Sunday, October 18, 2020

Sunday Snippet: Going Native

October 18, 2020

Wow, how can half the month be over already? Time either seems to fly by at the rate of insanity yet it often feels like it an entire decade exists within a twenty-four hour period. It's trippy.

Had a bunch of projects land in my inbox this week so television ended up being on the short end. I finished up a Blue Heelers episode and have another one ready to go.

Also made it through two-thirds of Silent Witness's fifth season. Two interesting cases. Looking forward to finishing up the last two episodes.

I watched a lot of the morning mysteries on Ovation again. I enjoy having those shows on in the background, especially when I’m shredding a ton of old paper files.

Looking forward to hopefully finishing up Picard and catching up on Riverdale and Roswell, New Mexico. As I mentioned, this is probably my last season of Riverdale. I literally can't stomach Hiram and I’m pretty sure he won't be going anywhere when the new season premieres.

That's the short list for television this week. Tonight's post is from Going Native, a novella where the characters do some personal exploration and decide what they really want.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Workaholic Adam Beaubier is supposed to be vacationing with his girlfriend. But after a harsh breakup, he's traveling alone pondering his epic failure at relationships. When he meets Zerrin Kord, a helicopter tour pilot, he thinks going native might be just the thing he needs and Zerri will make an excellent guide.

And a snippety peek…

Adam Beaubier sat in the airport waiting on a connection before a chartered flight to Hawaii. "How did I get here?"

Right. Nasty breakup with Gina Norwich, former girlfriend. How could he forget?

"To think I planned this vacation to keep Gina happy."

A last-ditch effort to make their relationship work. She'd been on him for almost a year to take some time off—something more than a long weekend—and spend it with her. Except it wouldn't just be with Gina. It would Gina and however many social engagements she could cram into the week.

He sighed. "We were good for each other once." Before she got sucked into the social climbing, status-is-everything whirl-go-round.

Adam wanted to invest, stay closer to home, live modestly, and retire early—then enjoy the fruit on his labor. Gina wanted the newest things now, to be on the go, see and be seen by all the right people. And she spent money like it materialized at the snap of a finger. He tried to talk to her about saving and investing but she rolled her eyes and put off the conversation. She wanted this trip. Wanted him for a week with no work getting in the way of their fun.

Well, he'd booked the tickets as a surprise, but not soon enough. After a grueling month of clearing his caseload, he came home to find her in the shower with Mark Denby, a former colleague.

"How could I be so stupid?"

And what did Gina do when he made his discovery? She mocked him, saying she'd found someone who actually wanted to spend time and money, in the form of a trip to Spain, on her. They were leaving the following day.

He snorted. "So ... here I sit, ready to go on a vacation I didn't want. Alone." The announcement for his connecting flight came and he gathered up his carry-on and slipped his phone out of his pocket. The attendant scanned his device and he headed for the plane. "Next stop, west coast. Then Hawaii … here I come." 

I love how this scene came together. I've had more than a couple of openers and this one finally clicked.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!



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