Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sunday Snippet: Underfoot

So far, October is a pretty good month. My daughter is on the homecoming court for the first time and is excited to participate in the annual parade coming up in a week or two. She'll be hosting her annual gathering next weekend and we've got a laundry list of stuff to get finished up before then.

Not a bad week for television. I started out with a Passionflix original, Brother's Honor and thoroughly enjoyed the movie. I'm excited to see the other two movie's in this trilogy when they're available.

I also caught up on some Arrow, watching an episode from last season. I'll be a little behind when season eight premieres but I should be caught up soon.

Watched the first episode of Murdoch Mysteries's new season. This show is so much fun. I love the characters more each year.

For some reason, I missed the last two episodes of Frankie Drake Mysteries's second season. I got one episode watched and have the final one and the first three of this season to get caught up on.

I'm also catching up on Riverdale. I finished an episode and watched another full one. I haven't seen the premiere of season four yet, but I plan to have at least a full box of tissues handy when I do watch it.

I still haven't decided what I'll be picking up after Peter Gunn, but I'll be starting that this week.

That's pretty much it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Underfoot, a novella that got a start from a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Nona Rack, a footloose artist and Jane of all trades, breaks down beside reclusive author West Wentworth's house at two am during a blinding snowstorm. The cranky writer lets her stay, even though she's underfoot, and before he knows it, he's discovered a new muse.

And a snippety peek…

Nona stripped down to her long thermal leggings and henley-style shirt then made her way to one of the windows on either side of the bed. "Great. The snow's even worse now." Should be interesting trying to see the damage to her car in white-out conditions.
Especially if she couldn't get it running.
Or the weather raged on for more than a day.
Her lips twisted. "Won't that make Mr. Grumpypants less than happy?" Okay, maybe a little harsh. He seemed stressed-out more than cranky.
Pushing away from the window, she turned and let her artist's gaze survey the room. An abundance of leather furniture crowded the large space. Two walls were floor-to-ceiling bookcases, mostly reference and research tomes. She moved closer, running her fingers over the smooth wood of the shelves.
The tip of her index finger traced the carved design on the vertical dividers. "Nice work." Probably art deco and original to the house.
She turned on a lamp then flipped the overhead light off. A warm glow filled a corner of the room, giving a cozy vibe.
Making her way to the bed, she settled on the mattress. "Wonder what West does for a living?" Right. None of her business.
But he seemed familiar somehow. Eh… probably her imagination. Her curiosity always got her creative juices flowing.
Reaching for the blanket, she chuckled. "It figures. Meet a hot guy at two AM but end up in bed alone." Her eyes drifted shut but her mind whirled, focusing on the man somewhere down the hall. Tall but not towering, he had a long stride that made his ass flex under the jeans he wore. His T-shirt hugged his torso and stretched over broad shoulders. Whatever he did, he stayed fit. And, man, his face… Square jawline and high cheekbones her fingers itched to trace over—even with the day or two's worth of stubble.
She'd love to paint West. Preferably nude. After some really hot sex.
She growled. "Gah! Go to sleep, Nona."

There's something about inclement weather that makes a fun scenario for a setting. I love the little jolts Nona and West are feeling in this story.

That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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