Sunday, August 23, 2020

Sunday Snippet: Fits and Starts

We're almost to the end of August and it's been a month. I'm glad we're closing in on the last quarter of the year. 2020 definitely provided a roller coaster ride. And we're not quite through yet.

Had a solid week of work and reorganizing. Made some terrific progress on the office clean out. Got two of my six bookcases put together and shredded a bunch of old stuff I don't need to keep anymore. I still have a buttload of shredding to do but progress is progress.

Got a little bit of viewing done this week, mostly Danger Man episodes. I wanted to finish season three then realized there are only two episodes of season four. I'm disappointed.

I also did a couple of marathon viewings on Ovation. The morning mysteries are a lot of fun and the Monday block of A Place to Call Home is pretty good also. I also caught Partners in Crime, which ended up being better than I thought.

That's pretty much it for television. Tonight's post is from Fits and Starts, a novella that puts my heroine through the wringer.

Here's the mini-blurb:

After escaping from a madman's clutches, Pru Stark can't quite find her footing again. She pushes her man, Dane Callaway, away and refuses to see the little girl she saved. Dane can give her space, but he won't stay on the sidelines, not when Pru needs him the most, even if she can't quite admit it.

And a snippety peek…

Pru welcomed the prick of the needle in her arm. The headache went away within seconds and a hazy bliss enveloped her. The technician loosened the tourniquet and put her supplies away.
Pru glanced toward the door. "Minnie'll be here soon." She wanted to be ready to greet her little girl.
The tech, Marva, smiled. "She's a handful, isn't she?" Grabbing her case, she reminded Pru she'd return in two days for her next treatment.
Pru nodded. "I'll see you then." Her mind moved on to a more pleasant topic.
Cookies. She and Minnie planned to bake their favorite as soon as she got home. Chocolate chip. Or is it peanut butter? No, definitely chocolate chip.
Pru frowned. "Didn't we bake some yesterday?" The fuzzy tug at the memory of pulling peanut butter cookies out of the oven grabbed hold for a second before easing away on a cloud of doubt.
No, probably not. Minnie loved chocolate chip.
The door knob rattled and Minnie burst through, tossing her backpack on the floor. "I got the most spelled words correct on our test today." She danced around, flinging her arms wide.
Pru reached out and hauled her close. "You're really loving your new classes, aren't you?" The gifted program is exactly what you needed."
Minnie tilted her head back. "I love the new school, Mommy. I don't think you'll need to become an avenging angel anytime soon." She wriggled away, heading for the kitchen.
Pru followed and got the ingredients out to make their cookies. "You're right and I'm so proud of you, my girl, for making friends and wowing everyone in your new program." She'd been worried Minnie would struggle, hence the avenging angel deal.
No one would mess with Pru's kid.
The niggle of concern that something didn't seem right only lasted for a brief second before the medication kicked in again and Pru focused on helping Minnie mix the dry ingredients for their sweet treat.

This story is a challenge that I'm enjoying. Pru is going to be broken down but she'll come back a little stronger than before.

That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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