Sunday, May 31, 2020

Sunday Snippet: Curiosity Kills It

I'm a little surprised May is at an end and I shouldn't be. Then again, I spent the entire week getting days mixed up so there's that.

Pretty decent week of television viewing. I started out by finishing the Roswell, New Mexico episode and, frankly, loved it. I like that Maria didn't let Liz off the hook. I'm so glad she knows what's going on now. I also hope she gets over the betrayal and becomes an ally for the alien side. I'm very cautious about Cameron's appearance. Something tells me she's going to be doing a lot of backstabbing but for a good reason. I don't for a moment believe Jesse is as bad off as he makes out to be and we'll be seeing his evil ways rear their ugly heads again. And, finally, Isabel. What a terrific episode for her. I enjoyed the way her connection to Max was explored and explained. I'll look forward to more of this type of storyline for her.

On a fun note, I got to watch my daughter's graduation via YouTube. I can honestly say it was rather nice to sit in a cool house to see her get her diploma rather than sitting in a hot stadium. The circumstances might not have been ideal, but the school put a ton of effort into making the graduation special and I appreciate their work.

I started an episode of The Heart Guy and, well, didn't finish it. The show isn't grabbing me the way I'd hoped. I'll probably come back to it later.

Also caught another episode of Peak Practice and enjoyed it. For a show that's well over twenty years old, some of the storylines are very relevant to today's circumstances.

Caught the beginning arc of the fourth doctor on Classic Who. Four has a long, long run for the show and I'm excited to get started on his tenure.

Watched one episode of Gargoyles and it's another one I didn't remember from my initial viewing. Pretty decent episode with some cat and mouse maneuvers.

Was able to get in another episode of Strike Back and quite enjoyed it. The team now knows what's going on with the blood vendetta and I'm excited for the final three episodes. Can't wait to see how the series ends. The declassified behind the scenes also ended up being really enjoyable.

Caught another episode of The Witcher and I'm getting sucked deeper into the mythology of the show. I thoroughly enjoyed all three storylines, two of which converged together in this episode. I'm interested to see what happens next.

And that's pretty much it for television this week. I'll be starting a new Passionflix movie sometime later tonight and look forward to seeing the first part of Gabriel's Inferno.

Tonight's post is from Curiosity Kills It, a novella that is coming along nicely now that the characters have figured out what they want.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Pagan and Chuck push each other's buttons … and not in a good way. But Pagan has a moment of clarity when she spies Chuck in the shower—they argue so much because they fight a powerful attraction. Hooking up may not be the answer, especially since they work together, but Pagan's curiosity gets the better of her and she has to find out.

And a snippety peek…

Chuck heaved a sigh of relief when he exited the station after a call-free night. "Could've sworn Pagan would be up my ass about the protocol thing." Yet she'd never mentioned the argument.

She'd steered clear of him, taking her dinner out onto the patio even though the wind gusts had picked up. And she'd gone to the sleeping quarters early instead of watching the latest super hero flick with the rest of the crew. But … she didn't cop an attitude or anything, just quietly went about her business, tucking a book under her arm before calling good night.

After sliding into his vehicle, he paused, watching her stroll to her car. "She seems distracted." Odd, because she usually tried to talk at least one of their coworkers into stopping at the diner around the corner for a huge breakfast.

Shaking his head, he started his truck and headed for home. "Don't beg trouble, dumbass. Who cares why Pagan didn't get in your face?" He definitely counted it as a bonus that she didn't jump his shit.

Cutting through some heavy traffic on the freeway, he focused on driving. Once he cleared the glut of cars, his mind wandered again. Back to Pagan and why she always seemed to give him nothing but headaches.

Not like he didn't get her frustration. She wanted to be able to put the medic back in service if they didn't transport anyone from a scene. Currently, they weren't able to do so, especially if supplies were used on location.

Pulling into his drive, he cut the engine. "Completely get her point of view, but she has to stick to the policy, dammit." At least until the SOP got changed.

Exiting the truck, he waved to his neighbor. Like clockwork, Marcie watered her plants before she left for work in the morning. Chuck went past his house to the storage shed in the backyard. He might as well get the grass mowed; they were due for rain the next day.

Doing the mundane chore should give his mind time to settle and, hopefully, find a new topic to think about.

Pulling the mower out, he yanked on the cord. "I so don't need Pagan taking up space in my head for the next two days."

I'm excited to work on this one again. Pagan and Chuck needed some time to get their heads on straight.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!



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