Sunday, May 3, 2020

Sunday Snippet: The Cabin

Well, May is starting out fairly chilly and gloomy in my part of the country. It's been quite a while since we've had true spring weather and we're definitely getting it so far. I'm hoping it doesn't rain on the weekend my youngest gets to have her drive-up graduation. We're still not risking anyone's health by having a full-blown commencement ceremony.

Slower than usual week in television. I finally got to finish Picard and Strike Back; also got Strike Back Declassified in. I love those behind the scenes moments and interviews.

Finished up a four-part arc on Gargoyles, watching the last two episodes this week. It's weird how the voice actors are enemies on this show and their characters are allies on Star Trek TNG.

Watched another episode of The Witcher. This show has me very intrigued. Definitely glad there will be another season. At least I think there will be.

Caught several episodes of Danger Man, most being ones I didn't remember. I might have to rewatch The Prisoner when I'm done with this series.

Watched the first episode of Crisis on Infinite Earths with the Supergirl episode. I'll do more this week but I needed a moment to wrap my head around this one. I loved the cameo appearances and look forward to more of those but I'm already crushed by the events in this opening episode. Good stuff. That's all I'm saying.

That's pretty much it for television this week. Tonight's post is from The Cabin, a novella with family dynamics, one of my favorite tropes to dive into.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Whip meets the woman of his dreams when he tries to convince Kari to give his brother another shot at her art class. But when she can't accommodate the request, Whip still wants to pursue a relationship … until his brother tries to get in the way and Kari decides she won't come between them.

And a snippety peek…

Kari glanced up when a knock sounded on her office door. "It's open." She checked her calendar … none of her students had an appointment scheduled.
The door opened to admit a certified prime specimen of the male species. Dark hair, green eyes, a nicely put together package of angular planes and muscular bulges. Her fingers itched to break out the clay and start sculpting.
She rose from her chair. "Is there something I can help you with?" A little older to be a student, but too young to be a parent, her curiosity kicked up a notch.
He flashed a grin and walked to her desk then stretched out his palm. "I hope so. Name's Whip Harrington. I'm Warner's brother."
Oh. Okay. This could get interesting.
Giving him a tentative smile, she clasped his hand. "Kari Kells. You're here to pick up your brother's portfolio?" Reaching down, she opened her drawer and retrieved the folder.
Whip gave a nod. "I'm also hoping you'll maybe reconsider and think about letting him take your class." He wore a hopeful expression.
Kari sighed. "You didn't see what he turned in for the evaluation, did you?" She unzipped the file and spread it out on her desk. "I only have room for twenty students and, as this is deemed an easy credit class, I have about a hundred vying for the slots." She moved the pages into a neat line across the surface.
His gaze snapped to hers when she mentioned the easy credit.
Her lips curved. "I'm not pretentious, Mr. Harrington. My art introduction class is designed to be a filler course but it doesn't mean the applicants shouldn't at least try to do their best work." Her hand swept over the projects Warner turned in. "Would you consider this acceptable?" She raised her gaze to gauge his reaction.
Whip's lips thinned to a slash. "Jesus. He didn't even try."
And, in the space of a heartbeat, Kari decided she liked this Whip Harrington.

I'm such a fan of family conflict and resolving it in fun ways. Whip and Kari will have some interesting issues to deal with.

That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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