Sunday, June 20, 2021

Sunday Snippet: Pregnant Pause

Apparently, the week before last ended up being bizarre not only because Mercury is in retrograde but two other planets are squaring up. I'm kind of glad I made it through the insanity. The past week had some challenges but things finally started coming together and smoothed out. Whew.

My youngest kiddo returned from Alaska where she had a great time. She graduated high school last year and she and my dad finally got to take a trip this summer. They had great weather and got to do a ton of fun sightseeing events.

Had a slightly slower than usual television viewing experience. I started out with a new episode of No Offence. Viv had quite the revelation at the end of the episode and I'm interested to see where things go from here.

Enjoyed another episode of Silent Witness. This one has some quirky undertones and I'm interested in the second part to see how everything plays out.

Caught another episode of Blue Heelers and started a new one. Since my new washing machine arrived, I've been catching up on laundry and getting some quality time in on my Australian show.

Watched a full arc of Classic Who. For some reason, I thought they only needed to find four pieces of the key, but it's actually six. Should be interesting to see how the final three play out.

Enjoyed another episode of UFOs: The Lost Evidence. This one focused on UFO tech, which I find fascinating. The theories that come out of the woodwork regarding why and how the technology is used always makes me smile.

Caught two more episodes of The Muppet Show. Guest stars were Madeline Kahn and George Burns. Both were shows I didn't remember.

Watched a great episode of The Hardy Boys. Things are starting to come together and I'm really interested in where things will end up. I'm ready for the tall guy to get served. Just saying.

Enjoyed a new episode of Peak Practice. I have a feeling the next one will have a tragedy but I rather liked the new doctor they introduced. Looking forward to more from him.

Caught another Master Class on graphic design. This one focused on life as a working designer. I didn't think I'd get much out of that lesson, but I actually did. Even if I don't want to pursue graphic design as a career, the concept of what's important in the career you choose provided some good information.

Finally, I'm watching another episode of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. This is set around Thanksgiving and there are some great character reveals. I like this show but I'm not champing at the bit to get to the next one … yet. This episode does have an awesome guest star in Michael Hogan and I'm happy to see him in the mix. Reminds me to send positive vibes out and hope his recovery is going well.

That's pretty much it for television and life updates. Tonight's post is from Pregnant Pause, a novella that puts my main characters in a tricky situation after they can't keep their hands off each other.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Nora Dunne and Logan Rider are wildly attracted to each other and doing a stint in a remote location for a research project. When sexual tension gets in the way of the work, their decision to act on the magnetic pull leads to unexpected consequences.

And a snippety peek…

Nora Dunne waited by the big snow cat ready to take her to a remote outpost. "Come on … it's cold out here." Would be even colder at the two-man base.

The crunch of snow under boots drew her attention and she peeked around the side of the big rig. Oh, shit. The person approaching shouldn't be coming this way. Logan Rider isn't scheduled for this stint.

Shouldn't matter, but Nora expected Brad Harsdale—a nice, safe middle-aged professor taking a sabbatical from teaching for a year. He wanted to write and publish about his experience. And he'd leave Nora alone to conduct her studies in peace.

Logan stopped in front of her, a backpack hoisted over one shoulder. "Hi, Nora. Professor Harsdale had a family emergency and I got shuffled into his spot." He let the pack slide down and gently dropped it to the snowy ground. "Hope you don't mind."

Mind? Oh, she totally did. Too bad she couldn't really voice her opinion. They'd be leaving in less than ten minutes.

She lifted a shoulder. "Not like we have an option." She sounded bitchy, but his arrival threw her off kilter.

He frowned but didn't reply. Just as well. Making small talk would only make her sound even crankier.

Because Logan checked all her boxes. Seriously hot, seriously smart, and seriously her type. She didn't need the complication of being wildly attracted to the person she'd be spending the next several months with.

Pasting a smile on her face, she stuck out her gloved hand. "Let's plan to make the best of our new circumstances." She'd at least try.

Logan grinned and clasped her palm. "Deal." He reached for his backpack. "We'll muddle along famously."

Nora had more than a little doubt. His charming smile kicked her heart against her ribs. He had distraction written all over him.

That's my problem, not his.

She gave a nod. "I'm sure we'll manage."

She really hoped so.

I love how much Nora hates the idea of being alone with Logan because she knows herself so well.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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