Sunday, June 30, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Things Even Out

I can't believe we're at the end of June already. It's crazy how fast time is flying right now. Probably because of the whole respiratory yuck that ate up most of the month. Thankfully, that seems to have finally run its course. Feeling so much better now.

Had a super busy work week. Playing catch-up isn't my favorite thing on the planet. But I did finish a proofread and made solid progress on the other two projects on my plate.

Had a very limited viewing schedule this week, mainly because I really wanted to make as much of a dent as possible in my work. I had my usual background comfort shows playing in the background with Perry Mason and Midsomer Murders. I love the channels dedicated to one show, which is how I get Midsomer whenever I want. And Perry Mason is easy to find on the classic TV channels.

I did catch an episode of Best in Paradise and enjoyed revisiting how JP got reacquainted with Rosie. I'm enjoying the cast member introductions to each episode.

I also watched the first of a two-part Death in Paradise. I'd seen a bit of the episode before and knew what to expect but it's very powerful to watch from the beginning. Looking forward to the second part this week.

I started an episode of Elementary and didn't make it all the way through. I'll finish that one up later tonight.

And that's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Things Even Out, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the miniblurb:

The return of a family member triggers a long-standing trauma in Heather Jerome, and she turns to her best friend Shad Wilhelm to cope. Shad sticks close and talks her though several rough patches, which isn't easy for him because he's been in love with Heather for a long time and she has no idea how he feels.

And a sneaky peek…

Heather Jerome fished her phone out of her pocket. "Hey, Mom. Gimme a sec." She motioned for Shad Wilhelm to man the counter then popped into the staging area of the coffee shop. "Okay, what's up?" Had to be something semi-important for her mom to call during a busy time.
Jenn Jerome all but squeed into the phone. "You'll never guess who's coming back?" She paused, letting the drama build.
Heather bit back a sigh. "You're right. I probably won't." Grabbing a tray, she started putting brunch sandwiches together.
Jenn huffed out a breath. "Fine. Spoil the fun." She tsked. "Crap. Sorry. Just realized you're probably slammed right now."
Heather rolled her eyes. "No worries. Shad's here today. I've got an extra set of hands." He'd stopped in after his shift at the fire department and stuck around.
Her best friend and silent partner would keep the line moving for the tea and coffee drinkers and early morning scone grabbers.
Jenn chuckled. "Shad will definitely put smiles on some faces this morning. Emmie mentioned the other day she always looks for him on his off-shift days."
Heather grinned. "Yeah, he's not bad for business." Which hopefully meant his investment would pay off in big ways.
Jenn echoed the sentiment. "Between the two of you and your creative ideas, I predict a long and prosperous partnership."

Heather did a quick reminder. "Shad's a silent partner, Mom. Don't forget that." At least for now.

Heather hoped he'd change his mind but wouldn't push him on the subject.
To get back on topic, she prompted Jenn. "Who's coming back?" She finished a tray of sandwiches and stored them in the cooler.
Jenn clicked her tongue against her teeth. "Oh, right." She made a sound of apology. "You're Aunt Nona called. Proctor is moving in to their old house on Brookside Lane. Isn't that awesome?"
Heather kind of split into two beings. One who made the appropriate responses to Jenn's announcement while she explained about the long-term renters moving after almost two decades of living in the home. The other Heather flashed back with vivid clarity to the age of five and being at eleven-year-old Proctor's mercy. Her ears roared and her vision swam.
She took a deep, calming breath. No. Surely twenty years changed a person, right?
"Heather, did you hear me? I'm going to have them over for dinner before Nona heads back to the city. You'll come, won't you? Welcome your cousin back and all."
Heather shook her head. "Uh, not sure, Mom. Depends on when. But let me know and I'll try to be there." Yeah, maybe not.
Jenn finally ended the call and Heather set her phone on the stainless-steel work surface. Proctor Mason moving back. Her hands were clammy and shaky, which annoyed her.
At thirty-two, Proctor had surely grown of the preadolescent monster phase, right?
She berated herself. "Doesn't matter. I'm not five anymore." Still … the idea of him being around permanently kind of wigged her out.
Then again, she'd spent the worst year of her life at his hands. She could have five minutes of existential dread, couldn't she? Sure, she absolutely could.
Shad poked his head over the café doors. "Hey? Everything all right?"
Heather huffed out something between a laugh and a sob.
And for the first time since she'd met Shad—three months after Proctor's family moved away—she had no idea how to answer.

This story is in the very beginning stages. I have a good idea of where things will go but Shad and Heather might have different ideas.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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