Sunday, October 11, 2020

Sunday Snippet: Going Downhill

Well, it's been a wild and bumpy week. My husband ended up with the flu in the middle of a pandemic. Not a lot of fun for him. The rest of us are trying to take any and all precautions so we don't end up with it also. Bleh.

Finished up a work project and had a little downtime before my next one begins. I'm actually kind of thrilled to have a bit of a break. I normally work every day of the week and having a couple of days off is lovely.

A so-so week of television. I finished up season four of Silent Witness and started on season five.

I also caught another arc of Classic Who. I'm on the second season of Four's tenure. Finishing out the "Terror of the Zygons."

Other than that, I mainly caught some Mystery Alley marathons on Ovation. I needed some background noise while I did a ton of shredding.

Other than that, I'm hoping to finish up Picard this week and maybe get back to Riverdale and Roswell, New Mexico.

That's pretty much it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Going Downhill, a novella that features characters making their way back to each other after a breakup.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Zetta and Mace have a messy breakup and dive into relationships with other people. Five years later they bump into each other and both are worse for being apart.

And a snippety peek…

Zetta stared at Mace's retreating back. She should've said something, but she'd been too shocked to speak. No way did she think she'd run into him moments after she'd come home. Memories washed through her mind and only the hand on her shoulder dragged her back to the present.

“Well, that just happened.” The owner, Vera, arched a brow. “Are you okay? You look a little frayed around the edges.”

Zetta blinked. “If that’s your nice way of saying I look like I just got mowed down by the awkward truck, then yeah, I’m fine.”

Vera led Zetta to the small sofa. “Do you know Mace, then?” She fussed about with the items on the coffee table.

Zetta shook her head. “But I used to. It’s been five years, so not so much anymore.” He could've been a stranger except for the gobsmacked look in his eyes.

Vera tilted her head to one side. “You didn't stay in touch?”

Zetta snorted. “No. I pretty much burned that bridge when I married someone else and hightailed it out of town.” Tears welled up and she shook her head again. “I’m sorry. I have no cause to be upset or sad." Dragging in a calming breath, she exhaled slowly. “And he had every right to run in the opposite direction.” And would probably keep running every time he saw her.

Vera patted Zetta’s hand. “Honey, I think you've got quite the story to tell. Let's get you checked in and settled, then I'll make some tea.” She got up and went over to the check-in area.

Zetta followed, amazed at the kind welcome. And tea sounded lovely, along with maybe a little bit of sympathy. Vera made the process smooth and simple and helped Zetta carry her bags up the winding staircase.

Vera paused outside a charmingly appointed room. "This is where I've got you. If you give me fifteen minutes, I'll have a pot of tea brewed and you can unload your heart, my dear." She pointed down the hallway. "The bath is straight ahead. You're welcome to grab a shower if you'd like. I'm not going anywhere."

Zetta gave Vera a smile. "Thank you. I appreciate everything you're doing." She pushed away from the wall. "I'll be right down after I take that shower you offered."

Vera waved and headed back downstairs. Zetta sighed. That little piece of kindness meant the world to her right now.

Zetta doesn't know what she's in for, but Vera will be a solid friend—one Zetta will need in her corner.

That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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