Sunday, August 6, 2023

Sunday Snippet: Lose Control

Wow. August snuck up on me. I need someone to slow time down a little so I can catch up. I did have a great week with work projects and I'm hoping that trend continues through the end of the year.

Had an okay week with watching television. I'm going through a weird phase where I'm feeling kind of blah about everything I'm viewing. Not because the shows aren't interesting … more because my attention is very scattered and it's hard to focus right now.

I started and ended the week with episodes of Strangest Things. Seriously, there are some truly weird and bizarre items featured on this show. People are strange sometimes.

Caught another episode of Classic Rugrats. Both featured fun bits with Grandpa Lou (Lew? I honestly can't remember how it's spelled.) They also had an in loving memory of David Doyle, the actor who voiced the character. Nice reminder of his work.

Watched another episode of Madame Blanc Mysteries. We're an episode away from the end of season two and I'm not sure if I'm interested in whatever the creepy lady has in store for Jean or not. I'm on the fence about whether I hope there's a resolution to wrap this part up or if it should continue through season three, if there is one.

Enjoyed another episode of Cannes Confidential. This show is so much fun even with the dark theme swirling in the background. I really hope there's another season of this.

Started a new two-part Silent Witness. Very interesting premise. I'm not completely sure I have this one figured out, but I think I do.

Caught another Death in Paradise, which finished out the first season. Looking forward to starting season two this week.

Continued my rewatch of Battlestar Galactica with "Black Market." I have so much love for this episode even though it has a lot of flaws. Getting action-hero Lee is kind of worth having some thrown-in plot devices.

Watched another Fantasy Island episode and, again, I'm cautiously optimistic with how they're handling the personal lives of the characters. Also really enjoyed the fantasy of the three women. Such a great episode!

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Lose Control, a sexy short where stress relief is on the menu.

Here's the miniblurb:

As a bar owner, Colin Ford stays calm and in control even though his work can be hectic and demanding. To relieve Colin's stress, Essie Hines loves nothing more than to make him lose control when they're alone together.

And a snippety peek…

Essie Hines clocked in and went in search of her boyfriend and boss, Colin Ford. "Wonder what he's got going on today." She'd had a midweek break and returned just in time for work and the Friday night rush.

She found Colin in the basement, restocking the huge walk-in cooler. A job he shouldn't be doing. He had barbacks for that.

Not that Essie would complain. Colin doing grunt work never failed to appeal to her baser instincts. For a tall, lanky bar owner, he made moving cases of alcohol look somehow graceful.

Propping her shoulder on the wall, she tilted her head to one side. "Where's Theo? Shouldn't he be doing the unload?" Her lips curved when Colin gave a startled jerk.

He set the case of bottles on the floor and faced her. "Theo called off. Again." He slowly made his way across the floor and grasped her hips when he got close. "Which means I'm running the stock tonight." His head dipped and his lips caught hers.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and sank into the welcome embrace. The quick trip home accomplished what it needed to, namely closing out her bank accounts since she no longer lived in her small hometown. She also spent some quality time with her mom and brother. The latter would be leaving for a stint in the navy soon.

Colin eased away. "Everything go okay at home?" He arched his brows. "You sure Frankie wants to join the navy? I could use another Hines around here." He nodded toward the pile of crates.

Essie laughed. "My brother wants to see the world and not have to pay to do it." She actually admired her sibling for going after what he wanted.

Colin huffed out a breath. "In that case…" He grasped her shoulders and nudged her toward the delivery. "Why don't you help me out for about twenty minutes?"

She gave a dramatic sigh. "Fine. But only because I get to ogle you while you work." Not a hardship.

Colin snorted. "And because you'll make more tips if you can actually have stock to serve." He hefted a heavy case of whiskey bottles onto a shelf.

Essie barked out a laugh. "Okay, that too." She picked up two cases of bottled beer and stocked them in the cooler.

She worked side by side with Colin for the next fifteen minutes. Half the delivery found its way to the shelves and walk-in refrigerator. She paused, her head tilting to one side again. How many times had Theo called off this month?

Straightening, she asked the question. "Colin, what's up with Theo? Isn't this like the third or fourth time he's missed a shift this month?"

Colin grunted. "Yeah. Fourth. Don't know what's up, but if he doesn't have a good reason, he's done. I can't keep pulling double duty. Not when we're as busy as we've been recently." He shook his head.

Essie wanted to smack Theo. "Got anyone in mind to take his place?" She didn't really have to ask … Colin planned ahead.

He shrugged. "I have a candidate in mind. Haven't made the call yet." He propped two more kegs in the cooler.

Essie gave a nod. "Until you do … you're working late. Not exactly healthy, you know." She'd have to make sure Colin got some rest before opening tomorrow.

But … he also needed to relieve his stress. She could definitely help with that … after closing.

I'm just getting started on this one and I'm having fun with Essie and Colin. They're a good complement to each other.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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