Sunday, February 25, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Rescue Me

February kind of flew by, which isn't actually a big shock since it's a short month anyway. But, man, I kind of wish it went by a little slower. I'm always scrounging around for time and short months make me feel like there's less to be had.

Still had trouble focusing this week but I got a lot accomplished on my work projects despite my distraction. Luckily, I have more than one project going so I can hop around when I start to lose my concentration.

Had an okay week of viewing. I have to figure out what's going on with one of my streamers. That could take another week. But I did get through most of my usual shows.

Started with My Life Is Murder and actually got two episodes watched. I like the pickup with Alexa's brother again. I wondered if we'd see him this season. Also enjoyed both cases Alexa had to solve.

Watched the first part of Agatha Raisin. Poor James. I can't wait to find out who offed his bride. I love the interaction between all the characters, but I'm sad Roy isn't in this one. At least not yet.

Caught another episode of Silent Witness. Kind of enjoyed having another case mixed in with the ongoing saga of Sam Ryan. I'm really not sure what's going on with her and I'm not going to be super surprised if she ends up being in the clear. Also loved Nikki and Jack's date. Nice to get some backstory with Simone, too.

Enjoyed an episode of Death in Paradise. I remember bits of this one and I'm glad I got to see the whole thing from start to finish. Not a bad opening for season six.

Watched another episode of Elementary. I liked seeing Sherlock realize he'd way overstepped with the NYPD. Also loved having the captain kind of take some of his dignity back.

Caught another episode of The Batman. I'm not as fond of this season and I remember feeling this way when I watched originally. The new format grew on me, and I'll settle back in and enjoy, but I really loved the first season of this show the most.

Enjoyed the penultimate episode of The Secret Life of Amy Benson. Everything is coming to a head, and I can't wait to see how this ends.

Also rewatched the Battlestar Galactica resistance webisodes. Groundbreaking at the time, there's a lot of story packed into ten mini-episodes. And twenty years later, I'm still stunned at how prescient the writers were for what's going on in the world today.

And that's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Rescue Me, a novella that tracks how a couple got together.

Here's the miniblurb:

After twenty-four hours of nonstop runs in two busy station houses, Skylar Darns and Hayes Parrison, two extremely good paramedics, are ready to throw in the towel and have someone rescue them. The one saving grace? They spend the day planning their anniversary celebration—one they may be too exhausted to attend.

And a snippety peek…

Halfway through the day, after another dicey call, Skylar took a quick five minutes to shoot a text to Hayes. "We need to plan a movie night sometime soon."

Hayes sent a thumbs-up emoji.

Her lips quirked and she climbed inside the back of the rig and settled on the bench seat. With their schedules, movie nights were hard to come by sometimes. And occasionally, they got sidetracked altogether. Like the very first time they scheduled one.

She'd worked half a shift for a friend and responded to a house fire with five fatalities. After being relieved after two o'clock, she'd come home and hopped in the shower, spending an incredibly long time under the pounding hot spray. She couldn't shake the cold feeling of death that permeated since the five black bags were loaded into the coroner's van.

When Hayes arrived, ready to go and looking so hot in a pair of worn jeans and tight T-shirt with the fire department logo embroidered on the pocket, she wished she could put the day aside and go.

Instead, she asked him in for a moment. "Did you hear about the callout to the residential structure fire this morning?"

He nodded. "Yeah, rough going."

She grunted an acknowledgment. "Do you mind if we skip the movie?" She just couldn't be a shiny, happy person today.

Hayes cocked his head. "Sure, do you want to me to call when I get home?" He made a move to head back outside.

Skylar shook her head. "Actually, I want you to get naked and have really hot sex with me." Anything to shove the shitty images from the morning aside.

He kicked the door shut, yanking his shirt over his head. "I can do that." He popped the button on his jeans. "Are you going to join me with the naked thing or remained dressed? I'm down either way."

He couldn't have lifted her mood more with those words. She laughed and raced him to the bedroom, shedding clothes on the way. He had the best way of being exactly what she needed to forget the crap day.

He caught her before she reached the bed, grasping her hips to stop her progress. She turned, sliding his hands up to his biceps. His gaze showed naked hunger and her chin tilted upward. His head lowered and, when his lips caught hers, heat flared, desire flamed and flickered along her nerve-endings.

She backed toward the bed and tugged him down with her, their lips still fused together. He shuffled around, dragging a condom from his jeans and sheathing his erection. When he parted her thighs and thrust forward, she gasped against his mouth.

He paused, bracing his arms on either side of her torso. "You okay?" Concern tinged his voice.

She nodded. "Better than. Don't stop." Her fingers gripped his ass urging him to continue.

He fit perfectly and the friction of him filling her already had her senses clamoring for more. Hayes complied, taking his time, drawing back slowly, and moving forward with exquisite slowness. He used his hands and lips to soothe her weary soul, easing the weight she couldn't seem to shrug off.

When her breathing went shallow, and the friction built to an aching pitch, Hayes worked his fingers over her clit and she came apart, shuddering through an orgasm. He followed right behind her, whispering her name against her throat. Buoyed by the release, she cupped his chin and brought his lips to hers.

When he eased away to dispose of the condom in her small bathroom, she rolled to her side and propped her head on her hand. Hayes returned, gathering their clothes on the way. He put hers on the slipper chair in the corner of the bedroom.

He started to put his shirt on, but Skylar sat up and reached out for him. "Can you spend the night?" A big step, but she didn't want to be alone.

Hayes paused, letting the shirt hang off his arm. "I'd love to, if you're sure." The unasked question rolled through his gaze.

Is this the start of something more?

Skylar gave a nod. "Wouldn't ask if I wasn't." She flipped the sheet back. "Come back to bed."

Hayes didn't hesitate, flinging his shirt over his shoulder. Skylar laughed, but sobered, her chin wobbling. Hayes slid onto the bed and scooped her into his arms, tucking her head against his shoulder. Then he let her unload about her experience that day.

I have a lot of love for this story. I'm a huge fan of tracing the events that bring people together.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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