Sunday, May 10, 2020

Sunday Snippet: Call of the Ripper

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. I'm having a low-key day, which is kind of nice. The past week has been crazy with weird weather—we had snow yesterday … in May—and a lot of uncertainty about how safe it is to start getting back out there and mixing with people.

Had a semi-decent week of television viewing. I'm finally caught up on the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover and, yeah, I'll save my thoughts on it for last.

Otherwise, I caught a few more episodes of Danger Man. Again, these were two I don't remember in my first run through of the episodes. I really love this classic.

Speaking of classics. I finished up the third doctor's run in Classic Who. I thoroughly enjoyed Jon Pertwee's portrayal. Up next, is the fourth doctor and I'm ready to dive in.

Caught another episode of The Heart Guy and liked it. I have to say it's kind of odd how much I like Hugh because he really is a bit of a dick. But there's a good heart, pardon the pun, under his arrogance and immaturity. I actually had a moment of intense dislike for his boss when she spent the money he cajoled out of Nathan for an MRI on regular supplies. The jury is still out on that situation. I think it was a major smack and her level of smugness irritates me on the regular. Then again, she's dealing Hugh so there's that. My last thought on the show for this week is really hoping the sister-in-law doesn't do anything stupid like hook up with Hugh again. I don't hold out much hope because that's a hard trope to ignore and the messy fallout is hard to resist.

Also caught the opener of season two Peak Practice. I kind of like where Will is right now. I'm a little weirded out by the whole trying to pray a daughter's asthma away plot line but overall a good episode.

I got to watch another Cirque du Soliel performance with Zed. This one ended up being the whole show from start to finish and, wow, what a show. I'm going to try to catch it again later this week. There's always so much going on I miss stuff.

Started episode three of Picard but CBS All Access is crap for streaming at my house. I have no idea why, but I literally struggle to get episodes watched. Very frustrating.

Last but not least … Crises on Infinite Earths. I give the whole thing a ten out of ten. Backtracking a little, losing Oliver in the opening episode? Bold choice. I can honestly say, I loved everything about the Supergirl portion of the crossover even if it broke my brain.

Following up with Batwoman, what a kick-ass episode. I loved the additional cameos and throwbacks and mash-ups. Having Kevin Conroy as a live-action Batman, albeit a broken one, rocked. Anyone who's a huge fan (um … definitely me) of Batman the Animated Series should have enjoyed the voice actor in this role. I liked the bonding Kate and Kara did too.

Moving on to The Flash, again, thoroughly enjoyed the episode even if, by this point, I decided to have a full box of tissues next to me. I think because I knew what to expect everything hit harder emotionally. I loved the way they brought the Black Lightning 'verse into the fold; a solid choice with Barry and Jefferson bonding over shared circumstances.

The Arrow episode almost did me in. I won't lie. I spent most of it in tears. And they were actually good tears even if I ended up ugly crying for a lot of it. Part of the reason is because Arrow is the first, the show that launched it all and the one I've followed from the very beginning to the very end. I've caught the others, watched a good bit of The Flash and Legends, a little of Supergirl and a smattering of Batwoman, but Arrow is my Arrowverse show. I'm truly, completely in awe of Stephen's performance not only in the crossover but also over the eighth season so far. There's a lot of nuance to his acting and I'm impressed.

The falling action in Legends of Tomorrow didn't stop the flow of tears but the much needed lightness interspersed with the final battle ended up being a good mix. By the time they held the memorial I was literally laughing while sobbing. Not a good look for me but for the crossover an excellent ending. Seeds have been planted and it'll be fun to see how everything shakes out. I'm actually excited by the Earth Prime concept and I loved the voiceover from Oliver kind of laying the groundwork. By the time Barry unveiled the table and with it the hint of a Justice League story I was raring and ready for another crossover. Even if it'll be super weird without Oliver.

So … those are my random thoughts on what ended up being an emotional week of television viewing.

Tonight's post is from Call of the Ripper, a novella that spins some intrigue into the romance of the characters.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Two 'Ripperologists' take a working vacation to experience the essence of Jack's madness. But when a modern day stalker takes an interest in their excursion, the call of the ripper hits a little too close for comfort.

And a snippety peek…

Sean shoved the loose-fitting pajama bottoms past his butt then used his feet to kick them off. Faith laughed before settling back atop his thighs and the sound soothed his worried heart. He hated how often she got trapped in a nightmare world.
Sliding his hands along her thighs, he shifted his position, freeing his trapped erection. "Better?" His leaned up, flicking his tongue over a pebbled nipple before sucking it between his lips.
Faith gasped and her head fell back. "Mmm. Definitely better." One hand fisted his length, her fingers curling around to squeeze and stroke from base to tip.
The only check in the plus column when Faith had her recurring dream would be this. An intimate check-in, reminding her she didn't face anything alone. And since she had the dream at least once or twice a week, they had this kind of sex a lot.
Not that he cared.
His mouth moved upward, ghosting over her skin. He always let Faith set the pace after a particularly nasty bout with her sleep demons. If she wanted slow and steady or hard and fast, he'd accommodate her.
She gave him a wicked grin and scooted down to rest her ass on his shins. Lowering down, she engulfed his dick between her lips and bobbed her head. Faith approached blowjobs the same way she pursued their topics for production—with relentless enthusiasm. And he loved every moment.
His fingers threaded through her hair. "Feels great, Faith." His hips rocked forward and she took him deeper into her mouth.
She used her tongue, swirling it around his shaft then the head of his cock. Hollowing her cheeks, she enveloped his dick with just the right amount of pressure. If she kept going he'd blow way before he wanted to.
Then again, probably wouldn't take much to get him raring to go again.
But Faith had other plans. She eased away, first licking his cockhead then laving a long trail up along his torso. Her lips met his at the same moment her hot core made contact with his erection. Wet and ready, she didn't break the lip-lock when she lifted her pelvis and slowly slid over his length.
He moaned against her mouth and his hands cupped her ass, urging her to ride him. She complied, rolling her hips and grinding over his groin. Raising her head, she thrust her boobs forward and Sean took advantage, trading back and forth between the two, alternating from licking to sucking the taut peaks. Faith shuddered and picked up her pace. Tight and slick, her pussy gripped his dick with increasing friction. A sure sign she wouldn't last much longer.
Fine by him … he'd slide right over the edge behind her.
She panted in short, rapid bursts. "Getting close … just need a little bit more…" She changed the speed, rotating her ass in a circular motion.
Sean licked his fingers and slid them over her clit back and forth, back and forth until she tightened around his cock with an orgasm. She gasped then hummed with pleasure. Sean bucked upward, thrusting inside her then came hard, his fingers digging into her thigh.
Faith collapsed on his chest, her breath fanning across his shoulder. "Best dream chaser ever." Her lips brushed his collarbone.
Sean wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. She'd sleep soon and he'd keep vigil until certain she wouldn't wake again. If he thought she'd listen, he'd suggest they take a break from the Ripper series, but he'd promised to dive into research mode and he'd keep his word.
Even if it meant she'd have many more nightmare nights.

I love where this story is going. For the longest time, I didn't have a solid plan about the conflict but the sages came through and gave me a terrific idea. Looking forward to getting this one completed.

That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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