Sunday, May 12, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Standing Room Only (a Black Unicorn Comics novella)

Happy US Mother's Day to those who celebrate. For those with parental issues, I hope you find joy and peace.

Had the rare experience of seeing the northern lights in Ohio. I can honestly say I haven't been so excited about something in a long time. The mysteries of space are awesome!

Fairly busy week with work projects and other odds and ends. Finished up a couple of manuscripts and started a new one. I have another ongoing developmental edit that I need to dive back into this week.

Not a bad week of viewing even with a few distractions. I'm at a weird place with watching right now. I'm kind of leaning toward doing binge marathons again and I'm not sure I want to fall down that rabbit hole again.

Caught two episodes of Suspects and enjoyed both. This show is kind of choppy and that adds something to the experience. I love the cases and how things are rarely what they seem from the initial starting point.

Finished up the third season of Madame Blanc Mysteries. I'd love to see another series of this show. The cast is a lot of fun.

Watched two episodes of Silent Witness. I've realized that after the next one, I'm completely caught up with the show. I really like the current cast and I'm excited to see what the next season brings.

Enjoyed an episode of Death in Paradise. This is one I hadn't seen before and I liked the case. I'm also enjoying Jack's tenure as DI.

I think I finished out the first season of Elementary. I'm actually thrilled with how the Moriarity plot played out. I love seeing Joan kind of step in to the role of consulting detective with ease and grace. The things she sees that Sherlock doesn't is always interesting.

Watched another episode of The Batman. Nice to see Ethan back again. I'm a little bummed we haven't seen Chen for a while and I can't remember if she comes back or not.

Enjoyed the Valentine episode of Classic Rugrats. I do remember this one but not everything about it. Nice to see some longer length episodes also.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Standing Room Only, a Black Unicorn Comics novella.

Here's the miniblurb:

The crew from the Black Unicorn Comic Company is celebrating their award-winning event from a convention at a local pub. The entire group is in fine form and, with their significant others in attendance, it's standing room only at the bar with Lucy and Brian holding court.

And a snippety peek…

Lucy Sanderson stumbled out of the crowded venue and threw her arms open wide. "I can't believe we won in every category!" She whirled around, sashaying her hips.

Her better half, Brian Wells, laughed. "You're the one who said we would." He gave her a cheeky grin.

Lucy paused her antics. "Well, yeah. But that was me being overconfident. I didn't really think we'd do a sweep." She put her arms down then wrapped them around Brian. "Congratulations, by the way." Her lips brushed over his.

Brian hugged her close. "I can say the same." His mouth met hers for a lingering kiss.

The rest of their Black Unicorn coworkers spilled out of the auditorium and onto the sidewalk. Zapf and Els had their heads together. Reg and Ana quickly ducked to the side, Ana's baby bump showing proudly through her form-fitting twin set. Ana's sister Josephine wore a wide smile, loving the vibe of their group. Harry followed with Louanne—his date for the evening. He had her hand tucked into the crook of his elbow. Randy and Sosh walked out arm in arm with eyes only for each other.

Probably a good thing because last but not least, Chelle exited the building with her date, Hans Heinmiller, the owner of Black Unicorn's biggest rival, Dark Mirror Comics. Sosh had history with Hans but Chelle either didn't care or thrived on the potential for drama.

Lucy rolled her eyes but kept a biting comment to herself.

Brian leaned in close. "It's killing you, isn't it?" His hand drifted down her back to cup her butt cheek.

Lucy tilted her head back. "What's killing me?" She absolutely knew what he meant, but loved putting him on the spot.

Brian arched his brows. "Not saying whatever is sitting on the tip of your tongue. My guess is you're dying to take Chelle to task for showing up with Hot Hans." His nose wrinkled.

Lucy barked out a laugh. "I swear if she calls him that one more time, I'm going to douse her desk with the strongest tobasco sauce I can find." Or make a bouquet of ghost peppers.

Brian sputtered with a chuckle. "Okay, I'm giving you too many ideas. Let's get this group down to the Jolly and we'll buy a round to celebrate." He waggled his eyebrows.

The Jolly Jester catered to ex-pats like Reg and Brian. A traditional English pub with stout ales and lots of football and cricket on the telly. And, lucky them, located half a block from the awards venue meant they could all walk.

Lucy gave a nod and Brian turned around, issuing a sharp whistle.

Everyone but Chelle quieted down.

Brian jerked his head toward the direction. "Drinks on us at the Jolly. Let's keep this celebration going a little longer, yeah?" He tugged Lucy closer to his side.

A chorus of agreement went around, and everyone started down the sidewalk.

Lucy bit back a grin then leaned up to whisper in Brian's ear. "We're buying one round then we're heading home to have our own little party."

Brian's lips curved upward. "Let me guess … naked and in bed, yeah?"

Lucy lifted her chin. "Absolutely. It's the best way to celebrate."

I have so much love for this series. Brian and Lucy are an amazing couple to write and following their antics is a lot of fun.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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