Sunday, May 16, 2021

Sunday Snippet: One Time Thing

Geez, half of May is gone and I have no idea where it went. At least the weather has somewhat improved and feels more like spring heading into summer.

Had a fairly decent week of work and television viewing. Finished up a project and completed another one.

I started a new episode of Blue Heelers and got about halfway through. So far, it's an interesting one.

I caught the penultimate episode of No Offence. I have a feeling the finale is going to be a doozy. I'm looking forward to starting the third series.

I finished up the second part of Silent Witness. I should be ready to move on to season eleven in the near future. I think I have one more two-parter to watch.

Watched another arc of Classic Who. Once again, I got a little annoyed with Four. There's something about his arrogance that rubs me wrong. Pretty decent four-part series of episodes leading up to the six-part finale, which I'm looking forward to.

Caught another episode of UFOs: The Lost Evidence. This one focused on pilots and astronauts that had experiences seeing unidentified flying objects.

Watched a couple of The Muppet Show episodes. Don Knotts and Zero Mostel were the guests. I'd forgotten they had a new opening for the second season. I'm kind of partial to the first season's opener.

Caught another episode of The Hardy Boys. I like this show. For me, there's a lot of nostalgia because it harkens back to phones with cords, unorganized or unstructured days, eight-bit video games, and hanging out with friends. The mystery and dangerous stuff is icing on the cake.

Also started another episode of Peak Practice. Jack's in Africa and Beth and Will are trying to manage the practice while they wait on a replacement doctor. I have a feeling this episode might end up being a sad one.

That's it for television this week. Tonight's post is from One Time Thing, a novella that features my characters battling a powerful attraction.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Sometimes a wicked powerful attraction isn't always a good thing. Vickie South and Grant Magnus have an instant spark, but Vickie is dating Grant's best friend. A stormy night and loss of power set the stage, and the duo can't resist the strong pull, which makes for an awkward situation all around.

And a snippety peek…

Holy shit. His pictures don't do him justice.

Vickie blinked at her reaction, ignoring the jolt of awareness coursing through her body. She liked his quirky greeting. That had to be her stomach flip-flopped.

She rolled right along with her reply. "Got it one go." Sticking out her hand, she smiled. "Vickie South. I'm your ride to the airport." Geez, why the hell did her voice go husky and soft?

Grant clasped her palm. "Grant Magnus. Nice to finally meet you." He squeezed her fingers before reaching inside the door to grab his suitcase. "Appreciate you stepping in for the save. I'm between vehicles right now." He locked up and pulled the handle on his rolling luggage.

Vickie arched a brow. "As in you don't own one?" She'd be lost without her little blue four-door.

Grant flashed a grin. "Nope. But I will soon." He deftly maneuvered his case into her backseat. "I'm picking up my new ride when I get back." He slid into the passenger seat.

Vickie started the engine. "A big monster like Brent's or something different?" She reversed out of the drive.

Grant chuckled. "I've outgrown the need for huge displays of manhood." He sent her a deadpan glance.

Vickie laughed. "Oh, you're definitely Brent's friend." She liked the humorous dig only a best mate could make.

Grant shook his head. "Yeah, we rib each other all the time." He settled back in the seat. "Seriously, though, I'm not hurting financially but I want something that'll do the work of a truck but won't make me feel like I'm driving a tank."

Vickie slid her gaze sideways for a moment. "You're getting a Jeep, aren't you?" When he blinked in surprise, she smirked. "Tricked out with all the comforts, towing capacity, and probably a sleek dark shade."

He huffed out a laugh. "Damn, you're good. It is the luxury model, can pull an RV, and is a nice wine shade." He tilted his head to one side. "How'd you put that together?"

The light changed and she focused on the road again. "The dark color because you're in security and you'd want something fairly nondescript. I figured the top of the line model since you're a former soldier and have probably had enough of stripped down everything." She paused a moment before delivering her final observation. "You'd want a towing option since you like to go off the grid sometimes and get away from everything." She did a little chair dance with her last reveal.

Grant snorted. "It's really not fair that Brent has a big mouth."

Vickie nodded. "He really does. Nothing stays secret with him for long." He loved to tell tall tales from childhood.

Grant tsked. "Understatement of the century … except where you're concerned." He shifted to face her a little. "What else do you do aside from teaching yoga? You don't have to include keeping Brent in line. That's a given."

Vickie bit back another laugh. He definitely had his best friend pegged.

Honestly not sure where this one is going. The sages have ideas that I'm not quite down with, but hopefully I'll whip Vickie and Grant's story into shape.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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