Sunday, May 19, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Stone Cold Sober

Had a solid week of getting stuff done. This makes me happy. Got a garden planted. Okay, my husband got most of the planting done. I only did one thing, but I call that a win anyway.

On the work front, I did fairly well also. I'm hoping to launch a new venture in June, and I finally got back to setting that up. I also finished up a copy edit and started a proofreading project.

Solid week of viewing also. I'm in a bit of a groove and sticking with a cluster of shows. I still have a weird urge to binge watch a marathon of something, but I've resisted that urge. It's so easy to fall down a rabbit hole and not get anything done.

Ended up getting two episodes of Death in Paradise watched. One featured a Day of the Dead tie in, which is notable only because I'm watching a different show today that has a Day of the Dead tie in.

Also got two episodes of Elementary in. Started season two and got to meet Mycroft, which I enjoyed. Also got some additional Joan backstory and I'm glad to see some of that.

Enjoyed two episodes of The Batman. Both were ones I remembered from my original run through the show. Season three is different as I don't feel as connected to the characters, but it's a pretty solid season so far.

Caught two episodes of Classic Rugrats. I've started season eight and I'd forgotten it's a lead up to the Rugrats in Paris movie and all the episodes are interconnected.

Watched two episodes of Suspects. I finished up season three and started season four. The premiere of four had a very twisty case and I really enjoyed that one.

Started season ten of Brokenwood Mysteries. I love this show so much. There's a terrific cast of characters and I love that Frodo and Todd have found both bodies so far this season.

Also enjoyed the finale of season twenty-six of Silent Witness. I'm finally one hundred percent caught up with the series. Now I play a waiting game until season twenty-seven.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Stone-Cold Sober, a novella with one of my favorite tropes … meeting the wrong guy first.

Here's the miniblurb:

When Tansy Jons meets West Tamesin, they have an instant connection, but she's dating one of his oldest friends. A drunken evening and almost hookup with West has Tansy examining what she feels as soon as she's stone-cold sober.

And a snippety peek…

Tansy exhaled on a jittery breath. "I'm really not sure about this." A little nervous about meeting with West, but the place would be perfect for him.
The little bungalow had everything he wanted. Not too big, off the beaten track, but close enough to town for convenience and good utilities. And the price, even if it didn't matter, wouldn't set him back too much.
The crunch of gravel drew her attention to the window. West drove up the long lane, and Tansy fought a kick to her heart when she went down to greet him at his vehicle. He exited the car, and she noticed the abrasion on his cheek.
She winced. "David's handiwork?" Why hadn't she thought of that possibility?
Coming between best friends would never rank as her finest moment.
West grunted. "I deserved it." He shut the door and shoved his hands in his pockets.
The cargo pants suited him. And she really needed to stop that thought right there. She wouldn't traipse down that road.
She shook her head. "No, you didn't. And I'm sorry." She owed him the apology.
West cocked his head and asked a point-blank question. "Why did you dump David?"
Tansy boldly told the truth. "Because I'm stone-cold sober and can't get you out of my mind." She grimaced inwardly. "And I haven't two-timed any man yet … I'm not going to start with a nice guy like David." If she couldn't stop thinking about West, she couldn't be with anyone else.
West mulled her words over and gave a nod. "What do you want?" He didn't add from me, but the implication resonated.
Tansy opted for honesty again. "You. All over me." Why not go for broke?
His eyes widened. "Damn. Didn't expect that answer." He huffed out a breath.
Tansy backed off a little. "Look, I know it's awkward, but I'm being truthful. I find it's better than playing games."
West grumbled with frustration. "I want you. I won't deny I don't." He met her gaze. "But I have something of a code…"
Never date the ex of a best friend. Yeah. Bro code all the way.
Tansy inclined her chin. "I get it. No problem." She gave him the contact info for the rental office and keys. "I hope you like the place." She made her way to her car before she could do anything stupid.
Like beg West to reconsider.

I love to tackle difficult subjects and navigating the fallout after realizing a hard truth is one of my favorite things to do.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!



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