Sunday, August 18, 2019

Sunday Snippet: Tell Me More

Ugh! August is fast becoming the craziest month I've ever had. This past week I filled my gas tank up on Monday and by Wednesday, I only had half a tank left. For perspective… a full tank of gas usually lasts about two to three weeks for me. Does that say anything about the week I had? LOL

Seriously, though, a lot of back and forth travel several times a day did give me lots of windshield time. It also gave terrible drivers and a buttload of construction but that's a whole different rant for another day.

I did end up having a highly productive week workwise, which means I didn't have a lot of time for television. I did hear the news of Krypton's demise unless another network picks it up. Here's hoping that happens. I really do love the characters.

I've been rather disappointed that my once favorite network is no longer in the running for my viewing time. I either watch on demand via the app or not at all. It makes me sad that Syfy has fallen so far. I literally used to watch the channel almost exclusively way back in the day.

As much as I love the convenience of streaming shows, I miss having a wide variety of stuff to choose from during the day on regular cable television. I have been enjoying the local channels' digital offerings. MeTV, Decades, Comet, Charge, This TV, etc. has some great classic stuff. That's what I've been having on in the background. I'm also a big fan of Ovation right now.

I did get to watch a few more episodes of Peter Gunn this week but that's about it.

Tonight's post is from Tell Me More, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Shannon Tewes and Webber Dillon work for a premier event planner and don't always see eye to eye. Shannon has a knack for putting Webber on the hot seat whenever their boss is around and Webber has several ideas of how he'd retaliate if he ever got Shannon in a compromising position.

And a snippety peek…

Webber Dillon yawned and stretched then swung his legs over the mattress to sit up. "I gotta stop working seventeen hours a day." A hot shower and breakfast on the go should wake him up.
Of course, coffee would be necessary for him to stay awake. Early morning meetings sucked balls.
He made the shower short even though he wanted to stand under the hot spray for at least an hour. "Right… not this morning." He had to go over the emailed images Shannon sent earlier in the week.
Right in the middle of the haunted garden project. He barely finished the wrought iron edging Marjorie insisted on adding to pathways. Of course, her last-minute faux forgetfulness amounted to bullshit. Marjorie loved to dump a pile of steaming crap in his lap so she could watch him frantically try to pull off the impossible.
Shaking his head, he poured a travel mug of coffee. "Not sure how much longer I can take Marjorie's ballbusting." Then again, he only had to do one thing to get her to back off. "Right. Not gonna happen." Ever.
So far, he'd kept his end of the deal from hell he'd struck with the event planner. And he planned to never give her a reason to pull her trump card. His work ethic spoke for itself but Marjorie had his balls in a vice and wouldn't hesitate to use any leverage she could gain to force his hand.
He took his caffeine to the table and opened the file Shannon sent. After familiarizing himself with the plans, he jotted a few notes and ideas to add during the meeting. Shannon did good work. Her mock-ups were easy to follow and she didn't scrimp on detail.
He grabbed his folder and tucked it under his arm. "And she got it in before the meeting for once." Finally… he could look forward to a less stressed and busy week.
Scooping his coffee up, he headed for his SUV ready to grab a quick breakfast taco on his way in to Fabulous Fetes.

Webber is going to lose his mind when he discovers Shannon had a last-minute, brilliant idea for the wedding. How much fun will it be when she decides to apologize?

That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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