Sunday, December 19, 2021

Sunday Snippet: Ugly Drunk

December is flying by. I had a busy week trying to get things organized and moved around from the new furniture saga and also dealing getting one kid off to Disney with her grandfather and trying to help another kid during a flare up of his ongoing medical issue. Also had a couple of work projects thrown in.

Slower than usual week for television. I started out by finishing up the final arc of Five on Classic Who. I'd forgotten how much of a snarky snipe Six started out as. Started the first episode of his full arc to end season twenty-one.

Caught another episode of Mysteries of Apollo. I might have inadvertently watched two episodes but I won't know for certain until this week.

Watched two episodes of The Muppet Show. Jean Pierre Rampal and Paul Simon were the guest stars.

Finished up the first season of Fantasy Island. Man, I have to give kudos. I really enjoyed this first season. I'm looking forward to the holiday special next week.

Caught another episode of Peak Practice. It was a tough one to watch and had a lot going on. Erica held her own but, man, what a wringer they put her through.

Enjoyed another MasterClass lesson with Bill Nye. This one focused on how science changes your perspective. Pretty interesting.

Totally flubbed thinking I'd be watching The Ready Room for season one of Star Trek: Discovery only to realize the behind the scenes show didn't start until season two. So … I watched the first episode of the second season. Man, I'm really loving this show. So great to have the introduction of Pike and get some insight on Spock. Really looking forward to this season.

Watched another episode of Chicago Med. Lots of stuff going on but a solid viewing experience. Feels like everyone is kind of heading for a breaking point, Robin and Sarah, especially. Nice to see April and Ethan going public.

Caught another episode of The Madame Blanc Mysteries. Whew. Plot is moving forward in a big way. I think I have two more episodes and I'm kind of wondering how the main arc is going to be resolved. I'm also hoping for another season of this show. It's a lot of fun.

Finished up the second part of Silent Witness. Harry went through a rough ride. I'm not completely certain the police detective wasn't playing both sides but I liked that.

That's pretty much it for this week's television update. I'll be starting season two of The Witcher this week, which means I'll be putting Glitch on hold until I wrap that up.

Tonight's post is from Ugly Drunk, a novella that puts my heroine in a tricky spot with the hero but she's determined to prevail.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Pippa Rice is a problem solver and when she takes a job at a local watering hole, her natural skill defuses quite a few tricky situations. Too bad she can't quite figure out how to fix her boss, Wood Finnian. The guy has more baggage than an airport, but Pippa isn't one to give up on people, ever.

And a snippety peek…

Wood Finnian made his way to the clerk of court's window. "I'm here to pay my fine." He handed his copy of the judgment entry to the deputy clerk.

She brought the case up on her computer and gave him the figure and he handed over cash in full.

She printed the receipt and handed it through the slot. "I hope we don't see you again, Mr. Finnian. Thank you."

He gave a nod and headed out through the main entrance. Jogging down the steps to the parking lot, his phone rang. He dug it out of his pocket and rolled his eyes.

He accepted the call. "Ward. What's up?" His brother could only be calling for one reason.

Ward got straight to the point. "Hey, bro. I'm sending someone in to help out."

Wood cut him off. "No, you're not. I don't need help." He'd promised the judge he'd start going to group therapy for anger management.

Ward snorted. "Yeah, you do. You've been warned you'll be in danger of losing the liquor license if you get fined again." He waited a beat. "Dad sent an email to let me know, which you should've done considering I own half the bar."

Wood walked to his truck. "Yeah, fine. I should've said something."

Ward agreed. "Damn right. And you will go to the group sessions. It's bad enough when customers get rowdy and have to be thrown out. One of the owners shouldn't be brawling with them. Have you looked at the expense report? We're spending too much on repairs and replacements."

Wood put his brother on speaker and started the engine. "Since I write the reports, it's a safe bet I've seen them. And, yeah, I'll be attending the therapy sessions. Can you get off my ass now?"

Ward sighed. "Fine. I wish I could be there to help. This deployment should be my last then I'm getting out like you did."

Wood grunted. "Probably a wise decision. Try to get out with your head on straight." Unlike me.

Ward huffed out a breath. "I'll keep it in mind." He paused. "About the help I'm sending … you can't refuse. She'll be waiting at the bar when you get back."

Wood smacked the steering wheel. "Dammit, Ward— Wait. Did you say she'll be waiting?"

Ward laughed. "I did. Pippa Rice. She's a former soldier, too, and she's got kick ass skills at keeping the peace."

Wood pulled into the parking lot at the bar and got his first glimpse of a tall, willowy woman. "Dude, she'd blow away in a windstorm. No way am I gonna rely on her to help keep the peace."

Ward's voice went terse. "Trust me. She can hold her own. And you will give this a shot. If you don't, I'll proceedings to dissolve our partnership."

Well, fuck. Wood didn't want to lose the bar or his brother. Not when Ward would be joining civilian life soon.

Wood grumbled. "Fine. I'm not thrilled about this, but I'll see what she can do."

Ward snickered. "Thought you'd be agreeable." A shuffling sound came over the line. "Shit. I gotta go. Don't be a dick when you talk to Pippa and get your ass to therapy." He signed off.

Wood pulled into his spot and got a better look at Pippa Rice. She wore jeans and a tank top coupled with battered combat boots. Her hands were in her back pockets and her face gave away nothing.

Wood cut the engine and pocketed his phone. He'd give Pippa a chance. He didn't have much of a choice because his brother insisted. Probably wouldn't be a hardship either. Pippa Rice happened to be gorgeous even if she did look like a heavy gust of wind would knock her over.

Wood might not think he's met his match, but he so totally has.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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