Sunday, October 3, 2021

Sunday Snippet: Sparkle and Boom

Welcome, October. It's been a week with a lot of ups and downs. Work went well and I got a bunch of projects close to being finished. My middle kid needed some help navigating a challenging week of appointments and mild setbacks with health care.

Not a bad week of television either. I caught two episodes of Prime Suspect. Finished up season three and started season four. Four begins single episodes and I'm looking forward to diving in.

Watched two episodes of Peak Practice. Both were pretty interesting and I like where season five is going.

Finished up Master Class with LeVar Burton and started a new course with Brandon McMillan about training dogs.

Completed Inside the Episodes: The Witcher and I'm looking forward to season two so much right now. To tide myself over, I'm going to watch the making of the series next.

Enjoyed watching Adele: Homecoming. I loved getting some insight into how she got her start and how she creates her music.

Started watching Classic Rugrats with the first episode about Tommy's birthday. I'll look forward to getting back into this show for the sheer nostalgia.

Watched two episodes of Chicago Med. Both ended up making me emotional and all teary-eyed. I love this show!

Enjoyed another The Brokenwood Mysteries. Poor Mike being out of commission made an interesting dynamic change.

Started season thirteen of Silent Witness and vaguely remember the episode. The insurance adjuster woman is the reason. Her obnoxiousness rubbed me wrong the first time around also. I mean I literally want to slap her, she's that annoying.

Also began a new episode of Blue Heelers. This one should prove to be interesting and I have a feeling helicopter parents will be the reason.

Caught a two-part arc of Classic Who. Actually enjoyed it for the most part, even the hints about a possible return of the Master.

Watched another episode of UFO Conspiracies. This one had a focus on cold-climate sightings. A neat spin on the usual fare.

Got two more episodes of The Muppet Show in with John Denver and Crystal Gayle as the guest stars. Season four is officially underway.

Caught another episode of Star Trek: Discovery. A lot going on in this one and I liked getting some additional insight into the second in command. I don't have all the names down yet.

Enjoyed an episode of Artist to Icon. This one featured Whitney Houston and I learned a few things I didn't know about her career. I'll probably stick to musicians for this series.

Finally, I caught an episode of Midsommer Murders. Hannah Waddington guest-starred and the episode ended up being such a good one.

That's it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Sparkle and Boom, an Organic Nature short for July.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Eppie Collins and Vin Derbish head back to the city for another fireworks extravaganza. Maj comes through with comping the VIP suite again, but right before the thrilling show, the couple is interrupted by the last minute arrival of the registered occupant, much to Maj's dismay.

And a snippety peek…

Vin pulled into the parking garage and headed for the VIP section. "Uh, Ep … looks like Maj is here to greet us this time." He pulled into a slot and cut the engine.

Eppie let out a slow breath. "Maybe not a good thing. She looks upset." Popping the door, Eppie slid out and greeted her friend.

Vin followed but paused when a sleek limo glided to a stop by the elevator. A sinking realization hit and ended up confirmed when Maj pasted a smile on her face and moved to welcome the passenger. Eppie made her way to Vin's side and motioned for him to hold up.

A tall man exited the limo and smiled before taking Maj's hand. "Maj! It's wonderful to see you. Dare I hope this means you've decided to spend the holiday with me?"

Ah, he's very interested in her.

Vin pitched his voice low. "Should we leave? He's only got eyes for Maj right now."

Eppie shook her head. "Not yet. Wanna stay for moral support." She turned to face Vin. "Apparently, he called an hour ago after his flight got diverted. Kind of put Maj on the spot."

Vin nodded. "I figured something like that happened."

Maj's face reddened. "Wilkes, you know I'm working." She extracted her hand from his. "But I'm always flattered when you ask." She worried her lower lip with her teeth. "I've made a bit of a blunder and I wanted to explain in person." Glancing toward Eppie and Vin, she continued. "Prior to your call, I had your suite booked, but everything is ready for you."

Wilkes turned and acknowledged Eppie and Vin.

Maj made the introductions. "Wilkes Osbourne, this is Eppie Collins and Vin Derbish. Eppie is one of my best friends from college."

Vin shook Wilkes's outstretched palm. "Nice to meet you."

Wilkes gave a nod. "Same. And I've just ruined your holiday plans, haven't I?"

Eppie shook her head. "Not at all. We don't have anything specific in mind other than watching the fireworks show."

Wilkes slid his gaze toward Maj. "That's tonight, isn't it?" When Maj affirmed, he glanced back to Vin and Eppie. "Well, why don't you plan to stay? My suite has plenty of room." His lips quirked. "And if you're there, Maj might be willing to join us after she's finished with her shift."

Eppie hesitated. "We couldn't impose." She directed her attention to Maj. "It would be terrific to catch up though."

Vin bit back a chuckle. His supposed non-matchmaking better half couldn't quite help herself … especially when opportunity all but fell in her lap.

Maj's face lit up. "Yes, it would." She met Wilkes's gaze. "You're sure you don't mind?"

He huffed out a breath. "I'm more than sure. Especially if it means I can spend time with you." He retrieved his luggage from the driver and sent him on his way. "Shall we head up?"

Vin got their bags from the Jeep and he and Eppie followed Maj and Wilkes to the elevator. Maj and Wilkes took turns trying not to stare at each other. Eppie rocked back on her heels with a huge grin. Vin's lips curved when the lift started upward. I have a feeling sparks will be flying from more than the fireworks.

I love writing the little peeks into Eppie and Vin's life and having them back in the city is so much fun.


That's it for this week. Happy Reading!


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