Sunday, November 1, 2020

Sunday Snippet: Hang Ten

Well, November is here. Gotta say, I hope it doesn't pass as slowly as September but not as fast as October. I'll look forward to a month that actually feels like a month again. Who knows when that'll happen?

Busy week with work projects. I didn't get a lot of new television watched. I mainly caught a few of the holiday movies on Hallmark and Lifetime and watched a lot of Ovation.

I did catch an episode of Blue Heelers. Also started a new one. The new guy in season two is still kind of annoying me. Here's hoping he settles down soon.

I also watched several episodes of Silent Witness. Finished up season five and started on six.

I also got to do early voting. My daughter and I went on Thursday and, thankfully, didn't have a long wait. One of the benefits to living in a rural area. I'll be happy when the election is over. It's been an exhausting ride this year.

Tonight's post is from Hang Ten, a sexy short that has surfing and sexy times.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Farren and Penn—professional surfers—have very different styles when competing. Farren goes for broke, taking chances with moves that others won't try. Penn is all about the physics of his craft, sometimes holding back because he can't predict everything. Two different methods, opposite ends of the spectrum, but an interesting mix when they're off their boards and out of the water.

And a snippety peek…

Penn noticed when Farren finished her beer. Almost time. She got up and put her bottle in the recycling bin and started up the path to the cabins. He waited five minutes and downed the rest of his beer then got up to follow. Dropped his bottle in the recycling bin and turned, bumping into Avery.

He reached out to steady her. "Whoa. Sorry about that."

She smiled. "No problem." After glancing toward the fire, she met his gaze. "Do you have plans?"

Aw, hell. "I do, yes." He glanced toward the path.

Avery followed his gaze and clarity crossed her features.

Her face fell. "Oh, I think I just made a huge blunder."

Penn gave her a confused look.

Avery blushed. "I asked Farren if you were hooked up with anyone and she gave the impression you weren't." She sucked her lower lip between her teeth. "But you are, aren't you? With her."

Ah … he should've known.

Penn guided her to a quieter spot. "Yes, but we're not exactly going public." He leaned in a little. "We'd like to stay low-key if we can."

Avery nodded. "Why didn't she just say something?" She twisted the bottom of her T-shirt. "She probably hates me now."

Penn shook his head. "Trust me. If Farren didn't like you, she wouldn't have nudged you along. If she hated you, you would be bleeding out from a verbal lashing. The fact she didn't get bent means she trusted you'd keep our secret if you did approach me and found out about us."

Avery flashed a grin. "Okay, cool. I don't feel like a complete idiot now."

Penn chuckled. "You're not by a long shot. You've got a lot of talent and two very good new friends." He lifted his hand and hooked his thumb toward the path. "I'll tell her hello from you."

Avery gave him a wave and headed back toward the fire. Penn's lips quirked. No doubt Farren decided Avery could serve as her way of taking him down a peg or two after winning. That and a full night of hot sex.

This one hovers between being short and sweet and wanting to ramble on a little. The sages aren't quite sure where they're going yet.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!



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