Sunday, August 13, 2023

Sunday Snippet: Lost and Found

I sometimes wonder if time is speeding up. The week flew by. Then again, I have multiple work projects going right now and they're all at different stages.

Had a decent week of television viewing. Not quite as heavy as last week but I got through a full round of my current shows.

Actually started and ended the week with Classic Rugrats. I'm currently watching season five and it's weirdly missing Susie Carmichael. Maybe there's more of her in the later episodes.

Finished up the second season of Madame Blanc Mysteries. Ended up fairly pleased with the resolution of Jean's stalker. Very glad and hopeful we don't have to see more of her.

Caught another episode of Cannes Confidential. I seriously love this show. The cast is amazing and the chemistry with all of them is terrific. I have a very sneaky suspicion one of the main characters is going to be a bad guy and I'm actually kind of here for that if it happens.

Watched another episode of Peak Practice. I have two left in season nine and it's going to be kind of heartbreaking because I know what's coming. Also, Andrew is seriously annoying right now and I'm not sure if he'll improve or not.

Continued my rewatch of Battlestar Galactica with "Scar." This is another one of my favorite episodes even if, like "Black Market," there are some big flaws with development for later episodes. One of the best conversations of the entire series is in this episode.

Finished up a two-part Silent Witness. The culprit was indeed one of two characters I thought it might be. Such a great episode.

Started season two of Death in Paradise. Good opening episode with some familiar faces in the guest stars. I love catching my favorite actors in other roles.

Enjoyed an episode of Fantasy Island. So cool to kind of see how Elena assumed the role of host. I'm very curious about Ruby's mystery woman. I have a theory about her and I hope we get some answers before the end of the season.

Finished up season two of Strangest Things. I'd be interested in more episodes, but I won't hold my breath. The combination of Discovery and HBO Max is the stupidest thing ever and I'm honestly not sure I'll even continue trying to find shows I want to watch.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Lost and Found, a novella that brings a couple back together to help their friends.

Here's the miniblurb:

Marianne Jenkins and Jon Walton are on the outs, but when their best friends' daughter is kidnapped, Mari and Jon put their differences aside and work to help find the little one, which won't be easy because the culprit is much closer than any of them think.

And a snippety peek…

Mari entered the deserted coffee shop and spotted Shar and Karl in a corner booth.

She made her way through the empty tables but stopped short when she caught another person with them. His eyes narrowed and he shot Shar and Karl a sideways glance. At least Jon seemed to be surprised to see her too.

Mari shook her head. "Uh-uh. Tell me you didn't drag me here for some kind of lame-ass intervention." She started to turn, ready to leave. "Not interested."

Shar's hand snagged Mari's wrist. "This isn't a goddamned intervention. It's not even about you." Her voice hissed the next words. "Dina's been kidnapped and your self-absorbed ass is going to sit down and help figure out a way to get her back." She jerked Mari forward, dragging her into the booth.

Stunned and, quite frankly, embarrassed, Mari wrapped an arm around Shar. "Shit. I'm so sorry." She reached out and grasped Karl's hand. "When the hell did this happen?" Carefully avoiding meeting Jon's gaze, Mari tamped down her guilt at being a bitch.

Jon gave a startled grunt. "This is why you asked us here?" Relief filled his tone.

The fist around her heart eased a little and the weight in her stomach lessened. If Jon thought they'd been summoned for a why-don't-you-two-crazy-idiots-get-back-together session, also, she didn't need to be so angsty.

Karl nodded. "Yeah, look, we know you're on the outs, but you're our best friends, and we don't have anyone else to turn to." He lifted his chin and Shar's head bobbed up and down, giving him the go ahead to continue. "As Dina's godparents, we need you to set your shit aside and promise to put shredding each other on hold until we have our daughter back." He squeezed Mari's hand. "Can you do that?"

Mari finally met Jon's gaze. He rolled a shoulder—which, of course, he did—leaving the call hers to make. Just one of the reasons they clashed all the time in the first place.

She bit back a nasty retort and hugged Shar harder. "Yeah, we can do that. How do you want us to help?"

I'm not completely sure how this story is going to play out and that always makes me kind of happy and nervous at the same time.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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