Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sunday Snippet: Along the Shore

This is a snippet from the follow up to Down in Mexico. If you haven't read that one yet...why not? LOL

The main characters, Lars and Kiernan, will feature in this one to help Vail and Ellery along their journey. :)

Here's a tag line: Vail Ericsson, a freelance security expert and skilled tracker, can find anyone for a price. But when he trails Ellery Quantrell to Mexico, he discovers she's not an escapee but target and his role changes from pursuer to protector, whether Ellery wants him as a shield or not.

And the snippet for Along the Shore...

"Come on, let's go." Vail Ericcson extended his hand, offering assistance.
Ellery Quantrell glanced up through her eyelashes. "I know you're not talking to me." She blew her limp bangs out of her face. "I just told you, I'm done taking orders."
Vail made a choking sound. "Then by all means, consider it a request, but get your ass up and get moving. The shooter could still be on our trail." His eyes scanned the horizon, his gaze shooting up to check the rooftops.
Ellery snorted. "On your trail, not mine. I've been here two months with nothing but rest and relaxation. You show up and less than twenty-four hours later, I'm dodging bullets." She glared. "Thanks for that."
Vail responded with a nasty look. What else could he do? She spoke the truth.
Ellery shrugged. "Like I said. I'm done. Until you can convince me it's worth my time and effort to help you out, I'm sitting right here in this park, on this bench, and enjoying the sun."

This one has been so much fun to write but still has a long way to go. Stay tuned for more sneak peeks.

Happy Reading!


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