Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Underneath

Once again, Ohio weather is all over the place. But at least it hasn't been sweltering hot. Had setbacks with our cars. Mine is still not quite ready. The new engine computer the garage ordered didn't work so they got another one. Hopefully this week. My husband had a deer literally jump on top of his CR-V, shattering the windshield, knocking the rearview mirror off, and sending the driver's side mirror clear over to the passenger side floor. It even dented the top of the car up to the sunroof. I'm pretty sure it's a total loss. Luckily my husband is okay, aside from having a ton of glass all over him. He found glass all the way in the back of the vehicle.

Really busy work week. I finished up a copy edit and continued work on a developmental edit. Also started a new project that's not quite a developmental edit, but it is cleaning up a lot of formatting in a manuscript to get it ready for a copy edit, which a colleague is going to do. Had an exchange with a new author and hope to work with her in the future.

Semi-decent week of viewing. I didn't quite make a full round, mainly because I spent a lot of time on the phone trying to get the insurance sorted and line up a rental until we know for sure what's going on with the CR-V.

I did get an episode of My Life Is Murder in and thoroughly enjoyed it. Lots of twists and turns in this one. Once again, Madison stole the show. Also really cool to have indigenous representation for the storyline. And … more hints about Alexa's family. Here's hoping we'll see more of them.

I think I watched the finale of Signora Volpe, and it might have set up a future episode featuring Sylvia's ex. That would be a lot of fun. So awesome to see her niece again and getting to know her dad. Isabelle ended up stealing this episode. Going to watch the behind-the-scenes stuff next.

Finished up Best in Paradise with the first of the two-parter that set up Florance's exit. It was a great episode and very bittersweet as the actress mentioned when she introduced the episode.

Also caught another Death in Paradise and enjoyed the mystery. It's also fun to see Jack trying to move on from the loss of his wife. The awkward but awesome communication with Anna is lovely to watch.

Started an episode of Elementary but need to finish it this week. Too many distractions to get all the way through the show. It looks like a good one though.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Underneath, a novella that takes an established couple on a journey to face their truths.

Here's the miniblurb:

When Riley West and Hampton Bennett are trapped underneath a building, they have plenty of time to resolve the argument they had before work, which means they have to face the underlying issues of trying to combine their professional and personal life.

And a snippety peek…

Reeves West pushed back against Hampton Bennett's groin. "Ah, yeah. Right there." Her fingers curled into her palms against the tile of the shower.
Water sluiced over her shoulders and down her back before trailing off where her ass met Hampton's hips. He picked up the pace, going deep on each thrust. Reeves edged closer to the brink, the hard spray adding to the heady thrum of almost-there bliss.
Hampton gripped her waist with one hand and slid the other up to cup a breast. The roll of his thumb over her nipple sent her flying over the edge. She shuddered and gasped, the orgasm washing over her in pleasurable waves.
Hampton's hot breath fanned against her ear. "I'm right behind you…" His thighs flexed one more time before he came with his head resting on her shoulder.
She reached up to turn the water off and his lips ghosted over the column of her throat. Not much beat hot sex before work. But … if he kept nuzzling her, they'd be very late because she could go for another round.
Grabbing one of the towels hanging over the enclosed stall, she handed it to Hampton then snagged the other one for herself.
After wiping her face off, she turned and caught Hampton's lips in a quick, hard kiss. "Best way to start the day, yeah?" Draping the towel over her shoulders, she popped the door open and stepped out onto the fluffy mat.
Hampton's lips curved. "Not gonna hear me complain." He dried off quickly then eased around her to hang his towel on the rack.
Reeves did the same. "And we've got just enough time to get dressed, grab some coffee, and head out." She followed Hampton into his bedroom and rifled through her duffel bag for underclothes and socks.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, she donned the undergarments then got up to get into her uniform. With her shirt halfway buttoned up, she slid her feet into her shoes then headed for the kitchen to pour two travel mugs of java. Two sugars for Hampton and one sugar and a splash of creamer for her.
Hampton came in behind her, pulling a pack of muffins from his fridge. "When do you want to move in?" He put one muffin on the counter and peeled the wrapper off the other.
Reeves stiffened. "Not sure. Right before work isn't the best time to talk about it…" She'd rather not discuss moving in at all. "But I promise we will. Soon." Needing a change of subject, she nodded toward the schedule. "We got any newbies on shift today?" She hoped like hell that would be the end of the living arrangement conversation.
Hampton wouldn't be dissuaded. "Seriously, Reeves. When do you want to move in. Or find a place together?" He took the mug she handed him and swallowed a large gulp.
Reeves bit her tongue and did a quick five count. "Look. I don't know. But we will have a discussion. Soon." Right after she figured out if she could risk her hard-won freedom again.
Hampton called bullshit. "You've said that the last three times. How are you defining soon?" He added more coffee to their mugs.
Reeves fought a flash of anger and tried for humor. "Um … sometime before we both die." Her stomach growled and she bit into her muffin, hoping she didn't end up choking on it.
Hampton arched his brows. "You're not serious, are you?" His head cocked and his jaw twitched.
She hated how they'd gone from blissed out to dug in. How did she explain her absolute fear she'd be left holding the bag if things went south between them? Why couldn't Hampton be cool with sharing a bed but not a living space? What did she have to do to make it clear she loved spending time with him but shied away from making a full commitment? Maybe she should tell Hampton about her ex and the shattered pieces he left her life in when he fucked off into the sunset without her. She would … eventually. But she couldn't do it today.
Instead, she shrugged. "The vibe isn't right to talk about moving in yet." Meeting his gaze, she made sure hers didn't waver.
Hampton huffed out a breath. "Guess that's that then." He grabbed his keys, wallet, and phone then scooped up his mug and headed for the door.
Reeves closed her eyes. "Gonna be a long drive to the station house today…"

I just started this one and I'm so excited to see how these two resolve their issues.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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