Sunday, January 1, 2023

Sunday Snippet: Healthy Appetite

Welcome 2023! Here's hoping everyone has a great year filled with everything good and terrific!

The final week of the year ended up being crazy busy. The weather started out pretty frigid but by the final day, we had temperatures in the fifties. I'm taking extra precautions because rapid changes in the weather wreak havoc on my sinuses.

I got a few more episodes of Batman: The Animated Series viewed. "Harley's Holiday" is one of my favorites. There's a lot of good stuff in that episode.

"Make 'Em Laugh" is also a fun episode. Very interesting to see the Joker as a regular Joe … until he's not anymore.

Batgirl returned and became pals with Catwoman, which ended up being a lot of fun to watch. I do have some questions on how Selena knew to post her message on the campus message board. Just saying.

"Lock-Up" is one I'd forgotten about, but I enjoyed it. I loved the ending where he pretty much gets exactly what he wanted in a weird, twisted way.

I also got to watch "Deep Freeze" and enjoyed having Victor back for a bit. Also nice to see another familiar face, which if memory serves, we might see again.

I'll be continuing the rewatch and hopefully get through the rest of season two and all of three before they're removed from the streaming service. I'm very annoyed over losing great shows for someone else's bottom line. Grrr.

That's pretty much it for the life update. Tonight's post is from Healthy Appetite, a novella where the characters are extremely different but find common ground during a vacation.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Thad Nightingale meets Kailey Dent during a weeklong getaway and finds her approach to life refreshing. Not only does she eat with gusto, she has a thirst for adventure that leaves Thad hungry for more.

And a snippety peek…

Kailey grinned when Thad closed the takeout box and set it aside before tucking into the noodles again. He closed his eyes and nodded, giving her a moment to ogle him unchecked. The man's face should be on a billboard somewhere.

She swirled more food onto her fork. "Definitely going to have to sing the praises of this place to anyone and everyone. It's excellent." Her social media post wouldn't have a picture of the food, but her descriptions should suffice.

Thad asked her about Talon and whether she had money on the outcome.

She shook her head. "Never on anything I'm currently associated with and coaching my brother keeps me in that category. My friendly wagers are only with people on the mountain."

They talked a little more about Talon's chances at a win and Thad's interest in the area. He had a good outlook and loved the laidback vibe of the location. Kailey added a plus to the pro column.

Halfway through the bowl of pasta and enjoying the moment of sharing her meal with Thad, Kailey spotted Talon entering with his friends. Ugh. Why did he have to come when I haven't quite made up my mind about Thad yet? If he saw them eating from the same bowl, he'd make assumptions—which she asked him to do, but, damn.

Maybe if she killed some time in the restroom, he and his buddies would get a spot in the back somewhere and never be the wiser?

Putting her fork down, she blew out a breath. "Whew." She scooted her chair out. "I'll be right back. I'm gonna hit the ladies'." She rose and glanced around until she figured out which direction she needed to go.

Thad lifted his chin and scooped up more noodles. Thankfully, his back faced the main bar where Talon currently stood surrounded by his group. She'd take five minutes to take care of business and hopefully her brother would be none the wiser.

She could always look him up on the way out…

I love this story. Kailey counts on Talon to have her back but she also wants to test the waters with Thad.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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