs. But he made about five times what their military pay brought in.
Grant missed the physical activity sometimes, but he liked digging deep into a problem and troubleshooting solutions. He worked well with worst-case scenarios and fixing potential bugs before they went live. His current client brought him on board to map out a route for traveling through a country under siege. He couldn't wait to dive in and get started.
Checking his phone, he sighed. "If Brent ever gets here."
A sporty blue sedan pulled into the driveway. Definitely not Brent. He drove a huge pickup with an extended cab.
A brunette exited the vehicle and strode up the sidewalk. When she got closer, Grant recognized her. Vickie South. Brent's significant other for going on ten months.
 Longer than anyone else in his friend's roster of relationships.
Grant let out a low whistle. "You're as hot as he said you were."
A yoga instructor if Grant remembered correctly. She moved with ease and graceful fluidity. He'd bet anything her ass looked spectacular in a pair of yoga pants. Not that he'd find out today… she currently wore a sexy little sundress and strappy sandals. And looked damned fine.
"Geez, Magnus. Chill. She's not for you."
How the hell did Brent always get so lucky? Maybe because Grant flirted up a storm but had yet to make a solid commitment to a one-woman relationship. That would hopefully change after this consulting gig. The closer he got to thirty, the more he wanted to settle down and find a person to share his life with.
A rapid series of knocks drew his attention and pulled the front door open. "Let me guess… Brent got called out?" Damn… she looked even better up close.
I'm in trouble.

Grant is definitely in trouble but he's not alone. Vickie's going to be right there with him.

That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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