Sunday, March 8, 2020

Sunday Snippet: All Bets Off

What a weird weather week. Of course, it's March in Ohio so not exactly uncommon. We had beautiful spring-like temperatures at the beginning of the week and by Thursday it got chilly again. A little bit of snowy flakes and brrr! degrees outside.

Finished up a big project and another one on the smaller side and also started a new one. Needless to say, I didn't get a lot of television in this week.

I watched the last Midsomer Murders that's currently available. I rather hope they do another season. I love this show.

I also caught another series one episode of Peak Practice. I'm enjoying this series quite a lot.

I started the eleventh series of Classic Who and loved the introduction of Sarah Jane. I'm so sad Elisabeth isn't with us anymore. She made Sarah Jane such a great character.

I've watched about eight more episodes of Danger Man. John Drake is definitely a pre-Bond character study. The first season is a lot of fun so far.

Caught two more episodes of Gargoyles. The second season is quite a mish-mash. Not to say it's not good but a lot is going on.

Started the second episode of Strike Back's final season. This show. I'm going to miss it when it's gone.

Hmm. Maybe I watched more television than I thought. But that's it for this week. Tonight's post is from All Bets Off, a sexy short that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Kellen Bairds and Pierce Abbotson make friendly wagers on a regular basis until Kellen won't admit Pierce won their latest round. When he calls her on the lie, she gets angry because no amount of money on earth will make her reveal how kinky her dreams are. Or her feelings for him.

And a snippety peek…

Kellen shook her head after closing and locking the door. "And then there were four." Mark called it a day because he needed to get at least a little sleep before coming in for a delivery around eleven a.m.
Roma tilted her head to one side. "Why is there a delivery on a Monday?" She snagged some pretzels from the dish.
Pierce waved a hand. "Couldn't be helped. The regular route driver is off for family leave and the company is sharing his deliveries with the other employees." He poured the next round. "And I took the only slot he had available."
Kinley shuddered. "Glad Mark's got the task. I never met a Monday morning I wanted to be friends with."
Kellen sat back down and gave a nod. "Same. Then again, I'm not friendly with any morning as a rule." She propped her feet on the chair across from her … the one next to Pierce.
She'd almost dropped down beside him, but bowed out at the last moment. She liked being able to see his face when he answered questions. Hell, she liked seeing his face period.
Roma tapped the table. "Okay, we're done with first times, right? I wanna switch things up a little." Her smirk indicated she also wanted to raunch the place up a little too.
Kellen shot Pierce a glance unsure how down and dirty he wanted things to get.
He lifted a shoulder. "What's revealed at the table stays at the table."
Okay, then.
Roma clapped her hands. "Sweet. Let's talk secret desires." She pinned everyone with her gaze. "I'll even go first."
Kellen laughed. "This'll be good." She asked the question. "Roma, what's your secret desire?"
Roma batted her eyelashes. "Thought you'd never ask." She sat up straight. "My secret desire is…" Waiting for a dramatic pause, she spewed out the rest in rapid fire words. "To own and operate a paint-and-pour studio." Her eyes went wide and a big, cheesy grin spread across her face.
 Kinley blinked. "That so didn't go where I thought it would." She smiled. "But I love the idea." She lifted her glass. "And I'll drink a toast to that … because I don't think you're lying at all."
Neither did Kellen. "That's actually a terrific idea. I wouldn't have the patience for it, but you'd be a great ringleader."
Pierce narrowed his eyes. "Let's maybe talk about a trial run right here. We've got that alcove in the basement to the left of the coolers."
Kellen shot Roma a quick sideways glance. Her mouth dropped open and then closed. Clearly, Pierce's offer hadn't been expected.
Roma tipped her chin upward. "Thanks, boss. I'll hit you up next week with a proposal." She downed her shot in celebration.
Kinley took over. "Okay, my turn. I gotta go next or I won't go at all." She waited for Pierce to refill the glasses, took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. "My secret desire is to sleep with, no, check that. I want to have sex with a woman."
Kellen barely kept her jaw from dropping but only because she hadn't suspected Kinley's interest. "That's not a bad thing … right?" None of her business, really, but Kinley had brought the subject up.
 Pierce joined in. "No way is it a bad thing. Exploring all sides of yourself is good. Healthy even." He downed his shot … without giving a reason why.
Roma held out a hand. "Well, damn, babe. I can make that happen. Let's go." She got up and jerked her head toward the door.
Kinley gaped. "Wait … are you bi?" The shock in her voice couldn't contain the underlying interest in the tone.
Roma shrugged. "Why stick a label on it? I'm whatever happens to strike my fancy." She grasped Kinley's palm. "And right now, the thought of being with you makes me hot." Her brows rose in question. "But only if you're into it."
Kinley rose, her gaze full of purpose. "I said it. I'm into it." She tugged Roma forward and put an arm around her waist.
The two women didn't look back when they headed toward the door.
Kellen picked up her glass. "Really didn't see that one coming." She downed the tequila then laughed.
Pierce followed behind the girls and locked up again. When he turned back around, Kellen couldn't quite read his demeanor. But she had a solid idea what a bug under a microscope felt like.
This after-hours event had taken a wild turn.

I'm having fun with this one. Kellen and Pierce are testing the waters and I enjoy writing that vibe between characters.

That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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