Sunday, July 26, 2020

Sunday Snippet: The Ex Files

I seriously can't believe I'll be moving my daughter into her dorm in three weeks. It's coming up fast! She's very excited and I think I have almost everything she needs to be prepared for the daily masking, temperature taking, and hand sanitizing she's going to have to do.

On a super-positive note, I found an app that will let me not only brainstorm but will translate the long-form handwritten brainstorming I've done into text! This is true game changer for me. I'm so, so, so excited.

Had a semi-slow week for watching shows. I made some serious progress on getting my office cleared and organized. I'm almost ready to add a bookcase or two. I've been a little light on work projects so this is a terrific time to get the tedious sort, sort, sorting accomplished.

I did get to watch another episode of Peak Practice. I'm about midway through the second season and I have a sneaking suspicion someone will be leaving at the end of this one.

Also rewatched the second episode of Ms. Fisher's Modern Murder Mysteries. I truly love this spinoff.

Caught "The Sontaren Experiment" episodes of Classic Who. It's a lot of fun to visit Sarah Jane way back when. I miss Elisabeth a lot.

Watched episode four of Picard. I'm trying to figure out what the captain's deal is. All of his holographs are versions of himself? I kind of love it but also really wonder about it.

Got a few more episodes of Danger Man in, both ones I didn't remember. I thoroughly enjoyed each.

Also watched another compilation of Cirque du Soleil shows. I honestly can't fathom how the performers do what they do. I'm always, always amazed at their ability. And the costumers and makeup artists along with the musicians pull everything together. It's mind-blowing.

That's it for television this week. Tonight's post is from The Ex Files, a novella where my main characters fall for each other while trying to help each other out with their exes.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Effie Stone helps Reed Rettos avoid an ugly scene with his ex-girlfriend and halfway falls for him over coffee. When an old flame contacts Effie, she asks Reed to return the favor. Reed hesitates, not sure he wants to get tangled up in more drama, but he's very smitten with Effie and agrees to make it clear she's got a new man in her life … even if only for a night.

And a snippety peek…

Reed quirked an eyebrow. "Not a morning person?" He pushed his to-go cup to the side of the table.
Effie shrugged. "Depends on my schedule." She nodded toward his cup. "If I'm keeping you, please let me know."
Reed smiled. "I've got time. Just finished my shift at station house seventeen." Talking to Effie kept his tired mind off the craziness of the previous day and night.
She tilted her head. "Firefighter?" Her gaze assessed him.
Reed bobbed his head. "Yeah, paramedic, too. We had nonstop calls yesterday and all night last night." He yawned and took a sip from his mug.
Effie winced. "Ugh. Sorry. And here I am keeping you from maybe getting some sleep." She put her hand on his. "No wonder you looked ready to drop when your ex showed up."
Reed rolled his eyes. "Eh, I'm catching my second wind right now. And Gianne's a nice girl but high maintenance and drama is her go-to mode." She also hated his twenty-four on, forty-eight off shifts.
Effie's lips quirked. "I know the type. I teach art at the local college. I can't tell you how many students, male and female, think they have to be almost manic in their approach to their assignments." She shook her head. "Art doesn't require anything more than a love for creating, but they all seem to think they have to infuse drama into my life to get passing grades." She made a strangled sound of disgust.
Reed wanted to know more. "How many classes do you teach?" He'd never met an artist but he enjoyed strolling through galleries.
Effie brightened. "Currently, only one." She picked up her mug and took a sip. "I've got a private commission I'm working on for the planetary society so I cut back my coursework." Her smile had a hint of pride.
Reed's eyes widened. "Wow. I'm impressed." And definitely interested, which he shouldn't be.
Not after a pretty crappy breakup.
But Reed couldn’t resist learning a little more about Effie Stone. And he spent the following hour comparing notes about their different fields of work. By the time they ran out of things to say, the pre-lunch crowd started filling the booths and tables around them.
Effie checked her phone. "Argh. I really need to get going. I'm working with the director of the society today; making sure his vision matches mine." She gathered her coat and satchel.
Reed stuck his hand out to halt her progress. "Seriously, I'm in your debt. Thanks again." He wouldn't mind another opportunity to see her again.
Effie settled back down, tilting her head to one side. "If you're serious about maybe paying me back, I might have a way." Her lips quirked. "You're not the only one with a persistent ex who can't accept the reality of a breakup." She met his gaze. "Mine likes to stop by on Saturday mornings, really early, and tries to get me to let him in." A small shudder went through her. "He's harmless but a major pain in the ass when my neighbors are trying to sleep in."
That would make Reed crazy. "What can I do to help?"
She gave him a sheepish look. "It's a lot to ask, but would you be willing to maybe open the door this Saturday?"

Reed blinked. Not at all what he expected. Nervous tension filled the space between them.
He gave an honest answer. "I'd be willing, but it might be a hard sell." Or not … because, yeah, he had an active imagination.
Effie laughed. "Oh, I don't think so. He's been gone for over a week on a road trip with his hockey team. More than enough time for me to have met someone." She paused a moment. "I find you extremely attractive and, unless I miss my guess, you find me the same, right?"
Oh, hell, yes. "Definitely." Still … he hesitated.
Effie reached into a pouch on the side of her bag. "Look, here's my number. Call me if you think you'd be up for returning the favor." She waggled her eyebrows. "Fake lip-lock or not."
Reed took the card and returned the gesture. "Here's mine. Give me a day or two to make sure my schedule is clear and we'll see what we can do."
She flashed a bright smile. "Can't ask for more than that. Take care." With a waggle-fingered wave, she made her way to the entrance and exited the diner.
Reed studied her business card for a moment, tucked it into his pocket, then left the diner with a quick nod to the waitress.

I kind of love this meet-up. Reed and Effie will have some tension-filled fun on their next meeting.

That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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