Sunday, March 12, 2023

Sunday Snippet: Incursion

Very busy week with work projects and client calls. My youngest was also in the UK over her spring break for a study abroad program. She's back in the States today.

Weather is all over the place, which is typical for March. We had sunny and warm followed by chilly and rainy, followed by brrrrr! and some flurries. I can't wait to see what the next two or three weeks brings to the playing field.

Had an okay week for television. I didn't get back on my regular schedule, but I did get a few things watched.

Started out with some Classic Rugrats. Only watched one episode but enjoyed it. I always like the episodes where Angelica is bested by the babies.

Watched another episode of Midsomer Murders. I'm kind of bummed Barnaby's degree in psychology isn't a thing anymore. I enjoyed that aspect in the first few seasons of John's tenure.

I finished an episode of Endeavor and enjoyed it. Glad to be back into this show. I'm a few seasons behind but I'll get caught up eventually.

Caught another episode of Classic Who. This one started a new arc and I'm excited to see where it goes. There might have been a hint about Ace's mom and I want to see if pans out.

Completed season twenty of Silent Witness. Really liked how the episode played out and I'm interested in how Nikki and Jack deal with the fallout of their trip to Mexico.

Watched another episode of Strangest Things. A couple of interesting features in this one, especially the bat bomb that destroyed an entire air force base.

Also started a new episode of The Mandalorian. I'll finish it up later today while I prep for the new season.

That's it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Incursion, a novella that gives the main characters a second chance at romance in the middle of a two-pronged attack.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Marlie Davenport is wary of being on the team for Trace Altessa's protection detail. Sparks fly for a second time with her former coworker and flame, but a different powder keg is set to explode when Marlie discovers an infiltration within the private security company and teams up with Trace to thwart their planned incursion.

And a snippety peek…

"You're an ass, Trace." Marlie stormed into the office and slammed the door.

Trace expected her and she didn't disappoint. They had some unfinished business. And he probably had some groveling to do.

Marlie slapped the memo on his desk. "I refuse to be on your detail. You're an idiot to insist I lead the team." She folded her arms over her chest.

Trace set his pen aside with deliberation. "Forgive me, but what's your reason? I want the best and you're it." Two years hadn't changed her much—she still went for a direct cut.

Her eyes rolled. "Are you kidding? Backhanded compliments don't work on me." She relaxed her arms but paced back and forth. "We had something good. Or at least the beginning of something good." She stopped and pinned him with a hard gaze. "You left."

He winced inwardly. "Because my brother died." He spread his hands out. "This was his gig. His dream." Rising, he moved around the desk and propped a hip on the side. "My parents couldn't deal with the loss, and someone had to run the company." Unfortunately, that job fell to him.

Her gaze softened for a moment. "I get that part." She snapped back to fiery woman. "The part I don't get? Why you had to cut me out of your life to do it." Hurt came through loud and clear in her tone.

He ran a hand through his hair. "It wasn't my first choice. But I had no idea how long I'd have to manage the company and my parents." Their grief weighed them down along with him. "I couldn't ask you to wait. I wouldn't do that to you." He shoulders slumped. "Took me the first year to catch up and figure out the ins and outs of what Barth had going on here. A year of working twelve to eighteen hours a day while checking in on Mom and Dad, trying to keep them engaged with life." He shook his head. "I had no time for anything else. Or anyone else." He met her gaze. "How fair would that have been to you?" Hell, it hadn't been fair to him.

She lifted one shoulder. "Yeah, it wouldn't have been." The acknowledgment came out grudgingly.

But he considered the concession progress.

He straightened and moved to stare out the window. "I spent the second year getting the company back in good shape and ready for a merger." He glanced over his shoulder. "And now that we're at that point, the death threats started coming in. Someone doesn't want this merger to go through." His gaze went to the window again. "My parents back the idea. They want to see what Barth started continue to grow." He moved away from the window and back to the desk. "I can't let them know about the threats. Not after they lost my brother. They'd squash the merger plans if they thought they could end up with two dead children." Settling on the edge of the desk, he picked up the memo Marlie put there. "I hired First Tier because I trust Frank's company to keep me safe until the merger goes through." Raising his gaze to hers, he laid out the rest. "I want you on the detail because you know me better than anyone." And … he missed her…

Marlie made a growling sound. "Damn you, Trace. You're still an ass." Her stance relaxed. "But, fine. I'll lead the team."

Victory … at last.

I just started this story recently and I'm excited to see where it goes.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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