Sunday, July 5, 2020

Sunday Snippet: Drowning Pull

Well, July is off to a roaring start. Daughter's graduation party is scheduled for today and I'm hoping we have a good turnout but also spaced out over the three hours of the party. I'm filling out my blog post early and getting it ready to post beforehand.

Had a semi-busy week between work and the party prep, but I did get some solid television watched. I started out with Ms. Fisher's Modern Murder Mysteries. This is a rewatch for me but I love the show.

Also caught another arc of Classic Who. The four-part Ark in Space episodes. Not a bad group.

Watched another episode of The Witcher and, ouch, kind of a heartbreaker episode. I did totally love the dragons though. Looking forward to the next episode.

Caught two more season three episodes of Danger Man. I don't remember either of them so I enjoyed watching.

And that's it for this week. I should have more time next week to dive into some of the shows I'm behind on. And I have to watch the finale of Arrow. I'll have at least two boxes of tissues on hand. Just saying.

Tonight's post is from Drowning Pull, a novella that is coming along nicely. The twists and turns are set and progress is happening.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Lane Addison drowns his grief over losing his brother in alcohol, until a blonde distraction sits down beside him. Injured and off the circuit, Weslee decides to have a pity party for one until she sees someone deeper in the well than she is. A hot hookup later, Lane thinks he's found the perfect woman in Weslee, until she mentions her fiancé.

And a snippety peek…

Weslee Thorn caught major air on her last run. Snowboarding competitions gave her nothing but joy. She did her final spin, going one hundred eighty degrees and glimpsed Brad Young, her fiancé, standing next to Barbie Quantro. Too close. Weslee's number one rival getting all cozy with her hockey-playing man? Not remotely cool.
Weslee lost focus and tilted, just a little, enough to throw off her finish. She landed off-kilter, twisted hard to the side, but couldn't recover. She went down, landing on her knee, wrenching it sideways. The pain tore through her and she gasped, unable to move, too scared to shift position. One wrong maneuver could end her career.
An event worker dashed to her side. "Weslee? Josh Trombo. You okay?" He crouched down, assessing her position.
Weslee jerked her head back and forth, her teeth chattering. Josh signaled for the medics and tried to support her awkward position.
He leaned in close so the onlookers wouldn't overhear. "I'm not gonna try to move you or remove your board. Can you hang in there?" He held her gaze, his filled with sympathy.
Weslee nodded, still unable to speak. Tears streamed down her face, warming her cold cheeks. Josh kept talking, using soothing tones and kept an eye out for the medical team.
The medics arrived and carefully splinted her leg before removing her board. They got her onto a stretcher and lifted her, ready to carry her to an ambulance.
Weslee found her voice, squeezing Josh's hand. "Thank you." She gave him a wobbly smile.
He managed a quick nod. The medics carried her forward through the crowd of spectators. While they gave her a round of applause, Weslee looked for Brad. Her gaze scanned the passing faces. She spotted Barbie, standing by the scoreboard and then Brad's face came into view.
He put a hand against her cheek. "Hey, sweetness, I'm here." He reached down and clasped her palm.
Weslee had a twinge of relief and kind of hated herself for it. Brad would be there for her. Of course. Not his fault women flocked to him in droves. She had her fair share of men trying to get close to her too.
Loaded in the back of the ambulance, she heaved a frustrated sigh. She wouldn't place at this event or if she did, it would be on the low end. Brad climbed in, but held the door open, playing to the gathered crowd until they stopped taking pictures. Only then did he sit by her side and let the medics head out.
Weslee rolled her eyes and bit back a nasty retort. Brad never missed a chance to get his name and face in the news and on social media. She could imagine the tweets later today. Brad Young bravely leaves event with his fiancé Weslee Thorn after she wipes out on the course.
He dragged his phone out and spared her a glance. "You'll be fine, babe. No worries."
Weslee didn't argue, but the ache in her knee said otherwise. She'd be lucky if she got the all clear to compete again this season.
Didn't that suck balls?

I loved writing this scene. Weslee is fun and she'll have some interesting choices to make soon.

That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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