Sunday, September 27, 2020

Sunday Snippet: Glutton for Punishment

Terrific week on the great office cleanout! I got a ton of shredding done and cleared out from under my table and desk. I got a great hand-vac that did an awesome job of getting the carpet cleaned up. The cabinet I got to put under my desk fits really well and I'm closer to being sorted and organized! One more cabinet for under my table and three bookcases to go. Okay, not quite true. I still have a major amount of shredding to do and then I have the rest of the finding where to put everything phase. But … I can already notice a big difference in having a semi-clear area to work in. It's amazing!

Kind of a slow week for television. I'm working on a developmental edit that requires a lot of focus so I don't use anything as background noise.

I watched a lot of Silent Witness. I'm well into the third season and I like the cast changes.

I also caught several more rune videos. They're actually quite relaxing as well as informative.

Last but not least, I watched the first season finale of The Witcher. Gotta say, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I rather liked getting a small bit of backstory about Geralt. Also quite impressed by the mages and Yennifer's role in the battle. I've been a little on the fence with her character but she's definitely growing on me.

That's pretty much it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Glutton for Punishment, a novella that puts coworkers at odds with each other even though they have a spark of a lot more.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Willa and Karl have issues. She acts out to keep him at bay and he finally calls her on the destructive behavior, stepping into the ring so she can work out her aggression. A glutton for punishment, Karl pushes Willa into making a choice between risking her heart or losing him for good.

And a sneaky peek…


Harv poured Willa into her bed. "Geez, Willa. This has gotta stop. One of these nights I'm not gonna be around and you'll end up in jail or dead. Do you always have to pick a fight with the biggest guy in the joint?" He shoved her feet up and unlaced her boots.

Willa fought the urge to throw up. "Take out the biggest, the rest back off. That's a Dane Radcliffe direct quote." She rolled to her side but Harv nudged her back.

He tugged her boots off. "Man, I get that. But you're way past your expiration date for being a pain in the ass. Damn good thing you're wheels up in twelve hours." Dropping her boots beside her rack, he shook his head. "Karl called this. I'm all for helping one of my best friends out, but I've got limits, Willa. You're pushing up next to the final one."

She propped up on her elbows. "Don't do me any favors, Harv. I didn't ask you for a single damned one." Then again, everyone else gave her wide berth, probably because of puppet-master Karl. "And tell Karl to fuck off. He can manipulate someone else's life and you can join him." God, she just wanted to make the pain go away.

Harv crouched down beside the bed. "Look, Willa, I'm sorry—"

She snorted. "Whatever, Harv. I'm outta here in twelve. You'll have at least a week of peace and quiet." She paused a moment. "Maybe longer. I won't come looking for you when I get back." She flopped back down and waved him off.

Harv stood up and shook his head. "Good hunting, Willa." He gave her one last look and backed out of her quarters.

Tears pricked behind her eyelids. Only a true friend would wish her well after she verbally bitchslapped him. Squeezing her eyes to stave the flow, she turned to her side. A ball of anger exploded in her gut. Why didn't they understand? She'd made a promise and they made her break it. Just once, she'd like to come out on top when she gave her word.

Heaving a sigh, she punched her pillow. "Anyone named Radcliffe can rot in hell."

Willa's on a downward spiral and, honestly, it's been fun to write. She'll eventually get herself back together but not before she almost goes completely scorched earth on her life.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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