Sunday, July 7, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Throw in the Towel

You know, I love a great fireworks display … but … I don't love almost a full week of random nonstop barrages from different locations where I can't even see them. Because at least I'd be able to enjoy something while my poor doggos are huddled against me shaking and freaking out. In all seriousness, I don't begrudge people having the funds and knowledge to celebrate with fireworks. But I also hate the first week of July for anyone who has pets that can't deal with the show.

It's been a weird week with a toilet repair followed by a washing machine leak that needed fixed. I'm still working on the leak because, seriously, it's never a simple thing when I'm involved. I'm crossing my fingers for not having anything else water-related to deal with this week.

Had another super busy week of work. I'm slogging through a very, very long proofread and I'm almost at the finish line. Completed a copyedit that ended up having some consistency concerns but ended up being such a great story. And it's a holiday book! I love editing holiday manuscripts.

Didn't get a lot of viewing in, mainly because the proofread is difficult subject matter and so long I don't want to risk losing my spot by getting distracted. I definitely don't want to do a lot of repeat work because I lose my place.

I did get to watch an episode of My Life Is Murder. I so enjoy this show. The characters are such a delight.

I also finished up the episode of Elementary that I started last week. I have to admit I'm not quite sure if I'm down with Mycroft possibly being a bad guy. My guess is he's working with someone we've seen before, and I have two people in mind. Stay tuned to see if I'm right.

And that's it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Throw in the Towel, a novella that brings a couple together while they compete on a fictional mud-run circuit.

Here's the miniblurb:

Taurin Beach and Craig Wallmartin are top competitors on the mud run circuit. When Craig is caught by a reporter with nothing but a towel, it gives Taurin the perfect idea for catching his attention and finally getting what she wants. Him.

And a snippety peek…

Taurin limped across the finish line in second place. "Serves me right." She'd taken a marked offshoot on the trail thinking it might be a fun challenge.
Instead, the detrimental detour ended up leaving her with a twisted ankle even if the alternate route didn't cost more time on the course. Slowing down to keep the injury to a minimum, she speedwalked the last half mile after putting a wrap on the affected foot. Some ice and elevation should get her squared away.
Her lips quirked. "And shouldn't mess up my plan to do the towel trick." Hopefully, she'd timed everything right.
Sure enough, as she'd predicted, Craig had a bevy of fans surrounding him, giving her a chance to duck into the shower area before him. She found an empty spot and turned on the water, stepping under the spray fully clothed. Fresh mud and caked-on dirt rolled off her body. Once clear of most, she yanked her shirt off and scrubbed her upper torso clean. Dropping her shorts, she followed suit with the lower half.
And, finally, she washed the sweat, pollen, and grit from her hair. "Ah … feels so much better." Finished, she turned the water off and grabbed her towel, wrapping the too small terrycloth around her midsection.
Her ass barely covered, she checked to see if Craig had entered the interior yet. Hot damn. She caught sight of his head above the partition separating the two shower areas.
Grabbing her rinsed gear, she rolled the wet clothes into a larger towel and walked into the communal space on the pretext of forgetting something. "Anyone find a black and red flip-flop?" Her question drew Craig's attention and—yes—his gaze dropped to her thighs and a flash of interest sparked in his eyes.
She turned, making sure he got a glimpse of her ass, and found the not-actually-missing shoe. "Never mind, I found it." Holding it up, she headed to the changing area and started dressing.
 A big smile spread across her face. Mission accomplished. And as much as she hated to leave him hanging, she had to make tracks to head home and cover a help-desk shift for a coworker.
And put her foot up and ice it down so she'd be set for next weekend's run.

I have so much fun writing this story. Taurin and Craig are a joy to spend time with.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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