Sunday, August 30, 2020

Sunday Snippet: Five Minutes

Final Sunday of August. I'm kind of looking forward to the fall season even if it's going to very different. With a global pandemic and an election coming up, I don't think it'll be the lovely season I always look forward to. That said, cooler temperatures will be welcome. Even though it hasn't been overly hot this summer, I really love the crisp air of fall.

Had a decent week of office reorganization and not a bad one for television viewing, considering I had no power for twenty-one hours thanks to a thunderstorm with wicked nasty lightning. A tree not far from our house got struck and it took out a couple of pole transformers. We were really lucky that we caught a break from the heat of the day before.

Not a bad week for television viewing but not great either. I caught an episode of Peak Practice and enjoyed it. I'm halfway through the second season.

Watched the third episode of Ms. Fisher's Modern Murder Mysteries and it's definitely my favorite of the four episodes. I love the sci-fi feel and the background with Bertie.

Caught the Classic Who run of Genesis of the Daleks arc. I've seen this group of episodes before and enjoyed them. It's especially fun because New Who brought in big tie-in to these episodes.

Also watched another episode of Danger Man. I'm on the last two available on Amazon, which makes me sad.

That's it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Five Minutes, a novella that works a teenage game into a point of conflict between the main characters.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Remy Deeds never welshes on a bet, until she loses to Eli Rogers, who can't understand why she backs out. But a five minute kiss, with tongue, isn't something she wants to risk, because giving up her last pack of coffee is so much easier than possibly losing her heart.

And a snippety peek…

"Remy, hold up!"
Remy paused outside the main cabin to wait on a friend.
Harry Whitmore jogged outside to catch up. "I didn't get a chance to congratulate you on the move up to team leader." His shoulder nudged hers. "Congrats, my friend."
Remy's lips curved. "Thanks. I'm excited." And nervous as hell.
Harry fell into step beside her. "You're gonna do fine. Everyone on your team knows you and they also know you're a first-time leader. They'll test your mettle but they'll also have your back." He stopped with her outside her designated team meeting place.
Remy ducked her head. "Yeah, I got a good group." She tilted her chin up. "You're playing referee. Any tips? I figure I've got the first responder stuff nailed. Not so sure about rappelling." She had at least one member with a fear of heights.
Harry rolled a shoulder. "Look, as long as you keep the mood light, your group will focus. They'll pull their weight when they need to." He stepped back when two members arrived. "See you up there." With a brief lift of his hand, he waved and walked away.
Remy appreciated the fact Harry didn't bring up Eli. Harry's inside knowledge of her past experience with Keith and her confession over beers one night about her piqued interest in Eli probably had Harry dying of curiosity. Thankfully, he'd at least wait until they were at the remote location before peppering her with questions.
Remy greeted her two teammates. "You two set?" They had the standard clothing of sturdy boots, lightweight layers, and rugged head-coverings on.
John Parsons nodded. "Yep. I'm good." He gave her a lopsided grin. "Looking forward to having you lead the team. We'll try not to let you down."
Remy smiled. "I know you guys won't. I've been blessed with the best mix of skillsets for a first-timer. We're going to have a great time." Well, she would have fun once the roller coaster settled down in her stomach.
Makenna Wilson laughed. "I'm already having fun. That briefing was crazypants. I mean Eli slid in two minutes late and his team will get docked for that." She wiggled her hips back and forth. "We're already at least two points ahead."
Remy shook her head. "Don't get cocky. Eli's a seasoned vet. He knows all the tricks and shortcuts." Her other two team members appeared, looking slightly disheveled.
Remy gave Sheila and Cody Sula a speculative once-over.
Sheila staked her claim. Good for her.
Cody tried to play things cool. "Sorry, we're late. We, uh …" His voice trailed off.
Sheila came to the rescue. "Took the scenic route. But we're good to go." She hastily tucked her shirt in and smoothed down her cargo pants.
Remy bit back a laugh. "All right, then. Let's decide which route we want to take up to the site." She laid the trail chart out and everyone bent over to get a good look.
A swell of excitement filled her. She couldn't wait to get started.

I'm enjoying this one. Remy is a quirky character that got burned and doesn't want a repeat experience, but she also has the biggest attraction for Eli and she doesn't want to blow her opportunity with the camp. She's definitely a ball of stress right now, even if she doesn't show it.

That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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