Sunday, January 2, 2022

Sunday Snippet: Under the Impression

Welcome 2022! Honestly, I'm hoping for great things in the next twelve months. After two years of questionable circumstances with family health issues and weird things happening, I'm kind of ready for some smoother sailing. Here's to making that happen.

Had a weirdly busy week with finalizing some work projects and clearing my desk and inbox for year-end stuff. Also had some running around that needed to get done.

Sort of a so-so week for television. I caught two episodes of Chicago Med and liked both. Sad to see Conor's life implode again and since I know what's coming for him, I'm hovering in the background wondering how bad things will get.

For a fun pick-me-up, I watched the Snoopy Presents: For Auld Lang Syne special and thoroughly enjoyed it. I might have to revisit all the Peanuts specials to keep the mood up.

Caught an episode of The Brokenwood Mysteries and, as usual, loved it. This show makes me happy. I'm always excited to see returning characters.

Enjoyed the holiday episode of Death in Paradise. Gotta say I really enjoyed it. I need to start from the very beginning and watch the whole series run to date.

Watched the first part of Silent Witness and I have a feeling it might be the last of Harry's episodes, which makes me sad but I'm also getting closer to episodes I haven't seen yet.

Caught the first episode of a Classic Who two-parter. I think this season has a couple of those.

Started a new series with The Alaska Triangle. Loved the first episode, mainly because it's like brand new information to me. There's so much stuff about the Bermuda Triangle but I haven't read or watched anything about the Alaska one.

Enjoyed two episodes of The Muppet Show. Mac Davis and Carol Burnett were the guest stars. Still hoping to get the movies watched in the near future.

Watched the first part of Fantasy Island's holiday episode and should finish up the second part this week. Really enjoyed it and I hope it goes in the direction I'm wishing for.

Caught another episode of Peak Practice. The new guy is really annoying me to no end. I'm not sure if they'll end up making him a decent guy or not, but at this point I don't actually care.

Viewed another MasterClass lesson with Bill Nye. Critical thinking and critical filtering was the topic and I loved it. Bill explains things so well.

Enjoyed the second episode of The Witcher. This season has been a bit of a roller coaster already. I feel awful for Yennifer and can't wait until she hooks up with Geralt and Ciri.

Caught an episode of Star Trek: Discovery and thoroughly enjoyed it. So far, the second season is excellent. Love Pike and Michael's interactions and I'm totally down with Tillie and Stamets having their weird issues from interactions with foreign entities.

Wow, I watched more than I thought I did. That's pretty much it for the update this week.

Tonight's post is from Under the Impression, a novella that puts the characters in a tricky spot, especially when one discovers a secret and isn't sure if they should share.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Gris Ravenswood, owner of the hot night spot, Impressions, has it bad for his lead bartender, Kari Dans, but she's in a casual relationship with a semi-pro golfer. When Kari imbibes too much at an after party and puts the moves on Gris, he thinks he's finally got a chance … until Kari receives a text and runs off to be with the guy who always leaves her behind.

And a snippety peek…

Kari sat down before she heaved. Could it be true? Which meant Gris had Bernie's number the whole time.

She exhaled on a long, slow breath. "I can't be that stupid." But, yeah, she totally could.

She never asked Bernie about the deep personal stuff. Mainly because he always said he had to focus on the now so he could play his best. Her head dropped back, hitting the wall with a soft thud.

Gris took pity on her. "Look you don't know what the facts are." He settled beside her on the bench. "He could be divorced but listed as an emergency contact." He rolled a shoulder. "My ex listed me as hers until she remarried last year."

Kari's mouth dropped open. "You had a wife?" How did she not know that?

Gris lifted his chin. "Briefly. We got married right out of high school and didn't make it five years." He paused a moment then his lips curved. "But we parted as friends and she didn't have anyone else. Made sense to have me as her contact, especially since I knew her history."

Kari needed a moment to absorb the newfound knowledge. Gris had an ex-wife he got along with and still cared for. But didn't seem jealous she'd found someone else.

Kari considered the possible reasons Bernie might have lied to her—okay, not lied exactly, but withheld information. Obviously, if he had to pay alimony or something, he might not want to pass that along to his new girlfriend. Yeah … Gris could be right, but what if…

She shook her head. "I need to know. I'm a lot of things, but other woman has never been one." Her skin crawled a little. "I'd rather not be one now. And I'd never ever want to bust up a family." Please, don't let him be married.

Gris offered more support. "Is there anything I can do?"

Hold me until I can breathe again? She didn't voice the request. I'm not worthy of his help. Especially after she basically told him to fuck off after they slept together. Nope. She had to handle this on her own.

She got up. "Look, I'm sorry. I think I need to get out of here and figure stuff out." She started for the steps. "Thank you. You didn't have to be decent and lend a shoulder." Pausing by the door, she angled her head around. "I'll be back by the time my shift starts."

Gris lifted his chin but wisely said nothing.

Especially nice he didn't say I told you so.

I love how this scene came together. Kari can be a hot mess but she's got a golden heart.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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