Sunday, July 19, 2020

Sunday Snippet: Enforced Confinement

Wow, half of July is gone and I'm trying to get my office organized and figure out how we're going to get my daughter moved into her dorm. If she can even move into the place. The clear out and organization is going better than expected. I ordered several types of smaller bookcases and some drawers to help corral all the crap I've had surrounding me for close to a decade. It's way past time.

I didn't get a ton of television watched this week but I do have a few updates. First, I'm still having feels about Arrow's final episode. There might be more coming about the series as a whole at some point.

Caught Roswell, New Mexico and honestly truly enjoyed the episode, "I'll Stand by You." The entire cast got some solid screen time and that makes me very happy. Special kudos for Michael and Isabel's arc and I loved Kyle telling Liz she's family because he gets what she means now. I'm starting to truly appreciate the complexities of the characters' interactions. So good.

Watched the penultimate episode of Strike Back and, damn, the cast brought their A games. Seriously, every single moment had me on the edge of my seat. The crazy fight between Coltrane and Wyatt topped the list because the size difference is almost comical but the entire point wasn't lost on me. The trio needed to clear the air and that was the best way to do it. And I'll freely admit I absolutely loved Chetri's journey. I love that she pretty gave a giant middle finger to her captors and that her end didn't happen before the team arrived. Another huge eff you to the antagonists. Excellent viewing. Seriously.

Started another new episode of Blue Heelers and this one is off the charts crazy. Different from the usual and I like that.

Began a rewatch of Hollywood Dirt, a Passionflix original. I love the chemistry between the actors and I also appreciate the fact that the casting department will go back to actors who are terrific.

Caught several episodes of Danger Man and both were ones I don't remember watching. Each ended up being terrific.

That's pretty much my week in a nutshell. Tonight's post is from Enforced Confinement, a novella that puts the main characters together to figure out their drama.

Here's the mini-blurb:

After a breakup, Baylee and Noah get trapped in a confined space and neither is happy about the situation. But the enforced intimacy gives them a chance to meet their issues head on in a place they can't take each other for granted.

And a snippety peek…

Noah didn't stop pacing when the door opened. He had a good head of anger roiling and ready to spill over. A quick glance showed Baylee with her clothes rumpled and damp, no doubt from making a mad dash in the blowing rain.
It also showed her holding her keys and phone.
He rolled his eyes. "Now you've got your phone." Taking a deep, calming breath, he spun to face her. "I'll assume you didn't have it earlier when I called and texted from Ben's party?" A splash of red stained her cheeks.
She set the items on the table by his door. "I left it on my desk." She didn't have to add the again.
Noah snorted. "Ben's cake looked incredible, by the way. You'll be sorry you missed it." The thin wire holding all the hurt and disappointment back stretched taut.
Bailey's shoulders slumped. "I already am. It's been a day." She started toward the living room but paused when Noah didn't budge from his spot.
He gave a slow nod. "Yeah, it has. Did you get a load of that storm? I mean we had plans, right?" He planted his hands on his hips. "So of course I'm concerned when you don't show up. Then I can't get a hold of you either on your cell or at the office … because why?" He dug his phone out of his pocket. "Oh, that's right, because you got an emergency call and forgot your phone and you're headed home soon." He shoved the phone toward her. "Don't get me wrong. It's great you finally decided to let me know you weren't dead on the freeway, but check out the time there … almost two hours after Ben's party." Looking at the time on the screen, he shook his head. "And it's almost forty-five minutes since I got your message." Which, okay, made sense, but his rational brain ceased functioning when he left Ben's party.
Baylee stepped back, her jaw clenching. "You remember the storm, right? Meaning it took me for fucking ever to get here. And before you get started, let me rephrase my earlier statement. It's been a bitch of a day and I'm not here for a fight." She closed her eyes and sighed. "I really want to get out of these wet clothes and go to bed." She met his gaze. "I'm sorry about tonight. What more do you want from me?"
Noah wanted to be understanding, but they'd been down this road so often the ruts had ruts on them. "Maybe a little consideration? Honestly, Bay, if common courtesy is too much effort, why do you even stick around?" He immediately regretted the question but couldn't snatch it back.
And maybe he didn't want to … because not knowing where they stood wrecked him.

I have to say I really like writing this one. I had an idea to take a couple through a breakup then eventually get them back together but didn't know if I could keep the flow going. So far, so good.

That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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